The Queen's trauma

It wasn't easy on Lila after hearing the choking news, she cried out her eyes, refusing food for a whole week not even Hala the king who claimed to be the fearless lion dared console her.

He has the power to throw her out but his love for her was so tender but his greed for power makes him hurt his beloved wife.

What is now my fate in this Palace, why should Hala choose to punish me this way? Day and night the queen was isolated, all her maidens were confused and sad but it was for a transient time.

The following week, Hala met his wife, this was the first time he sang her praises. There may be other lionesses surrounding the lion but his favourite can't be changed. I love you with all my heart, I can't see you hurt and let you be.

My worst moment till my death is seeing you always insert pepper into my eyes, 

but that is the page of life for me now. I will be fine.

Hala was sober seeing Lila in such an awkward mood.

My quest for power is causing me harm, should I halt my plan?

Hala! No, remember the king's decision is final and irreversible he summoned himself to order.

I have my reasons for doing this not to hurt you but to achieve all my plans, I shall marry from all the kingdoms around us to facilitate the success of my plans.

I want Zomuda large and that is what I promised my late mother. Hala went close to Lila and rested on her shoulder, I love you so much.

Lila gave in a deep breath of relief and looked into Hala's eyes and kissed him.

"If having numerous wives would make you achieve your plan, go ahead and flood the Palace".

Hala was so cold, he knew his decision for another wife is hurting Lila, but his quest for power was all over him. 

My mother once told me, don't jeopardise your first love; she is the god only who can destroy you, Hala said to himself. This was the reason he was so conscious of dealing with this issue arrogantly. 

He called his adviser, Mr Ria on this issue. Birds of the same feather always flock together, Ria advice was in favour of Hala neglecting the feelings of his wife. 

There is no king around us with one wife. 

"King Tira of kanshawanga has six wives. 

King Jota of Shia has four wives

King Loid of Meya has four wives and they were all great kings not as great as you. Who is that to tell you, you can have more than one wife? My king the greatness of a king is the number of wives he is capable of controlling, Ria admonished Hala". 

I have been too weak for Lila, I don't have to consult her before I take any decision, it can't hurt her, all I was doing is to enlarge Zomuda if she is not comfortable with that she can make her intention known to me, Hala said. 

I am going to do as my mind leads me, we shall be visiting kanshawanga three days from now, OK your majesty Ria replied excitedly. 

Hala walked in and saw Lila sober in his chamber. His mind bleeds at her but any drastic action from him could agitate his people to kill him. 

He thinks of the best way to punish her and he came up with denying her lovemaking and not eating together, he knew that's her weak point. 

They barely converse since the news of bringing in another woman struck Lila. 

Queen Lila never wanted to see her husband, because his presence was so annoying to her. 

In all the actions Lila took she was also conscious of the consequences. 

On her way from the king chamber Hala said: as your anger and jealousy is undiluted, always wash your back. 

Lila's heart jumped to his mouth immediately, but she pretended to be hard. 

She entered her chamber but the word from the king became a piercing needle in her skin. She became wield. 

Her conscience was into a crucial meeting with her, as she pondered on her husband's decision regarding her action if death will be the end. 

Hmm....she sighed deeply and said whatever tomorrow has for me, I shall welcome, but what if it is death? That means Zea will be frustrated in the Palace, I better maintain and respect myself for my son sake, let him go and do whatever he wants. 

Zia! Zia.... Where is Zea? Your majesty, he is sleeping. When he is awake please bring him to me, as it pleases you, your majesty, Zia replied. 

I know the Queen is not in a good state, for days now she has withdrawn into her shell please is there any way I can be of help to you? Zia asked politely. 

Call me your sisters, okay your majesty. 

You sent for us your majesty, please be seated. Thanks, they chorus together. 

Have I in any be a bad wife to my husband? The maidens were confused by the strange question. 

I wonder why the almighty chose to send this rain with thunder and bristle on me. 

Your majesty, please tell us what was the problem Tashia asked politely. 

My husband's selfish interest has lured him into having another wife from kanshawanga. What!!!! The maidens shouted in surprise. Lisa was furious, immediately tears drip down her cheeks. 

Your highness in everything that happened, let first be in ourselves to solve this puzzle, Zia said. But I am glad the heir to the throw is from you and we shall firmly stand for you. 

Your majesty, what you go through we go through Via said. But I want you to be of good cheer that you have always been to everyone in and outside this Palace, when you act well they shall call you mother, Via said. 

I am glad I have all of you by me, we shall make a difference, I will act well and be a mother always to all. 

She hugged all of them like a fowl that hugged her chicks. He will be going to Kanshawanga a few days from now in search of the woman Lila said as she bathes her maidens with her tears.