Lila finally seek for help from her maid

"I know Hala don't jeopardise with his words, I must find means to dilute his anger".

"It could be terrible than this to me if he could make attempts to eliminate his father then, who am I in the picture?"

Lila was in her room sobering, the maidens were curious to know what was happening to their queen, but they were conscious she might transfer aggression.

"I don't want to see my wife for the now, if she insists tell him I am not disposed, get some of your men ready we are going for a visit to the next kingdom. Hala told the chief guard".

Some time ago he announced to his people that he would be in charge of all the kingdoms around him. This was his first expenditure before his son birthday.

"Your majesty I would do just as you wished", the chief guard said.

According to the law governing the Palace, it is the duty of the king to share the room with his mate four times a week, but when there are differences, he may remain in his chamber until the coast is cleared.

Lila thought Hala would come to her during the stipulated days. She waited till the next day, not even his shadow she saw. This accelerates his anxiety, thinking death is her reward.

"Should I run away, what about my son and where should I run to?" Lila memory was running faster than her shadow.

Even at the dinny table where she was expecting to see Hala, there was no show, she could not even eat, undermining she has a baby. She went back to her room perplexed. My mother would say. "no matter how angry or sad you are never let it be obvious to your child, children are very smart in learning new things whether they can talk or not".

Lila couldn't stay in her room in peace, not that she was addicted to her husband, but the threat of death kept ringing in her brain.

"This is the worst dream I have ever had, almighty please save me from the terror of Hala she prayed".

The next day she went to inquire of the king, but the guards came across her way. "I want to see his highness".

"The king is not disposed one of the guards said".

"How dare you say I can't see my husband, does it sound nice to your hearing?" 

"For a whole week now I haven't set my eyes on my husband and you hear telling me the king is not disposed?"

Because you are not a woman? Did you know the trauma I have been passing through for those blind nights? She said and wept before them, they had mercy on him but they can't ignore the king's order, Hala was hearing everything that happened but he paid a deaf ear to it even though he has forgiving her.

The sound of her voice was so loud that all her maidens came to console her. She cried helplessly all through the day.

Her cry stimulated her baby to join her in the endless cry. But she later consoled herself to console her child. 

She refused food for the whole of the day, nobody dared to ask her why she cried so much yesterday. 

The next day, very early in the morning Zia saw a written note at the queen door post. The envelope bearing the letter has a heading, "it is confidential, read what is in me". 

Zia pretended she didn't see the letter, "your majesty, there is an envelope in your doorpost". Let me see she said, Zia gave her the note, she quickly opened it and discovered it was from her husband. The letter was just a line and it reads, "which do you want life or death?" Please chose one till I return from my trip. 

Lila never knew when Hala travelled, not even the maidens except the guards, and he cautioned them not to tell anyone his whereabouts. 

At this point, Lila was compelled to speak out to her best maid Zia. 

"I am a living dead being, she said".  Promise you wouldn't spill the beans, I promise with my life Zia said. 

Good Lila said and nodded at the same time. 

Read this, the content of the letter caused Zia cardiac arrhythmia. 

"Did you have a solution for me my beloved sister and friend, Lila lamented sorrowfully?" 

For good thirty minutes, both of them were crying the only consoler they had was the baby to cry. 

Once Lila ceased to cry and consoled Zia who was supposed to yield a solution. 

"Don't worry when I die, take care of my son she said and sniffed her nose". 

"You wouldn't die, I have a solution to our problem now Zia said". 

"Our problem Lila asked?" 

"Yes our problem, your problem is our problem and we shall solve it together. Right from the day we came together we have been for each other". 

Years ago when the king mother was alive, there came an unfaithful day when she pushed Hala to the wall, it was hell on earth that day. Because Hala anger is difficult to nullify. He warned the mother not to come near him else he would kill her. 

The mother took his sons words for granted, on a black afternoon, Hala was receiving fresh air in the garden, when her mother and one of us the maiden went to make peace with her son. 

Hala was holding a bow and arrow in his hand, sighting the mother from afar, he shot at her but the maiden was smart enough to give her life for the queen. 

It doesn't end there, Hala felt so ramous about his did, the mother cried for four days but it doesn't change the fact that she has a devil as a son. 

"My queen I am sorry for addressing the king as a devil Zia pleaded for forgiveness". 

Eventually, the sun finally shined on us, the secret to winning his happiness was the mother raining on him endless praise. 

When he comes from his trip meet him in his room and rain on him endless praises, then you have gotten him back.