The marriage plan

The next day Hala and Ria were set to go back to their kingdom. Your majesty king Hala called Tira, "your kind love to Zomuda is beyond my understanding and I shall return it in good health to Kanshawanga".

They both laugh and exchange blessings and Hala and Ria went their own way.

"The steps you take in achieving your goals are so deceptive for a mere man to decode, you are a living god on earth, may your bag of wisdom never run empty", Ria prayed for Hala.

"You flattered me with your oversized praises, thanks a bunch", Hala greeted Ria.

Ria was the only man in the kingdom who was so friendly to the king, Hala never saw his people as standard humans except for Ria who was once a concubine to his mother.

Hala arrived home so lively and happy, Lila immediately hurried to see him in his chamber. Both of them gave a deep stir at each other. I should make peace with him rather than in a crisis, I can't wage war with him, Lila said to herself.

Welcome my lord hope your trip birthed success? Yes, of course, I was exhausted but the stress was worth it, Hala replied Lila.

"I am glad your mission was successful, hope to see her soon".

Lila's words baffled Hala, he picked some pieces of fear to himself but his masculine nature comforted him.

What kind of woman is this? Despite all my ill-treatment of her yet her love grows stronger daily.

Zea missed you so much, he will be glad you are back safely, get him for me he ordered Lila.

"My son, there is nothing that can separate me from loving you, no matter the hunger in the jungle the lion never feeds on grass".

Don't worry soon we shall hold a party, a party? Zea asked in curiosity. Yes, my prince, one of the prides of the king is being polygamous, and Zomuda is not a miniature kingdom therefore her king need to be up and doing. I have decided to bring to us a new Queen.

As a child, Zea was unaware of what his father was saying. When should you bring her? Soon she will be here, when all rites are performed uniformly, Hala replied.

Lila was unable to feed herself enough with Hala's words that kept stabbing her heart. "My lord, I am having a stomach upset". Please permit your queen to use the restroom. You don't need my permission, you can go and use it.

Lala wasn't pressed but she was tired of listening to the rubbish from her husband.

Lila went into her chamber very cold, she lay on her bed and said: "almighty please give the fortitude to bear anything that should come from the partner I will have in this Palace".

The news of the king having a second wife was rampant in the kingdom, it amazes ear that heard of it.

In Zomuda it wasn't a good practice for a king to have more than a wife due to what they heard from their ancestors.

But the people believed Hala's tenure may be a good one for that and they also pray it should be the last king with such an idea of polygamy. 

Ria was all over himself as he saw his dream very near of becoming a representative of their future sub-clan. 

The Palace environment was a little bit changed but Lila couldn't show her opinion towards Hala's decision instead she chose to live with the pain her shoes inflict on her. 

Leo! Leo!! Hala thundered the name of the second in command for his guard. Yes your highness, where was when I have been shouting your name? 

I was far from you, he said while panting. Let it not happen again he warned him in anger, I am sorry your highness it won't repeat itself. 

Good, go and call me Ria, be fast about it! 

Leo put on a marathon race to Ria's house, his race almost scared Ria away. "What is chasing you that is almost faster than your shadow, Ria asked?" 

His Majesty wants to see you in the Palace as soon as possible. It first occurred to Ria if he had committed a crime, hope all is well? 

Yes, sir, his majesty wants you now. Both of them hurried down but Ria's age could not make him compete with Leo in such a vigorous race. 

Ria met Hala seated on his throne, he laughed at how Ria was running like a puppy. 

"My friend, what is chasing you and why are you so funny in running?" The king is my second god, whenever I hear of his call I should speed up to the best I could to answer his call. 

That's interesting and wise of you, I shall protect with my power as the king of Zomuda. 

Leo, gets us a bottle of fresh wine and glasses to augment our plan, Hala said to his guard. "It shall be done, your highness Leo replied". 

I called you here because of the incoming Queen, oh! That's good, our first visit was a kind of introduction. Now we want to go and call the date for the proper rite. Amazing that's good so what date are we looking at here? 

I want the date to be convenient for you, can we go next month? Oh yes, we can go but who will Inform them about our coming? I shall send Leo to go and tell them about our coming before we proceed on our journey, Hala replied Ria. 

Ria was very pleased with the way King Hala treats him. 

What else can I do to please you, my king? You have done so well for me. Hahahaha.....haha.....ah Hala laugh out loud, the only thing I need is not now, with you I want to feed kanshawanga with sorrow. After I have gotten the knowledge of every one of their secrets. 

"For that you have my full support, your majesty Ria assured Hala". 

Leo, Hala called unto his guard, "you shall ride on the black horse to kanshawanga to seek a date convenient for me to come and have my new Queen". Okay your majesty Leo responded.