The hard puzzle for king Hala.

Very early in the morning, Leo embarked on the journey without the king's reminder. He rode straight to the Palace of King Tira where he obtained permission to deliver the message as directed.

Ho got to the house of Via, but she wasn't disposed of that very time and time was running out of Leo, though king Hala permitted him to spend the night there should in case time was against him, but Leo wanted to return to Zomuda the same day which is very impossible. 

"I am a subject of King Hala the great lion of Zomuda", Leo introduced himself. The parents 'hum'... My king has found a treasure in this kingdom hidden in your house. He has been here once to make his intentions known. 

The family receives him and beg him to stay for the next day because it was already late to return home at midnight, Leo was sceptical about their decision because he knows he needs to be mindful when dining with his boss. 

He was obliged to spend the night but to return first thing tomorrow morning immediately after breakfast. They succumbed to his Idea. Via came in and Leo insisted on knowing the date from her. "Lady, what day is convenient for your marriage ceremony?" Leo asked. 

Via was in pink hearing that question. "Let it be on the third day of next week". Now my mission is complete I can go to bed now Leo said to himself. 

Leo woke up so early in the morning and Via made him his breakfast at 5:40am, he ate and left before everyone in kanshawanga could wake up. 

Leo arrived very late in Zomuda, Hala never bothered to tender a courtesy welcome despite seeing his guard fully drained of strength. "How is kanshawanga and my lady? What date were you given, he lambasted Leo with a huge load of questions. 

It was a favourable journey, though it was very stressful but all thanks to the almighty that I met the kingdom of kanshawanga and Via's parents in pink. 

Hala was impressed with Leo's result but was eager to know the set date for the marriage. 

What date were you given? He asked Leo again. I was given day three of the coming week. Wow!!!!!, this is unbelievable, so my lady will soon be in my kingdom, hmm... I must call for a drink with my council members and let Zomuda be aware of my marriage day. 

Leo!! Yes, your majesty, "send one of your men to inform my king's men to come to the Palace tomorrow, I will do just that, your highness, Leo replied". 

"It was like a piece of cake to me, I can't imagine I have gotten kanshawanga with my smart agenda". 

King Keith once told his son Hala, "intermarriage is an avenue to create peace and unity among two or more kingdoms, but the case of Hala's definition of intermarriage was a medium of studying and knowing all your enemy's strategies". 

"Let me get ready to celebrate my incoming victory with my king's men", Hala said to himself. 

The council members were already used to the abrupt invitation to the Palace always, this is what you get when you have a shallow-minded leader. 

They arrived at the Palace seeing Hala smiling gorgeously. The men were cut in amazement. 

Sir Poker asked the other men from afar, what must be that great and powerful thing that is causing our king this expensive smile? "Only the almighty can tell to this your question", Mr Mik replied Poker as they approached the Palace. 

"The great lion of Zomuda is in pink as usual". Poker teased king Hala. He did it unnoticed to Hala. 

I want us to merry, awaiting the very day my new Queen will arrive here in my kingdom. The table was set with drinks of various kinds, but the men were reluctant to drink with the king one of them summoned himself and said what if the wines are poisoned? I can only drink if he drinks from the same bottle. 

The king opened the bottle and served himself, he drank and ordered them: be happy and have wine with me, my wife shall soon be here. The king's action convinced them that he was in for peace. They served themselves and drank. Ria, who was a green snake in the kingdom, asked, your highness, when shall the new Queen come? He asked this question to prove he was unaware of the king's plan? 

I sent Leo to Kanshawanga two days ago and a good date was awarded to me, the ceremony shall be day three of the new week. 

Wow!!!! That is great to hear Poker said, yes indeed very great Hala replied. 

The men were yet to believe the king's action, Mr Mik who happened to be a victim some time ago of wetting him due to anxiety was very conscious not to repeat such an act. 

My king, Mr Dia drew Hala's attention, where shall the marriage take place? The marriage shall take place here but the marriage rite shall be done in kanshawanga. All of us shall go for the marriage rite, Bu.....h,.bu...t, but what? Hala asked Dia. How will our Queen feel when the ceremony is conducted here? 

This is a very sensitive question from Dia, Hala felt embarrassed but he was so inhuman even to the extent of not considering the state of his wife. 

When I get to that bridge I shall cross but all I know, nobody tells the lion what to do with his breakfast, not even the lioness. 

He stood up and left the hall in anger, Dia was panting in respect to his foolish question as he thought this may invoke rain of thunder and lightning on him. 

But the other men were fully behind him as it was getting to the point of getting rid of Hala from the throne. 

They went their various ways but Ria remained behind as usual. 

The question of this man was right Hala said to himself, but how can I deal with this situation, should I go hot, hot on my wife? No, I need to come to terms with her here. Hala was confused with decision making at this point. Okay fine I shall consult Ria, he is a box of wisdom he said.