Luna and The Chamber of the sacred Book [1]

   It has been a week since Luna got a hold of the game, and a week since the academy started. During the second day, she didn't exactly messed up the physical screening test, however, it didn't went successfully as she thought it would be.

Individual test happen, each student was guided into a white spacious room. Luna was awed to think such place exist within the academy, well it was a huge facility after all.

Moreover, Luna did not expect to be monitored by the vice principal himself. Once she entered, there sat Marvin tapping his pen onto his clipboard—sitting in a wooden chair his elbow rested on a silver table.

The test ended for almost the whole morning. On the first half of the test, Marvin made her do archery, ball throwing and even a punch machine was present. The second session was when she got asked to use the basic magic she learned last year. This shaken her calm demeanor, fortunately agapius helped her through telepathic communication.

Luna Casted; Molding magic as she molded a sword using mud which Marvin has on a bucket below the table. Next was animal communication—which she didn't really used for there was no animal present and since agapius was invisible that's why they jumped onto the next magic.

The third was 'Dispel', as the name given it is casted to dispel magic thrown at you— Marvin casted green magic at Luna for her to Dispel. Fourth— immobilization magic, which prevent the other party from moving for about two hours and is the reason why they had use the time all morning. The last one was Heat magic, it only allows the user to produce heat— 'you'll literally become a living heater' Luna thought.

Adding the first and second session it lasted for about 5 hours. The test started exactly at five in the morning. The last session was Marvin taking her physical measurements; height, weight, eyesight and a blood sample.

Suddenly, She got confused when marvin ended the class without her showing her main magical abilities, and when Luna asked, all marvin replied was 'No need' as he left the room. They were done at exactly 12 pm after that their afternoon was vacant.


   That test had been over a week. And she was glad that she didn't broke nor behaved indifferently (hopefully).

   It was now Tuesday in the year of X585 on the third week of April.

   Luna, Rei, Hikari, Rina, Arlo, Daryll, Xavier and Remus was under the shade of the cherry blossom tree, sitting and having a picnic at lunch. The area near them was also filled with people, most of them are couples.

   During the first week as a third grader in SMA; They eventually started to hang out during lunch and eventually became acquainted with each other.

     Alot of things happen during then, not to mention the repeated suspicion she got from The vice principal whenever they bump into each other after the physical screening test. She somehow felt like he was looking deep into her soul, as if he knew there was someone else occupying the body.

   As of the moment, Luna was still in shock as she scan the status of Rina. Her magic suddenly appear out of nowhere after the 3rd day, things seems to be escalating so quickly. It was immediately explained by Agapius how it suddenly popped up. He said that if he was in a room of people who knew one's power and incidentally over heard them, the information he had heard will automatically be put into the status, even without the host hearing them. He was after all both the creator and System of the game.

   Luna seem to be taken aback after knowing Rinalyn's Ability. During the past days, she did a research about Take Over ability, and it was honestly a scary experience for the book that contains the information was known to be sacred. The Library, of course, couldn't let her get a hold of the said book she tried and tried to get pass the librarian but she always got caught, until she became banned from the place.

However, that didn't stopped her. At the night of a Friday, she snuck into a window which was a single window near two book shelf, that eventually made as it's shield for you won't see it without looking at the back of the shelves.

   Successfully getting in, although, the security was the toughest part for her to handle. Everything other than that was as easy as cake to her for she already knew where they kept the sacred book. It was resting on a secret chamber which can only be activated when a book was pulled from a lone bookshelf sitting in a dim corner of the library. But since she didn't know it took time for her to actually open the chamber.

    Her goal was just to get information about Rina's said to be rare ability. According to the book; Take Over only occur when a child is demon or partly a demon.

   Somehow Luna find it funny how agapius actually made a demon clan into his fake world, it was surprising how he didn't get punished by this action. Although it was said that the clan of demons was now extinct and only not less that 10 people is partially a demon.

Take Over was made to be an ability only for someone who has a demonic blood; Rina, However, was a rare case. For as agapius confirm, Rinalyn was a pure blooded human no one from the family was once a demon nor came from a demonic lineage. She was the 1st human to be bestowed with such ability.

According to the book, if one cannot master nor control the demons lingering inside of them, the user will die as those uncontrollable soul would slowly drain their energy.

   That was the first chapter of the book consisting of 43 pages merely centered about the history of the ability.

  As Luna turned into the fifth chapter, the first part shocked her. It made her frown and rather became worried about herself. She again turn the page anxiously to find more of what she read.

  Unfortunately, the rest of the chapter was blank, as if there's some kind of magic protecting it. She turn and turn but 56 pages were blank, hardly enough, she decided to give up. She wanted to bring the book with her, nevertheless, she left it when she heard the hidden door opened.

  And with that, agapius panic as he started to use teleportation magic for them to escape without being notice.


   Luna sighed as she remembered all of those that happened that Friday Night. She couldn't hide the fact that, it made her heart jump. It was scary, yet exciting at the same time.

   "Don't you think our uniforms kinda suck?" Said Daryll as he stood up, extending both of his hand and turned around.

    "You're just used to the first and second year uniform, since they're more elegant." Replied Rei who then stood up and twirl.

   Unlike the uniform of freshman and sophomores, which consists of a collared polo, darkish purple vest, necktie and jacket. When they spar, they also have a separate clothes which is a long sleeve muddy milk wing collared shirt.

   Whereas for the seniors, they have a  long milky white long sleeves and a pastel blue colored jacket, and a high waisted skirt that is a knee length that have frills at the end for the girls. As for the boy, they wore a more dark shaded uniforms. Their sparring outfit was a long T-shirt Cuff Mandarin collared shirt in a nude color.

    "It's much easier to move around in these uniforms, since it's more loose than those suffocating fit uniforms last year. Not to mention our sparring outfits! They were much cooler than the ones we wore since freshman." Rei enthusiastically stated, her eyes sparkles as she twirl her dress side by side.

    "I'm not really a blue kind of person, but I agree on the latter." Said Daryll as he sat back down.

     Luna couldn't really relate on how they're comparing the uniforms, although, she do kind of agree that the freshman and sophomore's uniform seem to be kind of suffocating and hot for it has too many layers. It was like the tuxedo he wore once in the foundation night of their school, it was stuffy and hot that he refused to dance anyone and only stayed at his sit.

   Her gaze went to Remus and Rina who was seem to be casually flirting, not that anybody could tell since they're minding their own business. By flirting, Rina and Remus was comparing their hand to each other, their palm touched. Luna watched them with a sour Expression. To her Rina looked more like the main character instead of Luna.

   'You do know friends also do that stuff.' Agapius suddenly interrupted her thoughts.

   Well, it was also true. She remembered doing the same thing together with her best friend Anthony, competing who has more manly and wider hand between them. It was a silly contest, where Anthony ended up holding her hand just for him to say that he win.

   'Well yeah, I guess.'

   'We are going again on Friday, right?'

   'Yeah, I'm curious about the 56 blank pages of that book. You're a God, so you should probably know the contents, right?'

   'Hmm... It's a secret, it's no fun if I ended up telling it to you. No adventure? Boring~ Give me an exciting story!'


  The more she talk to agapius, the more she became irritated. Seems like she needed to find the contents in the hard way, cheating is prohibited as per say by Agapius.


   After class, Hikari and Daryll suggested to go to the oval to hang out and watch the sparring of the freshman. Luna, on the other hand, refused and went straight to the dorm.

   As soon as she arrived, she expected to be the only one in the room, unfortunately, Elmira was present. Watching TV in the living room as she eat snacks. Elmira greeted Luna with 'welcome back', instead of replying she ignore her and went straight to her room to change.

   'That was really rude of you.' Stated agapius.

   Luna took off the waist length blazer as she unbuttoned her collared polo. Walking up to the closet, taking out a maroon jacket and a grey jogger.

  Rude? Well, perhaps she is. Not that she dislike elmira it's just that she prefer not talking to anyone after coming back from a handful of lectures. Luckily, they didn't hand out any assignments.

   After changing clothes she went out of the room and headed towards the kitchen to make some snacks. But, Instead of a snack, she ended up making a salad. Luna then joined Elmira on the living room.

   "Where are the others?" Asked Elmira as to when Luna just sat down on the carpet below.

    "At the oval, they said they wanted to watch the first year spar." Luna replied.

    Agapius then came meowing as he jump up on the couch then sat, watching the television together with the two.

   As Luna eat her salad, she isn't exactly watching, but her eyes was glued onto the TV. She was in deep thoughts.

   The first page of the fifth chapter the book bothered her and somehow terrified her. In this world, one wrong move and who knows what will happen to her.

   Speaking of which, she needed to form a plan for them to enter the chamber once more. During her afternoon class she thought of considering to use teleportation magic to break in, however, agapius was against the idea. Using magic to enter will be detectable and would only mean trouble, but using magic to escape was doable, that's why the idea was scrapped.

    If they successfully got in, in the first place, doesn't that mean they could do it again? Unfortunately not, they almost got caught, Luna knew for sure that there's definitely no possible way that their first plan would work again this time. There's a high chance that they added more security for safety purposes.

   And since she was banned for 2 weeks inside the library, she can't come up with a blueprint or blind spot to go in. Though, again, she thought of using illusion to enter the premises. That is however, another fail after she find out about the library; The school library uses a nullification Barrier, that, of course, completely nullifies their all sorts of magic, stopping mana flow from their body temporarily once they are inside. The only place where magic works was inside the secret chamber.

   'This is hard... '


    The sound of fork used, collapsed with the empty glass bowl as luna finished the salad and stood up, and put the used dishes in the sink as she eventually washed it after.

   Going back to the living room, she saw Elmira playing with agapius. As the days goes by, Luna is almost forgetting that the cat she's with was a deity in trial.

    'He's better off being an animal, than be in his exhibitionist form or whatever.'

   "I'm heading out." She said, however the two seem to be focus on playing that she paid no mind, not even repeating what she had said and quietly went out.

   Luna has exactly no place in mind to stop by, she all just wanted to get some fresh air. She continued walking as she reached the academy.

   The dusk wind made her dark purple hair flutter.


  If she knew it will be windy, she should've tied her hair. Luna was already used to her current body, what she can't get used to was her long hair, always forgetting to tie it for it to avoid being a nuisance in the face. Perhaps, it's time for her to cut it.


  She was pretty sure agapius would scold her if she does.

  Luna decided to sit on a bench near a lamp post. Looking up at the pinkish orange sky and clouds.

   Her eyes wander around until she saw a familiar face. It was none other than Dion, it seems like they just finished their work on the student council. As Dion and two other people began to approach, Luna couldn't help but to avoid looking.

   Somehow, they've been crossing paths quite a lot since the 3rd day. In the hallway where he bumped into her, at the cafeteria where their eyes met with each other, at the oval where she found him looking at her, he also once tried talking to her but unfortunately Luna ignored him completely. She doesn't know but she somewhat feel rather uncomfortable by his presence, maybe because he has the face as her best friend Anthony on the outside world.

    Not to mention, he was a male interest.

[ Dion Japitana

Age: 21

Date of birth: December 17 x565

Race: Human


Background: UNKNOWN

   • Other information [LOCKED]

Likability: 29%

Affection rate: 16%]

   His affection rate bothered Luna the most, no matter what she do, as she continues to ignore him, the affection rate keeps increasing.

  At the start it was at 2, and yet now it's on 16, not even Arlo or any other love interest she had met was at that number. If she were to chart all the male lead she had encountered so far, Dion will be at the top.

   Luna felt like him liking her were somewhat illegal and legal at the same time. First and foremost he had the exact same face as Anthony—her sister's boyfriend at that.

   'I feel like I had sinned towards eva.'

  Luckily, this time, it didn't seem like Dion noticed her for she put her hood up and pulled the string covering her face.

  Once she knew that he's gone, she took her hood off, and to her surprise, she saw the guy with a muddy colored hair kneeling on the ground picking up some papers.

   Their eyes met, both was perplexed eyes widen as their eyes fixated to one another, then eventually looked to the paper scattered on the cobblestone ground as the guy started to anxiously picked them up. Luna sighed at the sight and too kneel on the ground picking up each paper he still haven't picked.

   As she picked the last one which was at the bottom of the bench, she frowned after looking at the paper. Why would a student have something like this? Not to mention something secretive that needs to be not leaked out. Her gripped tighten around the paper, the more she looked at it, the more she confirmed that it wasn't an illusion.

    It was a blueprint of the library together with the chamber attached to it.

    Suddenly, all the paper In her hand got snatched including the blueprint. Luna looked up at the guy, however she flinch as to when she saw him glare and eventually left.

    Luna was left thunderstruck. Her mind can't keep up with what she just witnessed. She knew that guy was from her class, however, how come she doesn't remember his name, his face was familiar yet she can not remember his name.

   But that wasn't the problem, how can someone, a student even got a hold of a blueprint of the library. Luna also became rather bewildered after her eyes met his glare.

   She wasn't sure if it was just a trick her eyes made, but, for a moment he glared at her. His eye color faintly changed.

   A golden kind of glow was suddenly mixed to his muddy brown colored eyes.

   'Who is he..?'