Chapter 1

Friday 23rd May



The loud collabo music could be heard from the best snack in town. The music is the best and so is the speaker's healthy nature helping to promote the sound.

The broad scriptures "Galaxy Snack" were now illuminating as the red bulbs pulled attention to themselves.

Located at Rail_Bonaberi, Galaxy Snack is known for always attracting people to itself, it is known as the lion's den.

If you are not part of the Mafia's Squad in town, you dare not venture, especially not alone.

The club belongs to Mr. Jaxtyn Adrian Watson, the most notorious and researched person in the whole of Cameroon.

Don't dare whisper his name unless you want to get yourself into trouble.

As handsome as his face is, he has a black heart, painted black. Cameroonians often muster that he has the devil's mark on his chest, signaling that he has been marked as the devil's own.

Known popularly as the Mafia Prince, when he appears on any occasion, the earth trembles, and people hide not knowing what else to do.

Tonight, Galaxy snack had roughly three hundred people in it, they all found pleasure doing what they like best, partying, clubbing, and messing around with the runs girls they could lay hands on.

One could proudly say Galaxy Snack is the biggest of all the nightclubs in town, from the outside, it looked shady, to an extent of deviating the people from seeing what is actually been done there. When you enter it, especially from the main entrance, all you'll see is a normal bar with two waitresses and a bright smile.

That's just it, a camouflage. Real things happen on the inside, the connecting door from the hallway leads to what we know as the Galaxy of the town, where everything is allowed, and when inside, either you come out as wretched as a church rat, or you might be as satisfied as anyone would be if the chart of luck faces you.

In the inner club, everyone faced the round stage all clapping as the lady they've been waiting for mounts the stage.

Chelsea Ashlynn White. Half naked, she looked strikingly beautiful, her free hair curling around her shoulder, she is an epitome of real beauty.

At twenty-three, Chelsea is a professional stripper, straight legs, thin waist full breast and the only thing that covers her nakedness is a patch of dancing attire that covers her nipples and mount venus

So far, she looks like a Queen bee, pulling the attention of everyone in the club.

Saying that she is lewd is an understatement, Chelsea is good at what she does, and wouldn't hesitate to do anything for the money, I repeat__anything.

Her beautiful heavy lock of hair flashed behind her back in curls, His booted feet made the way to the pool as she held it seductively.

The mouth of the men succeeded in falling apart, lust is visibly attached to their faces as if it is a large banner. Seeing this, a slow smile popped on her face.

It is only being two weeks ago she started working at Galaxy Snack, yet she had succeeded in gathering tones of million Francs from the wealthy men who just wanted a round on the bed and let her keep the balance.

She has barely had time to properly take care of herself during this period of time. Tonight, she heard the Mafia Prince will be at the club, but she has never met him before. Nonetheless, she wishes to see him, to seduce him, and definitely win his heart. There is nothing impossible for her to do.

Looking at the DJ, she nodded her head signaling him that it is time to start the music.

As if on command, he turned the music highly. It was Crazy Bitch that boomed the speaker almost breaking it into pieces.

Immediately Chelsea heard it, her heart tripped a bit, she was happy that such good music still has value in clubs.

Holding the pole firmly, she closed her eyes ready to start the dance.

To Chelsea, dancing is a stress releaser, it helps her regain her lost confidence, she is happy that she could actually come up with steps that would suit the inner man.

Slowly, she went down on akimbo releasing the flesh on her bum bum to be exposed. It is an impossible thing for anyone. say that they didn't see her swollen bud of flesh which has been clutched in her midsection.

Posing, she threw her head behind flashing them her iconic smile.

It looked perfectly beautiful, and as if the men were being controlled with a marine spirit, they cheered for her urging her to do more seductive poses to lure their sexual desires to a boat.


Mr. Jaxtyn Adrian Watson chose the perfect time to enter the club tonight. Seeing as the men shouted and hailed at a lady, he paid no attention he is used to seeing them around and having them curl all over him, but then, she doesn't know why the men reacted in such a manner.

"Chelsea is the best, she will always remain the best," his bodyguard muttered to his colleague.

They were all clothed in black suits, white shirts, and a black tie. The only difference is that they were bouncers, had perfect muscles at the right angle.

Unlike them, their master is different, Jaxtyn looked like the moon God, tall, well-built, and a look at him could make a girl drool over him. It is evident that it was what he wanted, to lure as many as he can in his bed.

At twenty-eight, Jaxtyn had made it big in life, prosperous, and had a big club that generated random cash for him. He is a serial killer, a gunpoint on your head is able to make you piss in your pants, he is the best and will definitely remain one.

Tonight, he wore a tuxedo, accentuated with the blue check lines that one would see and think that he is a zebra.

He looked like the Prince that he claimed to be, curly Auburn hair that cut across his nape, freshly shaved chin. His emerald green eyes seemed to hold so many emotions, his lips just a thin line below his flared nostrils.

He is young, energetic and power reeked through him. In his inner pocket, a gun rested there, as if in case of any movement, he would remove it ready to pull the trigger.

In his mouth, an untouched cigar is in his mouth, he didn't feel like lighting it, so he left it there as a form of swag.

Tilting his head to have a better look at the so-called Chelsea whom his bodyguard had talked about, he found the pole empty. It made his brows creased in confusion.

Staring at his bodyguard, he wanted to ask a question when from the corner of his eye, he caught her actions for himself.

This is the first time Jaxtyn is actually seeing her in his club, he knows all his workers by name of even face, he has had sex with everyone one of them a dozen times, but then, he had never bothered to take a close look at any of them because they were just a cheap wore as he thought them to be.

For a minute, Jaxtyn seemed to forget himself, he seemed to stroke with Chelsea's beauty.

She looked like a mini-goddess, a crown might sit perfectly on her head, her dancing steps looked different from the others, reason why she had this strange effect on all the men in the club including him.

Jaxtyn is caught aback by Chelsea's stunning look so much that the cigar from his hands falls off.

"Sir? you dropped your cigar," Louis said calling his attention.

Jaxtyn found himself blinking severally to keep himself in balance, he could not imagine that a stripper will have such an effect on him as such.

Regaining his strict composure, he tried composing himself into one, not wanting people to think that the girl affected him. When he succeeded in keeping calm, he swirled his head to Louis who tried picking the cigar from the ground.

Stopping him with a hand on his shoulder, he called out to him,

"Stop, Louis, that's gross, I'll have one from the packet," he said.

With a slight nod on the head, Louis removed another cigar from the packet and placed it into Jaxtyn's parted lips which he accepted warmly.

"Who is she?" he asked walking to a safe part of the club where he could have a better view of the artist on the pole communicating with it as if it was her friend.

Jaxtyn had a running bulge in his pants, each movement of the lady made him want to stop the show and ask her to join him in his chambers, he wanted to experience a new feeling with her, to know why she distinguished herself from the rest of the ladies who were strippers at his club.

Robert hurriedly went ahead of them asking the men to give way from the stand where Jaxtyn wanted to stand to watch at Chelsea. The only name that had repeated itself in his mind for the past two minutes straight.

Mounting the stand, he shut his eyes at the lady, she was now swirling the pole professionally, the music had changed to "Bad Girlfriend" she rocked the pole like she was the bad girlfriend.

Louis drawing on Jaxtyn's attention, he said in a husky voice, given some of the information he knew about the lady.

"Mr. Jaxtyn, Chelsea is the new stripper, she started work I think two weeks ago and is the pride of the Club these days. Every man wants to spend a night with her, she boasts the income of the Snack two times than the normal sales since she came in as everyone wants to be her plug," he explained.

Jaxtyn nodded his head in comprehension, he noted everything that Louis said, he was his personal bodyguard and knew everything about him, he was more like his right-hand man, the person he trusts the most.

But then, instead of Jaxtyn believing him, he raised a brow in confusion wanting to know something, nothing seemed to be right with what he just said.

"Wait, hold on Louis, two weeks ago, you and I were in Melon for the meeting, and we just returned a day back, how come you know about all these things and I don't?" Jaxtyn asked eyeing him wearily.

The meeting at Melon was held between some of his collaborators and him, it was to maintain peace between two mafia squads, and Jaxtyn had been called to act as a witness to their peace settling meeting.

If he had gone there with Louis, how then did he know so much about this girl he is just setting eyes on her for the first time?" he wondered.

His question and fierce face made his bodyguard have a serious face and take his question seriously, he looked at Robert, asking for help. He feared Jaxtyn so much, having fights with him might lose his life, something he is not ready to face.

Louis's face was now red as he found it difficult to speak out the truth. A deadly stare from Jaxtyn is enough to make him reveal the truth.

"Mr. Jaxtyn, ehnm! I had Robert update me on the activities of the club, and when he mentioned the new girl, Chelsea, and showed me her video on the first night here, I instantly started daydreaming about her, I wanted to come here and claimed her before something happens," Louis mutters.

It is obvious about what might happen, there is no deal about the fact that if the Boss's eyes are captured on a lady unless he has it first, no one is entitled to venture.

He knew that was his fate.

"Let me see the video," was all Jaxtyn said brushing his hand lightly on his chin.