Lila death threat.

Lila came directly to where Hala was seated, swinging himself to and fro, the garden has six major trees each tree bearing two swings which are fixed in the same direction to enhance their parallel movement.

Though the garden has other trees their sizes never let anything be entrusted to them. There were other chairs also below the swing chairs. The total number of chairs held by the mighty trees were twelve. That shows the garden was a mighty one. 

Tashia once told Lila that when Keith was alive, at midyear he would invite his king friends to come with their wives for tourism in his compound. 

After their breakfast, when they are done having siesta they would go to the garden with their wives to have fun. 

It was an interesting story and I guess Keith made life fun for himself. 

Lila never forgot this story, whenever she was in the garden the memory would appear fresh in her brain. 

Lila was seated in the swing beside Hala, they both swung in the same direction, Lila was smiling ceaselessly, but Hala didn't even give a pitch smile to her in compensation for her smile. 

"The birthday of my son shall be celebrated in a grand style, mine was a remarkable moment I will never forget in a hurry. Zea is the heir apparent to the throne of Zomuda, the people must see him as their king". 

"Your highness, can you tell me a little about how your first year birthday was?"

"Birthdays are special occasions so paramount to any king in Zomuda", Hala began.  "At this point, I acted like the story was new to me, he gave me the warning of my life 'the day you will hear my story through another mouth, I shall make that mouth speechless in its entire life". 

He continues, I was born in a bed of roses, though my mother yearned for a child for a long time, particularly, a male child. 

The day I was born couldn't escape my mother till death took her or my father. 

There was a colossus party on that day because the yoke of barrenness for almost ten years was broken that day. 

Keith couldn't hold firm his excitement as he rocked his own happiness with dancing and singing. According to my mother, "my body developed its narcotic analgesic that deadening all the labour pain immediately I was born. 

The next day my father's cabinet members were all in the Palace to wish him congratulations. 

Your highness late Mr Sika called," it would be good if this auspicious day is noted in our land by celebrating every royalty that is born when he or she clocks year". 

The idea was palatable to all of them, especially my father. 

Since that day it was made mandatory to celebrate any Prince born into this kingdom when he completes a year. 

On my birthday, after the law was enacted, my mother was glad to receive such news, she became the chief event planner because it was all about the almighty Hala. I poked nose at him when he was distracted by a flying insect, regarding himself as the almighty. 

"So, will Zea birthday match yours or it will be more grounded than yours I asked curiously?" 

It might not turn out well for me for asking such a question, it was a good question but Hala always sees things the other way. 

Everything I do is the best, Zea and Hala are never the same." I will celebrate his birthday in a grand style but not as mine was colossally celebrated". Lila was moved by his reply. 

"Why do you act as if the whole world revolves around you?". Lila was pissed off, she never knew when she sounded harsh on Hala, but it was a good day for her to thank her stars. 

I think love was eating the hard side of Hala up. 

"He looked aggressively at Lila, I fight and kill those that are meaningful. Your death wouldn't add anything to my greatness he said", and walked away from the garden. 

Lila was in shock after hearing Hala said her life was of no use to him. 

"Is it that I have carelessly ruined the love and trust I have built for years now? " Lila was down to earth as she pondered and regretted her loquaciousness. 

My son's birthday is at hand, what if he refuses to celebrate the birthday. Oh! I have forgotten it is a compulsory rule. 

Lila stunted out of the garden, she knew she had bitten more than she could chew, so all she needed to do was to think of an alternatives to dilute Hala's anger. 

In the evening Lila approached Hala in his chamber, she was mute for a very long time, Stirring at him, but his face wasn't pleasant to look at twice. 

Hala was bleeding anger, his eyes burned like fire, Lila was dumb in the room. 

"I should be conscious of my speech before I add salt to the already sustained wound", Lila said. 

My lord, she called in a romantic way, but it seems Hala has returned to his original evil ways. 

My state of happiness can not be overemphasised in these my few words,  but find a place in your heart to have mercy on me. "I know I have bitterly wronged you, not as I wish but it is all a slip of tongue". 

"I am hungry of murder and it is obvious I kill you to quench my hunger, you deserve death for vomiting such words to me". 

"Oh my goodness, I have stepped on the tiger's tail, now death is knocking at my door. Will this man carry out his plan?"

Lila began speaking to herself in the room, Hala knew she was nervous but he was lackadaisical to her action. 

Lila wanted to plead for mercy,  but Hala facial expressions tell her he wouldn't opt for his apology. 

Hala stood up from his chair and left her in the room without saying a word to her.