

"As usual the M.D.T will be paying for the damages caused during the attack, rest assured we are here to answer every and any question that you may have" Levi's face was showing in every television and device in Danvers, the rest of his squad were behind him.

Ava and Jackson sat in Doctor Lira's office, watching the television where Levi was having a live conference with the people of Danvers.

"From the recent attack, we didn't get any corpses, what happened to the bodies? Are you guys now using them as experiments" one of the reporters standing at the right side of the room asked?

"We are also trying to get to the bottom of it, we noticed they have been killing and making sure that the dead humans have no remain to come back to, we believe that figured out we can now harness their power and don't want us doing it no more, devouring the human completely is just a way for them to secure their status as the top predators" He responded.

"And why hasn't the M.D.T done anything about this, it is their fault these creatures are moving carelessly around in our world" the reporter questioned.

"Mam, we are trying, but there…" Levi tried to give them a reasonable answer but was cut off.

"Can you guarantee us that these so-called Meta 3 won't turn against us?" The other reporter asked.


They all started throwing questions at him, he placed his hand on his head when he started feeling stressed, "Men this is such a pain" he groaned silently.

Roxie was standing beside Levi when she noticed the frustration growing on his face, she smiled before turning the mic over to her mouth, "Thank you, but that would be enough question for today" She announced to the reporters, they raised their voices even higher as they began to force their questions on her.

Levi walked out of the room and the rest of the team including Roxie followed, Jackson stood up and switched off the television.

"The people are starting to lose trust in us, it was only a matter of time" Jackson uttered, resting his back on the wall he began scratching his hair in frustration, "They are so ungrateful!" he yelled.

Ava hushed Jackson, she deep cleaned the towel that she was holding in water and started cleaning Junichi's body.

"So, you both were childhood friends?" Jackson walked slowly towards her.

"Yh, he was family to me" she continued to use the wet towel to wipe his body.

"Funny, I never pictured you as the lovey-dovey type" He chuckled before reaching for the bowl of water, he walked over to the sink to change the water since it had already gotten dirty.

"Who said I was lovey-dovey, he was a pain in the ass, the rough kind" she smiled then immediately frowned her face trying to hide her emotions.

"Interesting was that a smile I just spotted" Jackon laughed as he gently placed the new bowl of water beside her.

"Thank you" she uttered, she turned around to grab a new towel from the drawer when she suddenly felt the bed shaking.

She quickly turned around to see Junichi juddering on the bed, "Junichi?" she dropped the towel and tried to hold him down, "Help me!" she cried out to Jackson.

"Oh… right" Using his Meta 3 powers which uses his mutated fluid in his body to give his arms and armor a texture, he held down Junichi's legs but even with Jackson's incredible arm strength Junichi still didn't stop shaking.

"What is going on here?" Lira walked into the room, she noticed the panicking look on Ava's face and immediately ran to her side. She grabbed an injection from the locker and injected Junichi with the substance.

After a few seconds, Junichi's body calmed down, just when they thought of giving a sighing relief the helter monitor that was monitoring Junichi's health went into the flat tone indicating that his heart was no longer breathing.

Shocked, Ava took slow steps back as she watched Lira and Jackson try to check what was going on, all the sounds around were muted, she watched Junichi's life slowly slip away and there was not a thing that she could do.

After some time it was clear that Junichi had died, Ava fell to the floor laughing before bursting into tears, Jackson tried consoling her but the amount of grief she was feeling at the moment was so much that it broke her.

Even when she thought Junichi had died, giving up and dying seemed to be the only option, but at the very last second, she felt a weak but warm breath blow upon her neck. That single breath that Junichiro gave was what pushed her through for five years with the hope that Junichi would one day wake up.

But now that the little hope she had is gone, she feels both broken and betrayed. She cried and cried for hours but her tears stopped when she spotted Junichi moving his fingers.

She stood up from the ground hastily and ran to his side, "He moved his hands, did you see it?" She turned to Jackson.

"Listen… Ava, I know you feel hurt right now, but…"

"I'll kill them… I'll kill them all" Junichi kept whispering those words over and over again.

She smiled when she heard Junichi speak, "See I told you, I told you he moved" she excitedly cleaned the tears from her eyes before holding Junichi's arm.

"Not here, not now, I can't die now!" He leaped up from the bed and landed on Lira's working desk, he slowly turned to see Ava, Lira, and Jackson staring at him with shock written all over their faces.

"Uhm… where am I?" Junichi asked, he slowly stood to his feet, they could see his chest since he didn't have a top on, the scar of where the Meta 4 stabbed him was still there and it was glowing, they could see the white flashes resonating from the scar.

¬¬"Look, your boyfriend is a zombie," Jackson uttered.

"Shut up" Ava showed him.


After they gave Junichi something to wear, Lira and Jackson left the room to give Ava some space to explain to Junichi everything that happened after his deep sleep.

"Mon, Sid, the kids, they are all dead?" He asked, his voice cracked up as he tried to hold in the tears, "Then why did we survive? They never deserved this" Tears rolled down his cheeks.

"But we are alive, we have to live for them, it's what Sister would want" She tried consoling him.

He stood up and walked to the mirror that was placed on the wall, when he saw himself he noticed the glowing light coming from his chest, "It really has been five years" he started to feel the scar on his chest with his arms.

"Yes it has, but things aren't the same anymore, Junichi, the Meta 4 are becoming bigger threats every day, it's a miracle that you didn't turn into one of them" she stood up from the bed and walked up to him.

He cleaned his dried-up tears, "Yh about that… I still don't understand this whole Meta stuff, you are going to have to explain… because I can't feel my heart beating" He turned to her with an anxious look on his face as he placed his hands on his heart.