The marriage ceremony

The marriage ceremony became the talk of the town but in a humming manner. Nobody dares voice it out because their lives mean a lot to them. Very early in the morning king, Hala summoned his guards to get the area designed in red and white. 

Everywhere was designed, Lila and her maids were all well dressed. It was a party of melody, everyone in the Palace was fully involved, especially the maidens and Lila. She had advised them before now not to reason about her husband's ill manners and his endless thirst for power. Because the maidens were furious at the sight of the marriage news but they got nothing to do about it, else they would lose their work and punishment might follow. 

Lila took her time to make Zea appear gorgeous. It was like Lila was aware of the colour the bride and groom intended to wear, there was a day she said to herself after arguing with Hala when this marriage stuff was still fresh and stabbing to her heart. She said since Hala doesn't want to back out in his decision for a second wife she shall wear exactly what they will wear that day. 

She knows Hala hates imitation, but that's the only way to inflict pain on him. Lila was dressed the same as Via then Zea, the same as his father. The maidens were sceptical about their actions, Zia couldn't hold it to her conscience and asked, your majesty, wouldn't the king feel bad seeing you like this?

Lila smiled at Zia and said peace is my companion, I mean no harm towards my husband, don't worry I don't want to cause trouble to any one of you just be active in disbursing food to the people, don't be all over me so you girls could enjoy peace in the Palace. 

The Palace was colourfully designed, kings and Queens from the neighbouring kingdom were presented, and a cool atmosphere of the music was heard everywhere. 

Hala was in his chamber waiting for his new Queen's arrival. At exactly 9 am there was a thunderous shout of happiness, Hala heard a voice. Behold the king's choice is here, the most gorgeous of her kind welcome to the land of Zomuda, the land of Kings and Queens, the land of dignitaries. 

Hala was engulfed with happiness and an incessant smile, the guards and maidens around him couldn't believe their eyes. 

Everybody was on their feet to receive Via including the kings present. 

Now it is a norm that Hala would meet his new Queen at the centre of the area, before Via could get to the centre Hala was already at his doorpost, gorgeously dressed, his eyes were flashy and very seductive. Via was amazed to see him, she stood and waited as Hala majestically walked towards her and gave her a warm hug accompanied by a romantic kiss. 

Hala went with her new Queen into their bridal canopy. 

"Great people of Zomuda, and erudite kings and Queens presented on this befitting occasion, on behalf of the Lion of Zomuda I sir Poker together with my fellow king's men welcome you all to this ever melodious ceremony". Feel free to demand whatever variety of food you want, the beautiful queen of Zomuda has volunteered to serve all as a means of welcoming her mate home. 

Everybody was in a clapping ovation,  Lila walked in with her son accompanied by some guards and maidens. Her outfit outburst everyone, all eyes were on her and Zea. Though the people of Zomuda knew what she was portraying except the strangers, even Hala knew also. 

Her dress shows Hala was celebrating the marriage of two persons. 

"My lord, why has she dressed in the same cloth as us today?" Via asked Hala, but he was unable to produce an answer to her question, "we shall tell of that after the ceremony is ended". 

There was eye contact between Via and Lila, but it seems Via's intention for that look was to offend but Lila who never gives a cheat showered her with a bright smile and winked at her. 

Via was bemused by Lila's action at that time. "She doesn't pick offence, she said, she must be a nice woman Via", said, anyway her kindness is for herself, I have come to take my place she said. 

Though Hala was enraged, the show of the day couldn't let him display the animal in him. 

Lila's duty was all over and all the guests saw her doing her work with full fledged enthusiasm. 

Everyone was well fed those that requested takeaway was specially given, the manner of service from Lila to the guests from inside and outside Zomuda prompted those that came with a sad mind to have happy moments as everyone rocked the party in his or her way. 

The kings that were present, presented gifts to Hala and his new Queen, the king of kanshawanga was not left out in this part. Hala's king's men also presented their gift and Mr poker was called on for the closing remark. 

Zomuda is a land of legend, a land of brave people governed by the fearless Lion in the jungle. Today was indeed green and the sky never hid her blue nature, we are happy for the Unforgettable event. It is our prayer that may all those who came to merry with our king journey home peacefully, the party is ended we shall all return to our various homes Mr poker said excitedly. 

One of the kings was romanced down by sir Poker's wonderful and euphoric speech. A king finds it tedious to applaud his subject by clapping but this king never displayed his pride, giving sir Poker a wonderful applause. 

Sir Poker gave a bow to him in return, and everyone went their ways, the kings and dignitaries present were invited into the Royal chamber for a special gathering. 

In the Palace, a giant Hall is holding a long table and about 50 chairs, the kings and Hala and his wife were all seated around the table to dine together before the kings left.