The visitors death

It would have been wise if I called for a meeting, how can foreigners from nowhere threaten me? "No one can put his or her finger in my mouth and get it back completely". 

Hala was so full of himself in his room, all his thoughts were focused on what transpired between him and the foreigners that came for a peace treaty. He couldn't contain himself as the men words kept ringing in his brain. 

The night became longer than he expected, he paraded to and fro in his room, the two guards by his door could clearly hear his footsteps pounding on the floor of the room. 

"I must have these men killed if not my mind wouldn't be at peace he said". He summoned his guards to get the men immediately, the two men left the Palace about three hours ago, their journey was far and it was to the east. 

The guards came up to them, "hey, gentlemen the king wants to see you both in the Palace for a dialogue". 

The guards brought the men back to the Palace. Welcome gentlemen Hala saluted them. 

Since after our meeting yesterday night, althrough the night I had insomnia. Did you people want our kingdom in exchange for infrastructure? "Not as you think your highness, one of the men perceived the king's anger and replied to him calmly". Then what did you want? We are from the western world, we are here just for a peaceful treaty. 

Our government shall help you when you people are in difficulty by setting up a parliament here that will report to us the other man called Spark answered the king. 

Have you seen or heard that other animals in the jungle try rubbing shoulders with the lion or contesting the king of the forest with him? No, not at all, brilliant of you Hala said, what shall happen to such an animal? 

It shall be devoured by the lion, Hala stood up and applauded Spark's smart answer. 

I am the great lion in the jungle, no animal dare contest an election with me in my kingdom, my reign is unending, when I live and exit my child shall succeed me. 

I am the hungry tiger that doesn't spare the smallest and poorest life in my territory, I have you both in my dictionary of elimination, but I got to Summon my council members so they can hear from the horse's mouth. 

Get the council members here right away, '' he ordered one of his guards''. After about thirty minutes they were all seated for the meeting. 

"I called this august meeting today for you to hear from these men, whose braveness has landed into a quagmire". I wouldn't act as a shemale before them judging cases. 

What brought you to our kingdom? Mik inquired from the men? We are from the western world, we brought peace and modern leadership, "we are here to back this kingdom up when the need arises, there shall be a head which is his highness that will report to our country when our help is needed, then we will in return supply infrastructure to this kingdom Spark narrated". 

Did we implore help from you? Sir Poker asked the men. 

Mr Ria who happened to be the king's adviser said; the potential of Zomuda can not be truncated by these men, you both will serve as scapegoats. Hala smiled at Ria's bold speech. 

Hala lay before his men to cast lots on what to do with the two men, the councilmen knew their suggestions would be void if it came to dishing out mercy. "Your highness we know you are too mighty to trick, therefore I want you to deal with them in your ways, for no man has the full-fledge to decide for the lion". 

Sir Poker said. 

These men deserve a corrosive and aggressive punishment for playing on our intelligence, your highness. It will please us if you can make these men sit on the hot pan Ria said. 

"Get them looked in the guard-room until I dream of what to do with them Hala ordered his guards". 

Mik, Poker and six others wanted to plead for mercy for the men, but it may turn out against them. They all went their various ways, but since Ria was in their midst they refused to say anything about what happened in the Palace. 

Poker, for some months now we all are at liberty, I perceived pain and torture from our king via the blunder these western men committed Mik said. 

"It is very obvious the Western men have wakened the long sleeping trouble, but I am pleased they will be the first to eat the soured food they made Poker concluded".

What shall be our fate in the midst of the horrible environment we are preparing to meet sir Dia asked? 

Whichever way the almighty wants it, he should give us the strength to endure till the end. 

They were blindfolded as they received a daily dose of torture, leaving in them stripes from the cane, the king made these men leak their sore. 

One of them died from hunger, while the other one was buried alive by the king. 

The one that died of starvation was taken to the ancient door he showed Lila during her orientation in the Palace, where he keeps dead bodies. 

A day after the death of the men, Hala called his wife. We want to take a tour of our kingdom, your hair needs replating. 

Lila is never amused by the strange character of her husband, she discovered he loved her so much. "Since he cares for me more than before, I shall use this avenue to transform him into loving his peoples Lila said, but I shall be careful of the privilege given to me". 

Zia ordered her colleagues to beautify Lila for the soon trip with her husband around the kingdom. 

The maidens got Lila ready, her hair was treated well, her clothes were so attractive. She looked at the mirror and saw herself as a goddess. 

Are you ready? Hala echoes Yes, your highness Lila replied. 

The king couldn't contain his lustful gaze on his wife as she approached him, her hair was very long and dark, her blue eyes got Hala salivating like a hungry dog. 


Lila knows Hala has gone out of his way. 

Your highness let's take the walk now, they were accompanied by Palace guards and maidens.