
Night hawks on go!

Ava sighed, "There they go again" she could hear the loud laughter of the boys playing in their rooms, "Do these boys ever get some rest" she groaned before covering her face with her pillow.

Then suddenly she heard a scream coming from the hall, "Sister?" She got down from the bed and sought to check out what the scream was about. Two steps in and the scream instantly turned into a cry for help.

"Sister what's wrong?" She started running towards the door but she stopped when she heard a scraping coming from the roof in her room, she slowly turned her head to check what the sound was.

Out of nowhere, a Meta 4 pilled open the rooftop after it spotted Ava who was standing at the front of the door shivering in fear. She wanted to open the door and run away.

But as soon as she grabbed the doorknob the Meta 4 stretched his hands towards her and grabbed hold of her leg, she fell to the ground screaming in fear. She started smacking the monster's hands but it still didn't let go.

It started pulling her close making scary screeching, she grabbed the leg of her bulk bed and didn't let go of it until the monster picked her up, smashed her to the ground then pulled out her leg before flinging her to the side.

She laid on the ground and fell unconscious from the impact her head made with the ground, when she finally came through she saw Junichi in front of her struggling to drag her away from the Meta 4, "it hurts, it hurts" she cried in her mind.


Ava woke up from the horrific dream she was having, she got down from the bed and went to the mirror that was hanging on her wall, "Been a while since I had that dream!" She smashed the wall in with her hands.

It's been five years since the accident happened, the city of Danvers, Junichi, and Ava's hometown never remained the same, thousands of people died including the children in the orphanage home.

Junichi has been unconscious for the past five years and showed no sign of waking up, the scientist who was working on the research with the Meta 3 said he had a 5% chance of surviving and Ava didn't want to let that chance go.

After putting on her uniform and her military-style cap to compliment it, she left her room to go check up on Junichi who was still laying unconscious with Doctor Lira's research lab, the scientist in charge of her squad.

She walked into the lab and saw Lira using an injection to suck out Junichi's blood out of his body, "How is he?" Ava asked.

"Well… still the same, his heart still beating but for some reason, he just isn't waking up" she went over to her working desk and grabbed a test tube before pouring Junichi's blood into it.

"I don't understand, you should be waking up already" She sat down beside Junichi, grabbing his hand and placing it on her chest, "You really do like trouble don't you".

The alarm started ringing and the red lights were flashing, "I have to go" she stood up from the bed, "Please take good care of him" she left.

"Sure, you are such a lucky guy" Lira smiled and went back to testing his blood.

She arrived at the meet-up where all the Meta 3 gathered and came to receive their mission from General Regard.

"There are three signals all coming from the same place" he opened a briefcase and brought out a paper map of a Danvers.

"Your mission is simple, we split into two teams and eradicate this filthy Meta 4s" he rotated the map and placed two different marks on it. "Squad you are taking the red light district, they seem to be much so be careful, Squad b you are going on patrol make sure no Meta 4 escapes" The disappointing moans of Squad b filled the room.

"Are we understood?"

"Yes, sire" they all saluted.

Squad a consisted of Ava, Jackson, Filo, Mike, and Hikari, they were among the best of the new generation Meta 3. Squad b consisted of Lucky, Rachel, Hinata, and Yang, they were still in training but just advanced to the leading platoon all together they were known as the Nighthawks.

After receiving their task and mission they each entered their private bikes and headed towards the distress signal to kill some Metas.


"How many do you think they are?" Jackson came down from his bike, he stood there watching as the Meta 4 kept destroying buildings and cars, the police officers that were there started firing their guns at them but it did nothing to cause any damage.

"What are you waiting around for, these Metas aren't going to kill themselves" Pulling out her Saber blade from her bike, Ava charged towards the Meta 4 that was attacking the officers.

Filo smiled, "That's our leader for you, they don't call her the Blade empress for nothing" she also pulled out her spear from her bike.

"Slowpokes, you snooze you lose" Mike sped on his bike straight into the Meta 3, he pulled out two pistols guns from his bike, as soon as his skin made contact with the gun he extended the green glowing veins that were all over his body and covered the entire gun with it, turning it into a Meta 4 killing death gun.

Ava grabbed the officer's shirt and pulled him back while propelling her own body to the front, she slashed her blade against the Meta 4's head-splitting it in half.

Another Meta dashed out of one of the buildings and charged towards her, when it got close enough it opened its mouth and got ready to snap her in two. With a huge smirk on her face, she stretched out her leg that had been hardened by her Meta 3 fluid.

When the Meta 3 opened its mouth she shoved her feet and placed it in the Meta 4's mouth, she scoffed "Weakness disgusts me, go to hell" she pushed her leg in deeper before slamming its head to the ground with her leg.

The ground scattered when she pounded its head to the ground with her foot, after she confirmed its death she turned to see the rest of her teammates fighting with the rest of the Meta 4.

Her eyes turned dark and her veins glowed even brighter, "Kill every last one of 'em" she started running around the area super-fast, slashing and pounding every Meta 4 she saw.

Mike, still on his bike, used his pistols to blast off their heads, Jackson brought out his sword and hardened his hands with his own Meta 3 fluid, his veins were blue and his slashes were so strong that all he needed was a strike to take down a Meta 4.

They took down all the Meta 4 that were in the surroundings, Ava walked into one of the broken buildings to see a dead woman with parts of a Meta 4's part sticking out of her body, a baby was resting underneath her, his cries were what drew Ava to the building.

"You poor thing" she moved the mother aside and gently carried the baby, patting his back to calm him down.

"Please… help my son!" the woman sobbed, "I don't want him to suffer…" she coughed, her eyes were turning dark and her skin gray.

"Listen to me, you have to fight it" she goes down to her knees, "If you don't gather up the will to live, you will turn into one of them, and then your son will be alone, I know you don't want them, so I need you to fight it" she tried to convince the woman.

"But it hurts…too much, I just want to die" She started screaming, different parts of a Meta 4 started bursting out from her body, she was slowly and painfully turning into one of them.

Ava turned her head to the side, feeling sorry for the woman who had to through the pain, "I will keep my promise, your son won't suffer, you are a good woman" Ava pulled out her blade.

"Thank you"

"Amen…" Ava whispered to herself and covered the baby's eyes before cutting off the woman's head with her blade, "I'm sorry" she turned to see the rest of her team watching her from behind.

"Are you okay?" Jayson asked.

"Yh, let's head back to headquarters"