The Queen nightmare

The tour was impressive, we visited some prominent men in the kingdom, notably among them are; sir Poker, Mr Mik, Sir Dia, Mr Ria Hala spy, Mr Dan, Mr Scof and many more". 

The courtesy visit to Mr Mik swept him off his feet, then it wasn't Hala plan to pay an august visit to his  cabinet members, I whispered to him along our journey, "since it's a tour let's surprise your men to see who have you in mind"

Everybody dreaded Hala, including little children, he irritates his people but they dare not vomit it to his hearing, rather they learnt to leave with the pain in their shoes always. 

Mik summoned all his family to witness the executive visit of the king, we were entertained with expensive wine, food and gifts. 

Mik was very happy to have us around but he fears Hala very well, I am very convinced Mr Mik had a great fight with his conscience about our visit. 

Throughout our stay in his house, he was uncomfortable. As a sensitive man, he might think Hala visit was to know their homes personally. 

On our way to the palm tree that mercifully fed our ancestors during their time, we saw an old-looking haggard woman beside the road, we walked past her without saluting us and Hala doesn't jeopardise with such greetings. 

"Ria who was among the entourage questioned her, didn't you see royalties or do you lack adult manners for greeting? The old woman was mute, her irresponse to Ria stirred Hala anger. 

Who are you not to say an answer to all the questions awarded to you? Hala confronted her, but yet to say a word. 

Hala was full of anger, his eyes were as red as fire, the vein in his head became pronounced, everybody around him was in order as they held their heart in their hands. 

"It wouldn't please me crushing a poor and helpless soul like you, I don't care about where you came from, I will let you live because I don't take sides in killing haggard souls". 

"May the almighty have mercy on you for not recognising the king, Hala continued". 

"King Hala the woman called him", I gasped hearing the woman call him by name, no one has played a gamble with his life calling him by his name except me on a rare occasion. 

"Your bravery is worth emulating but your dirty mind deserves you should die". This statement iced everyone there including Ria, but Hala was bitter, wanting to end the helpless woman's life. 

I made your ancestors have this land before it gets to your father Keith, Zomuda had never done a mistake giving birth to the father that begot you, but I can see you are seating in a timed shell bomb". 

My people are crying to me  via their private intentions, instead of you being a healer to their wounds you chose to add salt to it why? 

"I might spare you and grant you enough time to transform your character to good because your father was always begging on your behalf, Keith come and see your son", immediately he appeared two of the Palace maidens fainted in the scenario. 

"Stop hurting our people". Keith said. 

Hala never hesitated to bring out his sword to fight, the old woman laughed out loud and said blessed be Zea the swordmaster and both of them went into the air. 

"I am the fiery lion, the beast among all animals, I crushed every obstacle in my path 

Keith your reign has ended and it was weak, stay off my path, I am very much ready to stand your way. 

I fought in the spirit land for two months, I am not a coward, I am the mighty elephant, you don't stand my way and survive". 

Ria was sweating in his palm, I couldn't contain the scenario. Rather I was shielding tears unknown to me, the two maidens gained consciousness and the tour was cut short speechless. 

My goodness, have mercy on your people almighty, it was all a dream. 

How could I tell this dream to him? The end might be terrible for me, "almighty please show yourself to him I prayed". 

It was noon, Hala was seated on the throne with two guards beside him and four maidens. I came in with Zia carrying our child. I was about to tell him the dream when two old people stepped into the Palace. Immediately I flashed back to my dream and I became nervous, panting very fast. The old man and woman sensed I might have a clue about who they were but I knew not, just can't relate to what was going on. 

I wanted to excuse him to have time with his guest but he insisted everybody should maintain their position. 

They saluted him while seated, "how dare you come to my territory to step on my tail, the black maber don't hesitate to forget his venom in the flesh of his enemy", have you come to test my patience? He spoke as if he knew who they were. "I might be quiet at times to entertain rubbish, but not from you weaklings". 

Despite his thunderous voice the man and the woman were so confident in their seating position. 

"We are not here to rub shoulders with a kid like you, we came to see the great one you begot", my mind was a little bit at peace the old woman said. We bless the almighty for giving us such a gift "the swordmaster", the old man added. 

May he be blessed among his equals they chorused. 

Amend your ways if not, the rain that will get you, you wouldn't like. 

Hala stood up to contest their speech because his anger was in another realm, he made a tight fist to fight back while his eyes attracted a sword from one of the Palace guards. He drew the sword to murder the poor man and woman, behold the man changed into his father King Keith and the woman the almighty. 

I remembered my dream in a giffee, the maidens fainted including Zia with my baby, but something strange happened that sent one of the guards too into Koma, the baby was suspended in the air by the almighty and she said "oh sword master, you are always protected. 

Hala was cold as I can see his hands shaking but he was brave enough to still stand before them. 

" Be warned, they said and went out into the air". 

I don't care about you, I am the king, I rule my people as I wanted. If both of you are bold enough, come and face me in a fight.