chapter 3

Chelsea could not believe her ears, what does the strange man mean by she is hired for the night? was this some sort of joke or what?' she wondered working her mind to avail.

Deep in her, she knows Matthew knows the rules, thirty minutes to an hour is enough, besides, they weren't trying to make babies, why then will someone wants to hire her for a night? she cracked her head finding it difficult to comprehend that.

Looking at the man who sat before her eyeing her like a piece of cake he wanted to stuff his mouth with, Chelsea opened her mouth ready to start a conversation.

"I am sorry to disappoint you Mr. whoever you are, but then, I don't let men hire me for a night. Nope, the highest time you can get to spend with me is two hours, and your bank account must be loaded, so loaded that it will cause me to be interested," she said playing along with the young man that stared at her now with almond eyes.

Clearing his throat, he said in a subtle voice, trying his best to convince Chelsea, without possibly saying that it was the Boss that was hiring her, he wanted to play some games with her before actually revealing the truth.

"Ms. Chelsea, the issue is, you will be paid whatever you were supposed to earn tonight from all these men put together, so the choice is yours," Louis said.

He had the air of a boss, he behaved like one, also, he did well to cover his status as just the messenger, at least, he wanted to gain some credits for being a good messenger of course.

Chelsea didn't reply to him immediately, rather, she turned around to the waiter hitting her glass on the table asking for more.

"Let the mixture be stronger than the previous ones, what's that? some sort of soft drinks for babies? come one, give me your best shot," she provoked the waiter.

This made him not only give her what she wanted, but what might possibly end her career if she messes around with it.

In a mixer, he poured some brandy, tequila, a double portion of vodka, and to conclude, he added three best whiskeys in town, Jack Daniels, Robinson Winery, and Johnny Walker. No lemon juice was added to it, he served it raw, and the dosage was more than Chelsea could bargain for.

Putting some ice cubes in the glasses, the waiter poured all the contents into the glass. It was half full, strong and if you aren't familiar with the mixture, it will be you stay drunk for several days.

When the glass was placed before Chelsea, she nodded in apprehension, as if the man had done a great job. Well, it happens that he has.

She didn't rush to drink from her glass, she just curled her hands around it, circling the mouth with her fingertips while looking at Louis.

Louis was definitely under her spell, he found it difficult to tell her the message, make them look at one another as if trying to communicate using sign languages, where their words failed.

To Chelsea, Louis was not a bad catch, if she wanted a one-night stand, she could do it, but she wanted to know if doing so was worth it, and that was what the young man was not ready to explain.

Chelsea was completely ignorant that Louis was a messenger who was openly flirting with her, well, if it makes any difference, she wouldn't be here, the young man is simply wasting her time.

"Tell me, what is this night worth for?" she asked raising a brow while looking at him quizically.

The distress on Louis's features was evident while dealing with figures, especially money, precisely money that is not yours, calling any kind of money might jeopardize your career, and also make you start trekking to hell.

Neither of those interested him as much as he enjoyed flirting with the pretty lady that sat before her waiting for a reply.

The moment Lous opened his mouth to reply, his phone started ringing.

If Louis had never been grateful in his life before, then he was today, and instead of calling a particular figure, he muttered jumping from the stool,

"Excuse me,"

Sending his hand in his suit's pocket, searching for his phone. When his fat thick fingers touched his phone, he removed it eyeing the caller ID.

From his reaction, it was evident about who was calling, his eyes probed out of the socket, threatening to fall off and roll on the ground. it was none other person but, "The Mafia Prince," even as his name was written on the center of the phone, Louis felt like he was being monitored.

Turning to face Chelsea once more, he apologized.

"Please, excuse me, I'll be back in a minute or two, don't move," he said before disappearing into the busy crowd, making his way through the rear doors.

Chelsea sighed it is true that she needs a lot of money, yes, but then, is it worth to spend a night with a man? how much will it be worth it?" she wondered.

It has been three years since she left home promising that she will be back, three years of turmoil, and it is ending in April already. Time is no longer on Chelsea's side__that she knows, but the money she has worked for this years is almost complete, she just needs to put a little effort into working more, she believes that she will have the money before the fifth of May. she knows she will, just that, she doesn't know how.

Chelsea Ashlynn White is from the Whites' family, well, their family was great, not until an ill-luck decides to before them.

Growing up with her parents in Buea, the southwest region of the country, she had always envisioned herself to be happy, she would always think that the bright side of her life will remain forever, yes, they were supposed to live happily as a family, not until her life turned around one day.

It all started with her mom, when she left Dschang on her way back home from a business trip, that was when Chelsea was nineteen years old. The accident jeopardized them so much because Mrs. White lost her life in it.

What makes the Whites peculiar is the Oil and Gas company her father has__The White's Oil and Gas company and co, located at the outskirts of the town, where there is peace and tranquility to work without disturbing the local company.

If you live in Cameroon and have not heard about the company, then, you aren't a citizen. Everything went on smoothly until Mrs. White's accident, which caused great damage not only to the family but to her husband who loved her so dearly had always seen her as his soul mate.

This caused Mr. Philip White to fall into depression, he became paralyzed, and his company suffered the effects. His company manager and co helped to embezzle money during Mr. Philip's hard time, so much then when he recovered a year later, his company had suffered a slump.

So bad for him and his family.

Well, the manager was nowhere to be found, he had eloped with his family abroad, taking millions with him.

That was Mr. White's life, what he had worked for in so many years, only for one gold digger to come and reap where he did not sow.

Lucky for Mr. White, his mother, Granny Esther helped to nurse him alongside Chelsea till he recovered, and when the stress was starting to get too much, he received a piece of advice to borrow money to invest more in his business, and if things do well, within a year or two, he will be able to pay his debts with interests ontop.

Well, he beloved so too, not until years run by without him paying it back.


Louis was taking long to return to the club, and according to Chelsea, time wasted can never be regained, she prefers to enjoy her life with the people she has at hand, rather than chasing what she is ignorant about.

The glass of scotch that laid before her was half-empty, and as she swirled her head, she noticed Matthew dancing with one random girl.

Swirling her attention on the pole, another stripper was there, seducing the young men and calling them to herself. She felt a little bit sad to see the men who had scrambled for her a while ago now focused on the new stripper on stage.

Men and their lustful desires, it seems like they can never have enough of it, so is the sad truth, it is now the responsibility for the ladies to scramble their way through the men that pay well and heavily.

Taking the last gulp from her glass, she stumbled her way in front staggering.

At first, a shot of pain flashed through Chelsea's mind, but then, she reconsidered it, thinking that it was normal for her to have that kind of a headache, especially as she hasn't had some good sleep for a while now.

People always advised her that there was money in Douala, that no matter where you locate yourself in whatever club, you will always find customers. She thought it was a joke, but then, two weeks ago since she came to town and was directed to Galaxy Snack to work her money out, she has barely had the time to have some rest which she could brag and say she merits it.

As Chelsea walked her way towards the center of the club, she pulled Matthew by the arm, disengaging him from the lady, she spat a small apology.

"Sorry, miss, I'll like to borrow your man for a second," she mouthed.

It didn't mean anything especially as the music was too high for the girl to understand the message, but from every indication, she seemed fine with it, especially as she did not fight nor stop them.

Girls around here are very known for that, either someone stole their boyfriend and they are trying to get back at the last, or the two ladies are beefing, and the only way to settle the dispute is only through fighting.

Chelsea took Matthew towards a corner of the club which was less busy, she wanted him to explain what was going on exactly.

"My Gee, what is going on today? or have you found another lady that pays you for your services more than the way I do?" she asked raising a brow.

All that the young man could do was chuckle.

Matthew is like Chelsea's guardian angel here in Douala, apart from the money she gives him every now and then has made him work for him.

He is quite handsome, a French speaking Cameroonian by origin, but then, he speaks English fluently, with a French accent of course.

This doesn't bother Chelsea so much, because he always knows the good men to start with their names first at the top part of his list.

The higher the amount, the higher the shares she receives, which is only being loyal.

"Wait, haven't Louis walk up to you? see girl, his boss is the best so far, he will pay you more than you have ever worked for these two weeks combined, I promise, just that, this time, you will have it with a prize, he demands you spend the night with him," he explained.

Several questions filled Chelsea's mind, she kind of had cold feet in regards to that, thinking that it will be an absolute waste of time to remain here and spend the night with several men when one would gladly offer what ten can't generate.

Chelsea could not comprehend why Matthew was even happy about it, so she asked,

"Why? Matt, why? I've told you before, no matter who the man is, whether he is rich to the moon and back, I do not accept a full-night's service, we'll, I've never tried it, so I can't tell much," Chelsea concluded.

She suddenly looked solemn, to an extent, the alcohol was taking control over her, she needed to stay sane, even if it has to be for some time, she needed it so much.

"Well, my favorite Chelsea, this is an opportunity you do not have to kick aside, you always complain of having financial issues, who knows, maybe it's an opportunity for the Boss to change your life," Matthew replied to her resting his arms on both sides of her shoulders.

At this time, Chelsea was sick and tired of hearing about this Boss, he wanted to put a face on this boss but then, no one will give her concrete reasons to know who he truly is.

'Or was a spiritual boss?' she wondered.

Chelsea was visibly fed up with the mention of that name, especially as everyone calls himself so around here.

"Please, Matt, what Boss do you all keep talking about? if he is here, point him out, I'll walk to him and tell him my mind about him hiring me for a night, my life my rules, he can keep the money for all I care..."

Before she could put a full stop to her last sentence, Matthew cut in, his words were filled with power, it embedded the answers she seemed to be worried about.

"The Mafia Prince, yes, I mean Jaxtyn Adrian Watson, he is the boss I am talking about, and I am sorry if Louis didn't make that clear to you when he first introduced himself to you, well, if he actually did," Matthew explained.

At the mention of that name, Chelsea's mouth dropped open, she has only heard the name randomly from the girls in the lobby, most at times, he was the reason why they fought.

"Jaxtyn is mine and only mine,"

One old stay hitting her fellow lady across the face, and as a means to pay back, the lady will scream saying,

"In your dreams, I'll advise you to stop daydreaming because it might get on your head," the other will reply punching her across the stomach.

On and on, morning, afternoon, and evening, the ladies will pass her time hearing their conversation, wondering if the Jaxtyn was worth talking about.

Chelsea's mouth was gaping, she found it difficult to place the right words out of her life, and as she looked at Matthew, she wondered if she was his next culprit.

Matthew's reaction was one in a million, in a mocking manner, he used his free index finger to cock Chelsea's chin as she forced her lips to close.

"Be careful, beauty, I do not want you to swallow a fly," he joked.

Blinking severally, Chelsea looked at the man that stood beside him, still confused. if she had heard that information well.

In a wavery tone, she asked.

"Tell me about him," she said more like a command.

"Who? Louis?" he asked rolling his eyes.

A blush creased her cheeks as she spat,

"No! I mean... about... Jaxtyn Adrian Watson,"

Chelsea said the words with so much care.