
Clash of Commanders

"When I heard that two types of Meta showed up in Danvers, a huge white Meta 4 and a human-sized Meta I just had to check it out" Trevin walked over to the small table that was in the room with them and went to pick up the small box that was laying on it.

"Meta 3 and Meta 4, what do you think the difference is between them? Other than their massive size, I don't think there is any difference" Trevin unwrapped the box and brought out an injection and a small bottle that had a chemical in it.

"What are you talking about, aren't you part of the M.D.T?" Junichi asked, he watched as Trevin dipped the injection into the bottle and extracted the chemical into the injection.

"The difference is the lust to kill, after turning into a Meta we the only thing we desire is to kill and destroy any Meta we come across including the humans who were infected" He dropped the bottle and walked slowly towards Junichi.

"While they kill for fun, we kill to protect, but what would be the point if we kept killing ourselves in the process, then we found a way… a way to suppress the hunger to kill, Araldite" Trevin smiled, "Fight fire with fire as they do say, but in this case its fight lust with pain" He placed the injection on Junichi's skin and released the chemical inside into his body.

When the chemical got inside of Junichi's body, his body started heating up rapidly, he screamed when the pain started to spread around his body, his skin turned pale and his blood vessels started bursting out of his body.

Trevin stood there, watching Junichi struggle in pain trying to get loose, "Not enough I see" He quickly pulled out a dagger from his jacket and stabbed Junichi in the eye with it.

Junichi screamed in pain as blood rushed out of his battered eye socket, "That's more like it" With the dagger still stuck in Junichi's eyes, Trevin started twisting the dagger in an anticlockwise motion adding more pain to the already damaged eye.

With an evil expression on his face, he gave a sinister smile before letting go of the dagger. He took a few steps back when he noticed that Junichi was no longer screaming.

"Hey, asshole!" Junichi grunted with his head bent low, the red lightning from his chest started to network itself throughout his entire body "The hell do you think you are?" He uttered in an angry tone.

"OH!" With a surprised look on his face, Trevin took a couple of steps back still holding the dagger that was in his hand.

"I don't know who you are but no one, on one ties me down and gets away with it!" Junichi's yelling voice turned into a loud shriek, the men that were holding down both moved back when the lighting started sparking all around.

The lightning started to form around Junichi's body and then slowly began to form into a monster-like skin, with a sudden poof of steam the ropes that Junichi was tied in came ripping off and a giant red Meta 4 appeared in front of Trevin.

The boys that were standing behind Junichi fell to the ground in fear, wondering how a Meta 4 as huge as that could have appeared out of thin air.

Junichi was now inside his very own Meta 4, controlling it from the inside like a robot, all around him were chunks of meat that were connected to every part of his body, making Junichi one with the Meta.

Commander Trevin standing was so close to Junichi's scary Meta face and yet he still had a calm look on. The Meta was so big that even when it was on its kneel it already occupied almost every space there.

When Junichi tried to stand up, His Meta's head broke the ceiling, it was so huge that its head broke out of the ground and everyone could see him. Junichi gave out a loud shriek and looked down at Trevin before running away.

Because he was in an underground layer, Junichi's head was breaking the ground as he was moving. The people who were running in fear could only see a Meta 4's head with black hair and a red glowing eye moving and breaking the road.

"Amazing, I must say I never expected this, A champion Meta so the book was right" He tossed the dagger on the table, "Get the slayers, we have a Meta to catch" He ordered the boys in the room.

Junichi jumped out of the ground and started running on the road. The city had light poles at every corner, fancy buildings, and different cars parked everywhere.

Out from the corners, three cars went speeding out and chasing after Junichi who was rampaging around the city, Two Blurieds Meta 3 stepped out of the moving cars and began their pursuit on foot.

Junichi noticed the Meta chasing after him on Building tops and sought to stop them in their tracks, with one smash of his fist the building collapsed to the ground when he wanted to hit one of the Meta 3.

The other one who hadn't yet gotten a strike from Junichi pulled out four grenades from his uniform pockets and threw them at Junichi. The grenades exploded and Junichi fell to the ground.

The black cars stopped and some men brought out a machine that had long sharp roped spears, they placed it on the ground and started firing at Junichi, each roped spear pierced his skin and hooked him to the ground.

Everybody gathered around watching as the M.D.T was taking down a Meta 4, another car drove in and Trevin came down from it, he walked closer to Junichi's hooked body.

"Rail him up, he's coming with us" Trevin smiled.

All of a sudden, with no effort at all Junichi, rose from the ground pulling all the spear launchers towards him, with his head facing the sky he gave out a very loud shriek before his Meta body started to disappear turning back into lightning.

After the body had disappeared Junichi fell to the ground unconscious, the whole crowd was surprised and scared, they had never seen anything like it. The country had not had a Meta attack in years thanks to their high security.

Trevin moved closer to Junichi's unconscious body, "A Champion Meta, very intriguing" He spoke to himself.

Just when Trevin got to his knees and was about to lay his hands on Junichi he heard one of his men shout, "Hey! What do you think you're doing?" The Blurieds Metas guarding the scene yelled.

Trevin turned to see who it was only to see Ava and her group taking out all his men, he shifted his attention away from Junichi and moved it to the group that was taking out his team.

"I hope you have a good explanation for this?" Trevin stood up and moved towards them.

"Yeah… let him go…" Ava was about to attack but Levi's disapproval stopped her.

"Calm down, your grandma" Levi came out from his own car, he walked steadily towards Trevin who still had a confident look on.

"You've got some nerve taking one of my Meta's away from me, I was actually watching on the news and I realized how stupid you must have been to do that" He gave him a cold stare before turning to see Junichi on the ground.

"Last I remember, we own your town," Trevin uttered.

"Last I checked we don't take orders from you, what are you doing here?" Levi responded in a cool tone.

"Don't bother, we were just leaving" Trevin gave his men some hand signal telling them to go get Trevin, but the raging look on Ava's face was telling them otherwise.

"I don't think you understand Trevin" The blue lighting started networking throughout Levi's body and his hand went to its Meta form, "He stays".