

She gently shifted her attention towards him, "Junichi? Can you hear me?" She dropped her blade and started to slowly move closer to him.

Junichi gave out a loud shriek, he struggled to get himself freed from the roped arrows that were holding him down, he watched as Ava slowly walked towards him and all he could feel at the moment was blood lust.

He was growling and shrieking like a mad dog, helicopters started to show up one by one pointing their lights at him, Meta 3's from different headquarters started jumping out of the helicopters.

They planned to take in the new type of Meta 3 that was able to turn into a full Meta with turning into a monster, as they made their advance, Ava's team blocked their path.

"I'm sorry, but we can't let you pass" Filo stopped the Meta 3 start was heading towards Junichi, they were in the middle of the road so people who heard about the battles that were going on came to watch even though they were scared to death about being a meal for the Meta 4s they still wanted to see a Meta 3 in action.

"We have direct orders from Arizona to bring in the Meta for a test, are you going to defy orders?" The Meta 3 who was being blocked by Filo and Hikari asked.

They both shifted their attention away from the man and straight to Ava who was still trying to get Junichi back to normal, "Whatever you want to do, I'm sure you can't do it better than she can" Filo frowned back at the man.

"Can you hear me Junichi? It's going to be alright okay, I need you to listen to me" she moved closer with each word, "You don't want to kill anyone, you wanna hurt either, so snap out of it" she stretched out her hands towards him, she watched as his sparkling red eyes kept following her hand movement.

After her hand had gotten close enough, he snapped his jaw on her wrist, yanking his head back and forth trying to rip it off, Ava groaned but didn't stop making her advance towards him.

She landed a hug with a smile on her face, "It's okay… the Meta's are gone, you can relax now" Tears almost fell from her eyeball, "Please come back to me" Junichi slowly started to come back to his senses.

He slowly removed his mouth away from Ava's wrist, when he let go of her hand, the blood started dripping from her hands straight to her fingers, and they were wiggling so bad that it felt like it was about to come off.

Junichi's eyes that were glowing red slowly started turning to normal and so did the rest of his body, "I'm sorry… " He rested his head on her shoulder and all the red glowing veins that were on his body slowly started to network themselves back to the scar on his chest before he fell unconscious.

"It's okay… you can rest now" she consoled him, she raised her head to see the giant white meta standing close to a building that was far away and watching them, the Meta's eyes were glowing white and it was so big that Ava was able to spot it.

"Alright, that's enough, boy! Just get the merchandise already" The helicopter landed and a man dressed in a black suit came out of it with different soldiers at his back.

All the Meta's around saluted with respect, "Commander Trevin! I didn't know you were coming over" the man that was arguing with Filo ran to Trevin's side to greet him.

"I heard about the rare kind of Meta 3 that showed up in Danvers so I came to check him out" He turned to see Junichi unconscious on Ava's arm.

Ava rested Junichi on one of her and while using the other to pick her blade and point it forward.

"It's okay!" Trevin smiled while making his way towards her, "I promise we aren't going to do anything bad to him… let me help" He gently pushed her blade away from his face.

Before could give him a response one of the Blurieds Meta 3 gave her a heavy whack to the neck which made her fall unconscious, Trevin took Junichi from her and headed back to the helicopter, "You my friend, you're going to have a lot of fun together."

Filo and Hikari couldn't do anything but watch Trevin take Junichi into the helicopter and fly off, once commander Trevin had left all the Meta's pointing their guns at Filo and Hikari went back to their helicopters and left.

"Empress!" Filo and Hikari ran towards Ava's unconscious body.

"She was only knocked out," Hikari sighed in relief.

"Yeah but what are we going to tell her when she wakes up… she is going to freak" Filo panicked.

"That could be a problem…" Hikari watched as the helicopters flew off.


Laying on the bed in Lira's office, Ava sat upright as soon as she gained consciousness, she placed her hand on her head trying to pull herself back together.

"Oh… you up" Lira dropped the glass of water that she was holding and placed it on the desk.

"What happened? All I remember was holding Junichi… Junichi?" She jolted her body to the side facing Lira, "Where is he?" she asked.

"Well, you see…" Before she could answer, Ava stood up from the door and headed straight to the door, "He is in Arizona now!" Lira yelled, Ava paused and turned to her slowly.

The country Arizona is one of the biggest countries if not the biggest, once they take a liking to a Meta 3 or in Junichi's case his unusual transformation, they come to take and run experiments on them in order to find new ways to defeat the Metas.

"And you know what that means, he is going through the treatment" Lira uttered, "I'm sorry, but he isn't coming back" she apologized.

Ava let go of the doorknob and slowly made her way back to her bed without saying a word, she hopped on the bed and covered her entire body with the blanket while turning her back to Filo.

Filo sighed as she scratched her head, "This is going to come back to bite me, I just know it" she walked back to her deck and continued working.

Junichi was being tied up in an underground layer in Arizona, he was blindfolded but he could still hear multiple footsteps coming towards him.

"Junichiro Hexen, Biologically you are now 18 years old, your parents were killed in an accident, and oh wow that's a very long time…" Commander Trevin came into the room with a book in his hand, it continued all the information they needed to know about Junichi.

"Who are you guys?" Junichi asked, struggling to get himself loose from the ropes that they tied around his fist.

Trevin carefully removed the blindfold from Junichi's eyes, with a big smile he pulled his face closer, "I'm going to need you to stay still now" The three guards that were in the room with him moved closer and forcefully stretched Junichi's arms out.