The visit of the queen father

 Lila woke up very early in the morning to go to her chamber, her bathing time was 7:am and the king has made it mandatory for the maidens to have her bathed early since they defaulted on discharging their bathroom duties to the queen some time ago. 

In Lila's room was a walkway whose wall was decked with golden marbles that linked to her bathroom. 

It was a shortcut to the bathroom and she loved using that route. 

Her baby is still a week old, the exit of the bathroom is opposite her bed, she placed her baby on the bed for her to see while in the bathroom. 

Zia came in to have Lila bathed, your majesty are you not going to bathe the baby? "Yes of course but I am still a novice in paediatric responsibilities she replied". 

This was her first child and she valued her like gold. Did you have an idea about bathing children? Lila asked Zia Yes I do. Before I came to the Palace as a maid, I worked for Mr Zics, his wife who happened to be a cruel person, left all the house chores for me including her two weeks old baby. 

"I felt I was being mistreated because I did not oblige to take care of a week old baby, but I needed to do it to compensate for my stomach and my head for shelter". 

"Now what I was doing there is required here now, I am pleased I partook in that department".

Lila was very pleased to hear that pleasant narration from Zia, "though Mr Zics wife was inhuman, sometimes our ill-treatment from people prepared us for the task ahead of us", Lila concluded as Zia gently bathed her. 

Zia bathed the baby so neatly and also got him dressed. 

All this was done in just two hours. Immediately after the bath, Hala came in to check for his baby, not for both of them. 

How is the baby doing? He asked, without saying good morning to me. I pretended to be fine but within me is like a burning furnace. 

The baby is fine, I replied with a cold voice. 

Your majesty the table is ready for breakfast, he signalled the maid who came to informed him about the breakfast to go 

You may bring the baby and join the table. 

I spilt out because my stomach was full of anger, is this how you treat your queen? 

An aorta of words didn't come from his mouth, rather he gave me a scary look and walked away. 

Don't be angry while breastfeeding your baby. I remember my mother told me this, as a child then I never asked what it meant but I believe she said this because children are very sensitive to body and emotional language. 

My Prince, it is time for us to join your father at the dinner table for breakfast. I said to my tender baby who can't speak the human language at his age but may understand it. 

When Keith his father was alive the table was set for him, his wife and their son, the present king and the principal officers in the Palace. Since Hala succeeded his father he banned all the chief workers to avoid the table. I remember Zia told me he embarrassed the officers one day saying "I don't dine with poor slaves". "This table is royal and it is made for just royalties. 

I joined him at the dinner table with Zia carrying my baby, the look in his eyes tells something different. I never wanted to be the weakling I was then. I ignored his swollen face and pulled a chair to myself to sit. I was about to load the third spoon of rice into my mouth when I heard my name. 

That was his first time he called me by my name, my ears gained energy immediately and my face was in doubt the king called me by my name. This is where I knew something was wrong. "I have chosen a date for the naming ceremony of my child. 


My brain was thinking with the speed of light, we have this child together, you were deciding on a date for his naming without telling me? My eyelid formed a ridge immediately to prevent my tears from falling so fast. 

My appetite was nowhere to be found, who am I to you? 

By this time Zia was supposed to leave when we are having this kind of conversation, but she can't leave with the baby. 

Am I your wife or a hired woman whose responsibility is to produce children for you? Zia looked sorrowful hearing my bittered questions but she can't help the situation. In all my questions he said nothing rather than, "your father is coming later in the day". 

I never knew when I yearned at him with my rude question, what is he coming to do, is he supposed to be here or my mother, did he have maternal qualifications? 

"When he comes, ask him all the questions you care for", I left the table angrily and Zia followed immediately. 

I cried till I slept off with Zia and the baby. There was a heavy knock on my door, I was mute, I thought it was my husband. Zia's eyes were on me waiting for my command to help the door. 

The knock was vigorous and I signalled Zia to check who was at the door, she opens behold….my father. I felt so reluctant to meet him but I never wanted him to notice my mood. 

Father, I called warmly with a smile welcome to my beautiful home, I guess your trip was superb? He chuckled with a smile. Yes, it was good. 

Zia and her fellow maidens helped force his heavy bag into my room before he was introduced to the visitor's room. 

Have you seen my husband? "No, I haven't,'' he replied. Though I wasn't happy with his presence, I was a little bit relieved of my depression. Let's go and see the king. Hala was in his chamber reading a scroll, his first sight on my father was lively. 

I manipulated some smiles, to keep body, soul and spirit whole. 

Welcome to the home of the great lion he said, "Indeed you are a mighty lion, they hugged and laughed, the first time my husband was friendly to his visitor but I was afraid for my father. 

Guards, get us a fresh wine he ordered from Kaylan. Your highness, let me go back to my baby. I implored him, oh…you…you can go, they laughed and drank all day. 

My father felt he was on top of the world, he ate and drank every day neglecting I was around. 

Your majesty, I am very happy you have the swordmaster, may the almighty be praised, my father said. 

I shall make him the greatest ever and he shall be like me both of them erupted into laughter. Though they were becoming nuisance in the Palace because of their noise, but they kept the atmosphere happy daily because the king was taking from his evil thoughts by my father's presence. 

We all have had a cup full of their miniature act but we missed my father so much when he left after exhausting three days and three nights in the Palace. 

Hala gifted him a gold chain when he was about to go, this gift shows my father was very dear to him.