The king fall under the Queen's spell

Lila was excited by Zia suggestion, she waited impatiently to see Hala return home, she ordered her maidens to make her up and dress her in her best clothes.

She single-handedly made Hala food. This is what she has not done before, she made the food without knowing the day of his arrival but there were devices to keep the food from spoilage.

In Zomuda whether the king engaged on a secret trip or public, on a day to his return, a white dove would hove around the Palace then pench on his window before going back. Lila never knew about that.

She was outside with her maidens when the beautiful white dove flies in, "your majesty, look at that beautiful dove Tashia said".

Lila exclaimed, wow!!!!! "That is very beautiful". Did you know why it was here Zia asked politely? No, somebody should tell me what it signifies. "That bird is a message, It came to tell us Hala is coming tomorrow by this same time the dove was here Tashia concluded".

Lila was over the moon but a little bit nervous. May the almighty grant him journey mercy back home she prayed.

"I need to look attractive before, hmm...but he is never moved by a woman appearance, maybe I should try another means", Lila said. 

Lila called her maids to make her up as Hala coming is near. Her hair was braided very long, though her natural was something seductive. She was dressed in one of the best cloth in her wardrobe. 

"If all this method didn't work, I should better gain momentum to dig my own grave she said". 

She was gorgeously dressed up, her appearance could not be differentiated from that of a goddess. 

Hala came back very happy but haven't seen Lila, he headed straight to his room to freshen up, forgetting to lock her door. 

While Hala was in the bathroom, he heard footsteps in his room, "I am that should be Lila he said to himself". 

He came out with a towel on his waist to check who was that, who he said took words from his mouth forgetting him in lust and admiration, he hurriedly forgot he had differences with her, as he salivate uncontrollably to his wife appearance. 

"You are the lion, the only brave animal in the jungle, nobody dares take your place in the jungle, the tongue that rises against you are amputated, the hand that stage war with you surely go paralyze. Your height is my energy, your strength my protection, I am loyal to your commands my lord". 

Lila rained praises on him endlessly as she undressed and approached Hala. The force behind Lila was too potent for Hala to resist. 

Lila couldn't believe herself she has Hala in her palm. 

My mother does tell me, "every man is a child before the nude of a woman". 

 Before Hala could comport himself, Lila was already on him, he felt the warmness from her body. 

Hala held her so soft and both landed on the sofa. 

"I am sorry I yearned at you in the garden, I wasn't in myself then, I was thinking of how we can conquer our enemies and take their kingdom, I promise never to treat you harsh", Hala apologies to Lila. 

Oh my goodness, is this Hala the Mr ego or another person? He hasn't said sorry to anybody in his life. 

"Let me not be faster than my shadow I said, I wanted to apologise but since he has opted for his mistake I wouldn't spill a word from my mouth but act rigidly towards his apology". 

Lila put on a dark face as Hala pleaded more. "what did you want me to do for you?", Hala asked politely. 

I was afraid to mention what was in my mind, it may trigger another misunderstanding. 

Lila wanted peace between the king and his people but she can say it. 

She is very convinced the king doesn't like his people. 

" My king and lord, all I want is the birthday of Zea to he celebrated in a ground style", Lila said. 

"Is that all you want?" Yes my lord Lila replied. 

It seems to Lila that Hala was under a spare or her physical appearance has worked on his psychology. 

"Tomorrow is the birthday of my son, the heir apparent to the throne of Zomuda. The trip I embarked on was to visit my king friends for the party tomorrow". Lila was very happy to hear the sounding news from one of the most dreadful men in the kingdom. 

I shall make their food with four fat bulls and three fat cows, the party will commence by 9 am and ended 7 pm, to my friends who can't make it to their far destination shall spend the night within our Palace. 

Lila was full of surprises, her pupil became so dilated as if it wanted to fall off her eye socket. 

They were in the middle of their discussion when they heard a voice calling, your majesty! Behold it was Zia. 

Lila inquired her what she want. 

Zea is crying she said, you can go and console him he ordered Lila. 

She hurried into to console Zea. "Your majesty I am sorry for staying far from you for too long, it wouldn't repeat itself Lila said jokingly to her child".

"You are such a kind mother Zia said to Lila, I and my colleagues are lucky to experience you in this Palace may almighty grant you good health and long life". 

Lila smiled and said amen to the prayers. "My dear I can't thank you enough, all the plans went as it was discussed, he couldn't resist seeing me, he apologises instead of me apologising". 

"She said I should make a wish and he would grant me". 

"Okay, what was your wish Zia asked with curiosity". 

Calm down I shall tell you Lila flattered Zia. 

"You know the kind of husband I have, he is like the chameleon, his question never swept me off my feet, lest I fall, you know what I mean?" 

"Yes, I do". 

"I only asked him to celebrate my son birthday day in a grand style. He agreed to it, he promised to kill three cows and four bulls for the occasion for both his friend outside our kingdom and our people". 

Zia was overexcited, "let's see what tomorrow have for us Lila said".