The nativity of the sword master

It happened so fast, maybe that was my first pregnancy, the labour was intense, I felt my life was leaving me.

I saw my heart standing on the fence, the ring in my brain like a heavy knock on my head. All the maidens could feel my unending screening accompanied with tears during my labour.

The Palace midwives were all on duty to ensure safe delivery.

The pain became intense as I felt something coming out of me like a stiffed excreta.

Oh my goodness... my mother does tell me, "labour is like a piece of cake".

That was her hypothesis, I think it should be for those that have experience in it.

Fine I gave to the world and Zomuda a bouncing baby boy.

Hala has been waiting for his kind since he got me pregnant and his expectations came to the limelight.

Could my safe delivery also deliver joy to the kingdom? Of course yes!! What about the fearless and heartless husband I have?

The news was in every corner in the Palace, the guards and the maidens were all in their bright moments.

Zia the head of the maidens was very happy, the state of enthusiasm in the Palace was at a level it hasn't been before.

The cry of my baby made me to provoked tears of joy in me, neglecting all the pains and distress I was during the labour.

One of the maidens put on a marathon race to the king Palace Hall where he normally seats to welcome fresh air but unfortunately, Hala wasn't there.

Hala just left there to his room to have a siesta as it was afternoon. I remember my father told me most children visit the world either in the morning very early in the morning or at midnight.

In Zomuda it was strongly believed that only children who will grow to be the master of the sword visit at noontime.

I clung to this belief fervently, oh yes!!!

I am now a mother of the swordmaster. When I was younger I have a great love for warriors, it was my dream to get married to a warrior, but nature had the opposite plan for me.

It was a coincidence for the midwife who carried the baby and Hala.

He was coming from where he called his mini zoo. I think he went there to see some animals.

He smiled as he approached the midwife whose face was emitting a smile and joy, Hala must have heard the joyful noise where he was.

Whose baby are you bearing he asked? "Your majesty, indeed the almighty is marvellous, he has looked favourably on us". He smiled brighter and said who have this child?

Your.....your...your majesty, this is your son, the queen delivered a bouncing baby boy!!!!

Suddenly Hala dripped in tears of joy as he received his son, he said: "Blessed be the almighty who has favoured his servant".

This is the first time the people heard him praise the almighty, all eyes were amazed as he continuously sang the name of the almighty in adoration and praise.

The atmosphere was warm and bright, he sent an instant message to the people of Zomuda to rejoice with him.

Hala took his first fruit lifted him to the sky and blessed the almighty.

There were enough drinks and food that day for all the people living in the Palace.

"summoned the kingdom to the Palace tomorrow for merriment he said to the announcer".

Before Hala could blow his trumpet, his people had already blown it, they were very much for the king child.

They are not just happy for the child but happy that the avenue to subdue Hala has come.

The king killed his fattest cow to make meat and food for his people, there was enough to eat and drink.

The beautiful ladies in the kingdom put up an amazing dance show. About ten of the youth were in masquerade attire.

The heart of everyone was like a sugar factory, Hala related to his people very well.

That was the first time he foolishly forgets his pride and evil. Some of the people there were bemused about his character.

I hope the king is not trying to cause pandemonium here an elderly whispered to his friend's ear?

"I can't justify the nature of the chameleon king we have the other man replied".

Since today is blessed let us wholly be partakers of the blessings they concluded.

It is a norm in the kingdom when the king welcomes his first fruit, he shall host the kingdom with enough food and drinks and made a speech about his child.

My people, "today my joy knew no bounds, the great lion of Zomuda we always deliver, I have begotten a son, not just a son be the heir to the apparent throne of Zomuda and also a great lion.

My state of enthusiasm cannot be contained in me, as I become what I dreamt of to have someday "the swordmaster".

Everyone was on a clapping ovation accompanied by a shout of joy.

The elders were very happy.

Everyone in the ceremony was fully entertained, some people return home with their feet in the air because the king embarrassed them with enough alcohol.

Before they left, they were eager to see me and the baby but the law of Zomuda permit not that, until the day of the naming ceremony.

Hala must have made a good husband, but his pride, ego and greed for power mesmerised him.

Later in the night, Sir Poker met with Mr Mik, "now the tools to conquer the king is available, we thank the almighty for answering our prayers but we must be careful and conscious about our actions poker said".

"We still have a long way to go, the swordmaster must be up to a reasonable age before we can achieve our coup Mik replied".

Every angle in the kingdom was plastered with my boy news but the people prayed for the child not to emulate his father's way of life.

Trust me, I wouldn't allow that to happen, I must breed him in a loving and accommodating way to everyone irrespective of status.

Now I have a child should I still be a thorn in the flesh of my people or I should love them? "The animal with a child is always conscious of her actions", Hala was contemplating.

No, my mother told me nothing should make me accommodating to my people, I shall train my son against them.