The desperate king

Hala woke up very early in the morning to get dressed for his trip with Ria, he had already informed his king friend Tira about his coming and the purpose.

He dressed very modestly, with his sparkling hair, he glows his lip like that of a woman. The last time Hala dressed was when his parents were still alive.

Lila too had a distressing night, because she slept with the thought of having a partner. In her dream, she was bidding Hala a safe trip. She suddenly woke up and noticed the presence of Ria very early in the morning.

Her eyes could not testify how handsome Hala was that morning, Lila couldn't help her eyes to keep off, rather she approached him.

The tallest and the most handsome man in the world is you, may your journey be smooth and safe, she said as she forgot herself in Hala's arms for a long time.

Hala never shows his weak side to another except Lila who always gets it whenever she wants.

I am the great lion with sufficient wisdom, I shall have my kingdom enlarged with my smart agenda he said.

May you find the best woman from Kanshawanga, Lila said as she kissed him with a flood of tears running down her eyes.

Zomuda is lucky to have a great lion like you, you type is born once in a century, may all your secret prayers be answered by the almighty, Mr Ria rained prayers on Hala.

It is time for us to go, he said. Hala hopped onto his white horse bearing a chariot and drove off with Mr Ria.

It is easier said than done, but in the case of Hala it was the opposite. I shall get a wife from Kanshawanga because through her we can have the kingdom secret on our fingertips, Hala said.

Your wisdom is equated to that of the almighty, indeed you are your mother's son Ria praises king Hala, both men laugh endlessly as they journey towards kanshawanga.

Now Zomuda is under Lila's care again, the people were happy but they were very mindful because no one knows the day king Hala is returning.

Lila called the king's men for a meeting.

What did you people have to say about my husband's decision to bring another woman to the Palace?

Lila was very inquisitive to know the reason behind Hala impromptu decision. Though she knew the reason already. But she wanted to hear from the men because they would be in a better position to know the reason than she.

The men were devastated by the question as they perceived, attempting the question means they are seating on a timed bomb. 

You know our king does not consult us before making any decision, he will be in a better place to tell you about his decision. 

"Welcome to my kingdom the great lion of Zomuda King", Tira greeted Hala. 

"I know the toad never runs during the day for nothing, it either, it was after something or something was after it". 

Hala laughed out loud to the parable knowing well his dubious plan. 

Our friendship has been long since the time our fathers were the king of the kingdom we rule now. In all the kingdoms around, Kanshawanga has been a friend and a brother kingdom to Zomuda. "I have come to strengthen this bond, Hala said". 

How did you intend to do so king Tira asked in amazement? 

One of the mediums to strengthen an inter-kingdom relationship is mutualism. For the times I have been visiting I left my eyes on a rose in your kingdom. We are here to request the rose. 

King Tira already knew what Hala was saying, he was glad to hear that from Hala. So who should be the lucky damsel in my kingdom? 

"My heart is glad that you received my request". Hala said, the name of the beautiful one is Siwe, Siwe was one of the most beautiful ladies in Kanshawanga, she is very hardworking, meek and flexible but her level of jealousy was nothing to write about in kanshawanga. 

You are very exhausted today, your highness, "we shall see the parents tomorrow after breakfast", Tira told Hala. This assurance from king Tira gave Hala a sleepless night. 

"I can't wait for the day to break", Hala was excited like a baby telling Ria. Your highness, I can see you are fully ready for the task? "Oh yes, I am". 

As early as six in the morning Hala was already dressed up waiting for king Tira's invitation for breakfast then the trip. 

My king, you remember the greatest man was killed by a woman out of excitement. He killed himself. That is true Ria, "I should calm my agility not to fall prey to this lady", Hala came to her senses quickly. 

A bell was rung to notify the royalties, dinner was ready, Hala was accompanied by two giant men and a very succulent maiden. 

Your majesty, I can't repay your benevolence towards us, but I promise to be an ambassador for peace. 

Tira smiled..... Please enjoy your meal, soon we shall set out to see Via's parents. 

They left a few minutes later after the meal, in kanshawanga, there was maximum respect for king Tira due to his kindness. Throughout their walk from the Palace to Via's compound, uncountable praises were heaped on Tira. 

Via was the first person to see them, and she zoomed off into her room, Hala gave a harmless smile for her display. 

The parents fell prostrate immediately they saw Tira. 

"Rise up and  have your seat Tira treated so kindly". 

We are here because the lion saw a rose in your compound that brought him here. The couples stirred at each other as they vibrated unconsciously. 

"What Rose?" Your daughter, of course, it was after Ria intervention before they understood the parable. 

To us we have no decision to make on her behalf your highness, let her see to it herself. The mother was signalled by the father to inform Via. 

Via was in her room listening to the conversation, she was carried away by the words she heard. She was ready to give in before King Hala requested. 

The mother came in to break the ice with her but she had already known. 

Would you marry the king from Zomuda? Via deep her ear into the ground. Acting she was never interested, even her mother wished her to marry the king. 

Marry the king to proliferate our strength, the mother begged her. 

"So I wasn't alone in this she said to herself, okay I will marry him. Come and tell the king yourself". 

Via came into where the royalties and her parents were seated, she was asked before them and she conceded to it. 

Hala Joy knew no bounds, he never hesitated to request the marriage date.