The death of Petri

The zeal for the king to eliminate the men waxed strong because he was furious at their words. 

No one dared rub shoulders with him and go Scott free but these two men have been airing their minds since their imprisonment. 

"I must be careful if I want to get these men killed,'' he said. 

The first time Hala was cautious of his opinion, maybe the men are special in the kingdom, but nobody knows their whereabouts. 

Taking their lives was easy for him and their cancars could not even be traced. 

I shall have them killed but I must be able to count their ribs first before giving them to the crocodiles. 

"The lion is too mighty for her cub to trampled on but she is still merciful to forgive her cub, as dangerous as the dog she never bites her puppy to the bone, they have bitten more than they can chew but temper justice with mercy your majesty", Lila pleaded with him. 

"I don't have any reason to absorb them from their iniquity, rather kill them, they toiled with me and I want them to reap what they planted". 

The king has hurriedly forgotten his wife was pregnant, he can be trapped by her, he is supposed to be wise at this Junction because his late father narrated a story of a pregnant queen to him when Hala was tender. 

Some time ago in the ancient city of Zuma, there was an archaic king embedded with power and authority, he subdued all nations around and took away from his power love and care. 

No soul dared to advise him about his opinion, the last man that welcomed courage to tell him the rate of killing was awful, he slaughtered him. 

Power was intoxicating and he had a beautiful wife, who eventually got pregnant, his people prayed fervently to deliver a male child and the almighty rapidly attended to their prayers. 

The king was killed immediately two days after the wife had been put to bed. 

Late Keith concluded his story for him like this: you may have your people for all times, lazy men take time to execute their plans, when you become the king, love and cherish them, see them as yourself. 

"If you want to achieve a good or dangerous plan, give it to lazy people to perform, they have an easy way of reaching their goals". 

He so soon excreted the great story of his father. 

He became sober for some time as usual but his mind was still hardened towards the advice of his wife. 

He came out the next day and instructed his guards to flog them very hard, the men were living dead as the king enjoyed inflicting pain on them daily. 

"It is time we tell ourselves the truth, our husbands were not babies that didn't know their route home, let him kill me if he doesn't give me,'' Petri's wife said. 

The men were speechless because the women were earnestly bitter, they wept bitterly. 

They arrived at the Palace with an echo of lamentations "we were convinced our husbands are in your custody, release them to unite with us and their children, we are suffering, we can't sleep without our husband".

He came and saw them crying, within him was glad, "this is my daily dose of joy and happiness, I am glad they were having this moment he said". 

The greatest mistake the women made was going alone, their expenditure made the queen remember her mother's words "be angry but don't let the sunset on you". 

Did you want to see your husband? "Yes we want to", please take them to see their courageous husbands he instructed the guards with a gentle tune. 

The guards took them there, "don't let them come out, let them stay and enjoy together as I pile up food for my crocodiles". The woman fainted on hearing this. 

What shall become of these people your highness Lila asked? "They shall serve as meat for crocodiles". Or did you have any suggestion of how to deal with them he asked her? "The only suggestion I have is to free them". 

"That can only happen in our next life, that is, if there is another life for us all, but I strongly believe that there is no other life here on earth so let me enjoy every opportunity of having a happy life". 

Have you forgotten I am pregnant? I know, but no evil plan against you shall succeed. 

There is no man convinced that a woman can lay his hands against you, the day they do Zomuda shall be on fire!! 

These men became very weak, all strength to speak was gone, they became lean and all their bones were very prominent to count. 

Their wives have cried in the prison yard into a river. Their heartbeat was as slow as the moving millipede. 

What shall become of us if you let our husbands die pitifully? You shall become a widow but that's if only when you both still have life. 

"I wouldn't hesitate to send you with your husbands to the land of the dead".

Since the imprisonment of the couples, the Palace worker had been so cold, it wasn't their wish to "add salt to the wound of the prisoners" but they must follow the order to keep their lives. 

He ordered his guards to bring one of the men out, the man was equivalent to a skeleton, he smiled at the sight of the man. 

When you're done with the stroke, give him to the crocodiles to break their long hunger, one of the guys was shivering on hearing this. 

"I thought the king was joking, he said within him". They brought the man to the pool of the crock, they were contemplating who to commit the act. 

They were three but one of them refused to participate, they never knew the king was watching from a distance. 

Why did you choose to stand out from your brothers, he asked? Before any explanation he ordered his fellow guards to add him to the crock meal. 

The rest guards obeyed the king's order with tears rolling down their cheeks. 

"I am the thunder that strikes anyone that dares me, I don't care about what people say, I am the moving chariot, I crush any obstacle on my way", he said and laughed endlessly.