Feti goes home in pain

The Palace was abjectly cold after the painful death of Mr Petri and the innocent guard. 

He merry alone while every other person wept within their heart in the Palace . 

Mr Feti was still breathing without the strength to say a word, his wife who was an introvert prayed earnestly for life, but it was convinced by people there that even if Feti was released he can make life again for his state was beyond medical intervention. 

Mrs Feti denied herself food and drink including Mrs Petri, as they were all ready to die. 

People in the kingdom were all in their shells. No one wants to gamble with his or her life. 

The king's men couldn't help the situation, the entire kingdom was in dilemma when they heard about the painful death of Mr Petri. 

"The entire days are for you oh king Hala, sure a day must be for us from the almighty, and the people of Zomuda wouldn't fail to utilise it. 

Feti signals the king as he watches him die slowly" please kill me". 

Mrs Petri said in an angered tune kill me and if you are not ashamed, you can kill my children too. 

Do whatever you want very fast, oh wicked king. 

Hala was enraged in anger as Mrs Petri thunder and replied to the woman, I will surely make haste while the sun shines. 

Lila was full of sympathy but her state wasn't enough to convince her husband,

The king's men went to the diviner for intervention but he gave them empty hope, 

"The state they were, was beyond help let the king have his say on this case the diviner said". 

Poker furiously replied, "the new broom sweeps clean, but the old one knows the corner of the house". 

Mr Mik asked why he made such a statement to the diviner. "He works for the king, he is not on his own, he answered Mik". 

"Let nature have its course since the almighty is yet to deliver us, Mr Dia said". 

Lila was nervous and anxious in her room, her maidens were looking helplessly at the issue on ground. 

They may have few words to say but they were very cautious of their words. Lila was very much on the issues, she refused to eat and went out of her room since the day Mr Petri and the guard were killed by her husband. 

Hala was over the moon as he ate and drank to his satisfaction, he had forgotten he had a pregnant wife. 

It was morning, there was a knock on the queen door, Lila thought it was the king, coming she usher the person, it was the maidens. 

Your highness, we are here to help you with your room cleaning and to bathe you, "I am okay don't want to bathe now, thanks for your care she said". 

There was a loud and strange cry very loud from the prison, someone must have died in the prison again Lila exclaimed. 

She rushed down to see behold it was Mr Feti who refused to taste the painful death from the crocodiles. 

Before his strength left him, he told late Petri and his wife, "it is an abomination for the crocodiles to feast on me alive, let them feast on me while I am dead". 

Hala was bad at this scenario, he wanted Feti to feel the pain of his crocodile bite. 

"My crocodiles can't feast on dead meat, take his body to the forest for the poor wild beast in the forest to feed on". 

The guards took the helpless deceased to the forest, on their way they diverted into the village as they teamed together to hand the dead body to the men to bury. 

Though they were all fidgeting as they embarked on the journey, they knew the repacaution of being caught. 

They gave the deceased to the men to Bury on code, as they hurriedly returned to the Palace. 

Hala was grateful to his guards for giving the lifeless Feti to the wild beast in the forest, unknowingly to him, Mr Feti was given a befitting burial in the kingdom. 

"I have no pleasure in killing innocent people, let the women go, they did no wrong to me". 

Petri's wife insisted on dying in the king's arms too but she had two little boys at home who were just three years old. 

"Walk the two taut out of the Palace, he ordered his guards". 

Feti's wife said: "let the almighty grant you what you granted to your people". 

They left in sorrow and pain, weeping and lamenting on their way home. 

The people in the kingdom gathered for way-keep in Petri and Feti house to mourn the dead with their family. 

Lila sank in her room crying profusely, she paid no heed to the knock on her door. Hala knocked tirelessly to the point of almost pulling down the door. 

She knew it was him, he managed to samasulted in, but the look of his wife was sorrowful. He sighed as he raised his eyebrow in doubt. 

He was humming "so my wife loves this family so dearly", his evil conscience consoled him. 

Let her cry, when she is tired she will console herself. 

He cleared his throat, to seek her attention. I don't owe you an apology, I am just a poor disciplinarian who doesn't entertain nonsense. 

"They got what they deserved, but I must give you the maximum respect to observe a moment of silence for them, but it shouldn't get over you if not, I may serve you your very large portion". Hahaha....ha...ha…..he laughed out loud. 

He bangs the door with anger, Lila becomes terrified when she hears the beast in her husband speak. 

She summoned courage and cried for a moment before she consoled herself. 

She slept off on the spot she was seated till the next morning. 

The king is now a bone of contention to his people. 

If Petri and Feti who were eloquent enough die pitiable in the king's sight, who are we not to die like the house fly crushed by the broom Dia asked Poker and Mik? 

"If we should wait for the sleeping almighty to intervene, we shall visit the land of the dead one by one,'' Mik said. 

Nobody is deaf to the king's atrocities, everybody should be focused on coming up with a nice plan to get him out of our way, Poker said.

"We were aware of how dedicated Feti and Petri were to this king thus, we shall see to the daily upkeep of their family for now, until they are fully recovered". 

This meeting was held in Mik's House, they wined together till 8 pm when they left for their various homes, they exchanged pleasant greetings as they went their routes.