Hala encountered the Queen's nightmare.

"I shall be a bone in the throat of the people, I chose to repent of my evil but the restless Keith in the land of the spirit refused to comprehend that, I shall serve my action to them as it pleases me now". 

Hala was never settled since he clashed with the almighty and his late father. 

He wandered from one end of the Palace to the other end. 

He never gets worried like this, the last time he was in such a similar situation was his encounter with the Western men. 

"Before I will be ripped off my throne or die I shall take pleasure in the torment of the people of Zomuda". 

He walked past through the guards in the corridor and all took a bow until he walked off their site and banged his door so loud. 

Nobody could approach him to calm him down. 

He is fond of locking himself up whenever he is enraged, not even his wife could access him when the animal in him is aroused. 

Lila could remember, some time ago when she was with king Hala in his room, I discovered the size of the room was almost three times the size of the Palace hall where he held meetings with his council members. 

Adjacent to the chair in the room was a dresser, where all his makeup were kept. Opposite the dresser was a glaring passage whose wall was made with gold marbles. In the passage by the right-hand side was a door to a room that holds varieties of foodstuff and fruits.  Oh... This is his backbone while he always frowns at food whenever he was enraged. The next-door after the store door was his bathroom. 

The size of the bathroom was twice bigger than mine, there was a gigantic mirror that romance the wall from the ceiling down, that mirror was capable of magnifying any object. It was given to king Keith during his visit to the kosoko kingdom. 

The room is beyond description. 

Two days past Hala was yet to see the sunrise, everybody in the Palace was anxious, "can I see his highness?" Lila asked the guards beside the door, no he is not disposed. She tries to force her way in but the door was locked. 

For a very good three days, Hala haven't set his eyes on his boy and he was comfortable.  Lila never gets tired of being puzzled by Hala's behaviour. 

I shall set rules that will suffocate my people, Hala was hallucinating in his room. He was still speaking to himself when he saw his cabinet members in the Palace. 

Greetings were exchanged between the men, the maidens and the Palace guards. "We are here to see his highness," Poker said.  "His highness is not disposed the chief guards said". 

Hala was seeing them via a pinhole in his room. 

The men were short of words, except Mik and Poker who were inwardly happy the meeting was not affected. 

Hala eventually came out on the fifth day, on a hot afternoon and went straight to sit on his throne, unknowingly to anybody. 

Lila was wandering helplessly in the Palace when she mistakenly sights a man with a long robe seated on the throne. Behold it was Hala, she hurried down to confirm who was there. 

"My lord", she called, "half of me left me for days now, I and your son missed you so much". She narrated with tears. Anger was still smelling around Hala but he held his anger and listened to his helpless wife. 

Zia brought in their baby, "your highness the baby is crying", Hala anger was diluted on seeing Zea. 

He carried his baby and kissed him, his tears gland couldn't hold his tears as it wet his baby with tears. "I am the lion, I take revenge when it is needed, my son I'm sorry for staying away from you for days, the almighty is with you".

"Call me all my king's men" he ordered his messager. 

"Your highness you sent for us Ria said, oh yes I did". "The slow movement of a tiger wasn't a mistake but it was a calculation of accuracy", for the past three years now I have been down to earth, but the poor almighty and your ancestors who are hobos came to arouse my anger".

They were all wondering what he meant by his adage. "Your highness could it be somebody has stepped on the tail of the tiger?"

"I was in my shell when the weak almighty and the taciturn late king came to me in a broad daylight in the presence of my guards, no man dare to threaten me and go scot-free, I want to possess what the people said I am". 

They were all confused and afraid, my king....my king Mik called Hala fidgeting, "be merciful on your people, look kindly on them he pleaded for mercy". 

"I want to set new laws in our kingdom, but before that, my son will be a year old next month". All the men chanted in joy

May the name of the almighty be praised he alone is good. 

After the meeting Hala went straight to the dining table to have his lunch, "where is Lila he asked his guard?" she is in her chamber, Informed her to come to the dining. 

Lila came in with Zia and Zea, she sat opposite Hala while Zia was with Zea, "seat down and join the meal", Zia never knew he was talking to her, even Lila didn't believe his husband was displaying this kind gesture toward a maid he frantically said they are poor and helpless. 

Zia's eyes were bulgy, she couldn't swallow the food in peace, I hope the king was not putting an eye on Zia. 

They ate and but Zia found it hard to adapt to the table pattern. 

Zia immediately rushed to her colleagues to share her experience with them. "My sisters she said, today was different in my life, I experienced what I haven't experienced in my life. 

All the maidens ears stood still like an antenna to hear the good news. 

" I took Zea along with the queen to the dining table, reaching there I meant his majesty, but you for days now he acted like a dog without a tail, I was worried and fidgeting if he would devour me with his anger, I stood still like a pack of ice block".

" Join us at the dining table his highness said to me but I never ate in peace because I don't know what the invite meant". 

"May this your invite to their lunch be for good one of the maid said".