Chapter 2

By the time Jaxtyn finished watching the video of Chelsea dancing, he had a hard bulge on his trousers. It was a strange feeling to him.

Unlike the numerous strippers he had watched them dance before, Chelsea is an exception among the many, she has stood out against them and jas made an outstanding difference.

Looking at the phone in his hands now, he barely had something to say as the actions in the video were the best, she was the best.

The bulge on Jaxtyn thigh indicated that he was having an erection, he had to put his hands in his trousers, bumping it a little, trying to hide him.

He had handed the phone to Louis, and he controlled himself, not wanting his harsh breathing to be audible.

He had a visible hard barrier to break, but then, it was an easy task for that wall to come crumbling all the way with no effort at all.

The worse is that the said lady who has recently piqued his attention is unaware of the effects she has on him.

It is evident because the number of people that surrounded her stage is enough to draw the attention away from him, all he wanted was to sneak his way into her pants.

Deep in Jaxtyn's mind, he had kept a place for Chelsea, there only thing left is for her to accept to share his bed with him.

In the video that Louis had just shared with him, Chelsea was there dancing like she owned the stage, just like tonight, she showcased her dancing steps, they were exquisite, the best so far.

Each time she swirled around the pole as if she is going to lose balance, it was just another step for her to mount her energy and strike again.

This is the main reason why she doesn't give up and keeps the men anxious to continue acclaiming, never wanting her to stop.

Jaxtyn's mind was pulled away from his thoughts when a roar of applause shot through the entire club, it surpassed that of the DJ's soundtrack which was slowing down.

Many people were already ready to book a night with the lady who had just made a spectacular and professional dance track on the pole. The way she plotted her movements were the best, and her seductive costume wasn't making things better for the men who had lust plastered on their forehead.

Jaxtyn looked with amazing eyes as the girl panted on the stage, the light shown brightly on her, she was the spotlight, many acclaimed her, and when Louis clapped cheering at Chelsea, he shot him a daring look.

From all indications, he didn't want to reveal his true self just now, he wanted to take things slowly, especially with a lady he barely knows anything about.

Clearing his throat, Jaxtyn eyed his personal bodyguard with full authority as he baits him to listen attentively.

"I'll be at the headquarters. Send for the girl with immediate effect, if anyone dares to ask, tell them The Mafia Prince needs her, and she is thereby off for the night," he said.

Jaxtyn's words were clear, they were pure, they spoke of his intentions, he wanted his message to be passed across as well as he had said them.

"Don Jaxtyn, what if the lady refuses to spend the night with you? it's her habit of having only one night with every man__so they say," Louis said trying to reason things out with Jaxtyn.

Calling him Don is some sort of Bossy title, he replies each time they call him that way, especially as it proves his originality and superiority over the men of his squad.

Anyone that proves to disobey him will surely have him to deal with, in fact, he doesn't talk much, a bullet in the skull of the rogue is enough to correct the Squad into correction, at least, if that is the only way the rest of them can understand the lesson perfectly well.

Immediately as Louis concluded his words, Jaxtyn buttoned him by the neck in anger, as he made his point to be more clearer than the previous one.

"You dumbass young man, if she refuses on grounds that the money I'll offer here is smaller than what she will earn a night here, tell her Prince Jaxtyn is hiring for the night, she will have extra bonuses as she pleases, and if I am equally satisfied, I'll pay twice what she was supposed to earn tonight," he explained to him.

The only thing he doesn't like is a failure, no matter the kind of disappointment he faces, he doesn't expect a lady to say no as a response to him.

Releasing his grip from his bodyguard, he made his way to go, but then, he stopped, tilted his head eyeing him with so much seriousness.

"Whatever happens here, don't bring me no as a response," he blurted out.

Louis barely had the time to react, he knew who his boss is, he is capable of putting a bullet in his head, to him, there is nothing that is impossible, he is going to do it, the only thing is, he needs to have a small excuse where he can use to console himself saying that he killed you because of that fault or your flaw needed correction.

"Keep the gates of hades wide open for me mon ami__(a French word for my friend) I'll meet you as soon as you reach hell, the devil and I are having a secret meeting,"

This is his favorite quote whenever he kills anyone.

Jaxtyn is the epitome of the devil's wrath on earth, apart from extending his territory, nothing interests him the more, he just wants to be known everywhere and by everyone as terror, he enjoys the privileges he has so far.

The honor, dominion, and power he has over the other people of the Squad.

The whole of Douala belongs to him, yes, that is how superior he is in the land, and whoever dares disrespects him will be put to the test.

Jaxtyn walked away from his bodyguard and exiled his club through the small exit door.


Chelsea stood around the pool panting heavily. Finally, the dance has come to an end, the round of applause she received from these men but old and young was overwhelming, this shows that she did a great job, now It is left for the men to book her for an hour or less depending on how fat their bank accounts are.

Walking down the aisle, she headed towards her lounge where she is going to wait for Matthew to bring any information to her.

Matthew was responsible for booking her appointments, it was very sharp and easy to do, the first-come, first-serve and she paced the floor of the small cabin, she whore something more fleshy, to hide her nudity, but there wasn't much difference with what she just wore a while ago and now.

When Matthew was taking too long, Chelsea decided to walk out of her cabin into the club, hanging at the counter asking for a glass of whisky.

"Fifty percent alcoholic, add some tequila into the mixture, please," she announced gently.

After the waiter had to combine some vodka, lemon juice, brandy, and tequila, he mixed it well before pouring it into a small glass filled with ice cubes.

"Thank you," she let out.

At least, it is a good thing that she hasn't forgotten her manners, it is actually the best part because she does not know what difference it will make between her and those cheap harlots from around.

With her, she has a reason why she sells her body to these several men, she needs the money.

Yes, she does, each time she thinks about the debt, she just gets frustrated and is so determined to work hard.

In one long gulp, Chelsea took the whole content of her glass in and squeezed her face as if she just heard some bad news.

Well, she had a reason to even screech the contours of her face even more, especially when things have decided not to work in her favor.

Chelsea made sure she was well balanced on the chair, she doesn't want to collapse from the chair. Ordering for another glass, this time eighty percent alcoholic, she gulped the whole content in two gulps.

The young lady needed to keep her sanity, particularly with this kind of job she has engaged herself into, if she doesn't play her cards properly and leave with her money, she will only end up satisfying young men's sexual urges without actually anything in return.

She heaved a sigh, closing her eyes to let the whisky stretch through her body.

It is evident that Chelsea is tired of fighting, she is clearly tired of selling her body to men who aren't worth it, but then when she thinks about how her family will be destroyed if they don't pay the loan her father borrowed two years ago, she tends to work even harder than she has planned it.

Chelsea was deep in thoughts when someone sat beside her on the counter table. She closed her eyes thinking that it was Matthew, she expected him to bring the list of people she has to deal with this night, so, she is up to start rolling busily.

"Hey, pretty," the husk baritone let out looking at her.

As she lifted her head up, she saw him just in time offering two glasses of whiskey for they both of them.

Chelsea started playing her game of seducing him, as she knew that this was fresh prey.

"Hello, handsome," she mumbled winking at him.

The person that was sitting on the other side of her desk was Louis, he rested an arm on the counter while waiting for the drinks.

A look at him and Chelsea could possibly describe who he is. Some kind of shitty boss with the right bank account, but then, she was woefully wrong, Louis is just a mere bodyguard that was sent to fetch her.

Since Louis was dressed in a black tailored suit, white shirt, black tie, and a handsome physique to our things up, just that he was unnecessarily bulky, he had the structure of those young men who will serve as a bodyguard for a rich billionaire, or some leader of a bad gang.

Throughout the meeting, Louis tried his best to remain as calm as possible, since Chelsea is the business lady here, she tried laying down some credentials for those who cared to share her beds with.

"You should meet Matthew and book yourself an hour with me if you want anything to do with me," she said.

Grabbing the glass he had offered, she gulped everything.

At first, it was cold when it entered her mouth because of the ice cubes in it, but then, the hot alcohol streamed her throat burning her chest.

She isn't good with these things but it is evident that she has no better alternative apart from consuming these things.

The higher the glasses of alcohol she consumes, the better she will be sane, she just wants to have a clear mind especially after dancing for thirty minutes nonstop.

Sometimes, she barely has the energy to go more than ten rounds, therefore, she has to spend most of her time rollicking on several beds, Making it her home.

Sadly, for the past two weeks, Chelsea could barely brag that she had had enough sleep in her system, it is either working her silly ass out or grinding the pole, looking for culprits that will patronize her.

She did need some sleep, but the urge she had to have money was more than her, she needed the money so urgently that it blurred her Judgment of life.

Each man that approaches her is solely for the reason of sex, if that's not it, then she isn't interested.

"I saw Matthew, he sent me directly to you, there is no need writing my name to wait for my turn to arrive, this is because you are hired for the night," Louis said.

"What?" Chelsea blurted out, confusion filled her mind.