The catering role

It was two days to the long awaited day for king Hala to tie the nught with his new wife.

The preparation was smelling all over him. He paid less attention to anyone in the Palace including his little Prince Zea.

He had the intention of megalizing the occasion more than Lila's own but he was so careful of the outcome of his actions.

"My king, what shall be my role in your upcoming wedding?" Lila asked. 

Who are you, woman? Hala asked with a bitter face. Lila was surprised at his question. I am your wife, I know you are my wife but your actions keep telling me you are not a human. Then, who am I? 

To every known human being, I mean every woman facing what you are going through now will definitely react in a defensive way to protect her marriage, but here your case was different, instead, you kept on assuring me and wishing me good luck. Hope you are not trying to play games on me Hala threatened Lila. But Lila didn't spill the beans for some minutes. 

I am who I am and you who you are, I am married to you doesn't make me question your desire, beside you are the king and you have the kingdom at your fingertip including me, therefore do whatever that pleases you to rule your people well. 

Hala buried himself in thought because he perceived another version of his wife. 

Hmmm..... Man must be a man no matter what the case may be, he advised himself. Pick a role you can play best for the next two days in the marriage and get back to me, I will do as you said my lord Lila replied politely and excused Hala. 

The next day (a day before the marriage ceremony) Lila opted for a tour around her kingdom . It did take Hala days to access and qualify Lila's request for a walk but this time, it was granted once. 

Lila wasn't going for a walk but to see her parents. 

It might be dreadful for her action but her good maids got her covered. 

Lila was well dressed for the walk with her maidens. "My lord we shall go now to see the beautiful kingdom of yours". 

"That's wonderful!! Hala said excitedly, may you go and come back in peace my queen". 

The maidens that heard Hala's benevolence towards Lila were in awe. 

Lila departed Hala alongside her maids, girls we are going to visit my parents but it should be within you that it was a tour and to my home is that clear? Yes your majesty they chorused. 

Lila rode to her former home with the royal chariot. Her mother was full of happiness seeing her daughter visiting for the first time since she got married to Hala. May you leave long great queen of Zomuda her mother rained prayers on her. Both mother and daughter smiled at each other and entered the house. 

She ordered the maidens to feel at home by serving themselves and the entire home meal, they all ate together at the same table without discrimination. 

"Mother, Lila called to her mother, I know is not news to anyone in this kingdom that my husband is getting married to a second wife and the ceremony is holding in our kingdom, he has inquired of me what role I would play on that day but I was bemused of what to answer her at that moment". 

I have come to you for counselling please mother help me, my heart is bleeding but I don't have an option but to play along. 

"My daughter, I know you are very wise like me. If it is your maidens that would do the serving then be their chief in that department but if not then tell him to help you suggest the best unit that will suit you that day". 

Thank you mother for the smart idea, I shall do as you said, we may be on our way now, I told my husband I was going for a tour and coming here, oh that means your girls got to be going so you could have little time to see some part of the kingdom before going to the Palace. 

She (Lila) hugged her mother and left with her entourage and rode to the end of the kingdom to see the river that demarcated Zomuda from the Taliba kingdom. 

My lord our trip was fantastic, she said to the king on her return and I am glad for tomorrow shall be a great day my husband and I will never forget in a hurry. 

Hala was devastated as Lila continued her chanting words of exhortation. 

What would my king want her queen to do tomorrow in the ceremony? She asked with a meek voice. Lila happened to be the best tool in trapping Hala but she would never succumb to that idea. 

My lady tomorrow indeed is a wonderful day for the lion Hala boasts fearlessly with a high ego. 

Anyways my queen is my part, whatever pleases her, she should do it in the ceremony as long as she is happy and I am happy too. 

Thank you, your highness, Lila greeted him. Tomorrow is my first day of seeing my new mate and I would be happy if my king obliged. I should be in the catering unit. 

Hala rolled his bulgy eyes 360 degrees, what is this woman up to, a queen serving food at a party? His (Hala) thoughts were random but he was very convinced Lila could not kill a fly. "Bu.....buh.....but what is it your highness?" Lila interjected, you are royalty, you shouldn't come so low to the point of serving food for common men, hmmm Hala said...Lila breathed in heavily and said, "it is just for a day and I am not doing it for my people but for my mate as a sign of welcome". 

"I shall take care of the catering unit with my maids". So shall it be if it pleases you?