chapter 8: taeko

morning came and mina got ready to leave he wore a black long sleeve shirt and black pants on with black sandals.

when mina walked out the house it was a cold and cloudy Day mina went to the base to get the girl.

on his arrival he seen toshiro the girl was waiting for them mina walked up to the girl and kneeled down "what's you name" mina said with a soft gentle smile.

"my name is Mizuki" the girl said "my name is mina and the guy behind me is toshiro" Mizuki didn't respond "ok let's get going" toshro said.

"yea" mina said mina grabbed Mizuki hand "it's time to go" mina said to Mizuki they went to walk out the base.

(3 hours later)

they made it to a forest it started to rain toshiro stopped moving mina and Mizuki looked back at him "do you hear that" toshiro said.

they didn't know what toshiro was talking about toshiro started to walk to the left mina and Mizuki followed.

the found a river "it's getting late we should rest here" toshiro said "yea" mina said they set up sleeping bags mina put Mizuki to sleep.

mina and toshiro were still awake "hey mina" toshiro said mina looked at toshiro "what" mina said "after we do this I have something to tell you" toshiro said.

"ok" mina said mina started to look across the river "I hate you mina" toshiro said mina didn't say anything he just kept staring across the river.

"I know you do" mina said mina stood up "but please just get a long with me when we do this mission this girl still has a future she shouldn't be surrounded by hatred" mina said while looking at his right hand.

mina started to look down at his reflection he then looked at toshiro's reflection toshiro had a calm but sad looking face "I'm gonna go to sleep" mina said.

it was the next morning everyone was hungry "I'll look for some food" mina said "ok" toshiro said the girl didn't say anything mina went into the forest.

mina ran across some deer there where 10 of them mina got ready to get one of them he was about to jump out but in just a blink of an eye all 10 deer were dead mina couldn't tell what had happened.

mina started to get a feeling that there was someone behind him mina couldn't move he was just shaking "I'm I gonna die" mina thought "yo" a man said.

the man walked on the right side of mina he was a giant probably 7'8 he also had on a white shirt with a brown leather vest with brown fur pants and short golden the hair man stood infront of suki "you have the scent of a girl I'm looking for" the man said his voice was deep.

mina was to afraid to respond "my name is taeko" the man said mina couldn't do anything he was to afraid to even think of something his mind had went into a blank state all he could do was listen.

"you're an assassin" kaeko said "assassins are cowards having to fight in the shadows they have no pride I should kill you right here" kaeko said.

Minas body started to shake it was the first time he had felt fear "but i won't I'll let you live" kaeko said "become a warrior mina become strong" kaeko said while reaching his hand out.

"no? that's fine" kaeko said he then threw three deer legs on the ground "I'll let you go but Don't tell them about me or else I'll kill all of them" kaeko said with a smile on his face.

mina had blinked and kaeko was gone mina could move and think again he was at a lost of words he didn't even know what happened.

mina grabbed the legs and went back to toshiro and Mizuki when he got there he had calmed down "I'm back" mina said toshiro walked up to mina to get the legs toshiro had started a fire while waiting for mina.

Mizuki walked up to mina and grabbed his hand "did she notice me shaking" mina thought "it's ok" Mizuki whispered.

a tear ran down Minas left cheek