Chapter 20

'How on earth could I have been so drunk last night?' was the question that piqued her mind.

It is obvious that this is all her fault, she caused it so, she has no right to cry, not now nor ever. Chelsea had come here for business and it is her fault that she let herself be carried by ordinary pizza and red wine.

This is the most horrible thing that could ever happen to anyone like seriously, how on earth will a runs girl lose guard so shamelessly, and she boldly calls herself a professional.

The truth is, when Chelsea had woken up a while ago and had not found Jaxtyn sleeping beside her, her heartthrobs had automatically increased, and she wished she would just pass out if what she was thinking had actually come to past, she would have made him to pay for this humiliation, yes, to him that is what it sorely is, as simple as it is.

Chelsea was deep in thoughts thinking about several things that make her want to grow mad, this is almost month end, and the fifth of May is fast approaching, she still has five million francs to gather between these few days left because the life of her father matters, especially when he is the only family she has left, well, with grandma too.

Jaxtyn was so damn tired of seeing Chelsea zoom out of the world so often, so he cleared his throat, trying his best to revive her to life.

"Hey! Chelsea, so you mind sharing what is so busy consuming your time away from the present?" Jaxtyn inquired raising a brow at her.

Slowly, Jaxtyn brought the cup of coffee towards his lips and took a sip out of it. The action was the best that Chelsea has ever seen in her entire life, and as she watched the man doing it, she swallowed the saliva that was tightened in his throat.

Jaxtyn noticed her movements, and asked in a provocative voice, trying to make her go extremely mad at him.

"What is it with mouthing so heavily and looking at my ceramic mug at the same time, want some more?" he demanded shoving the cup of coffee towards Chelsea's direction in the bed.

There was no doubt that she is mad at him, and the manner in which she rolled her eyes said it all but before she could spit her words of flame at him, she suddenly bowed her head in pain crying over something she knows nothing about.

One thing Chelsea is aware of is the fact that her head hurt like mad, she felt extreme pain at every corner of her body, and as she cried in pain, nothing was done to ameliorate it, instead, she grabbed her head in pain as she let out a small sound of suffering.

"Ouch! my head hurts!" she whispered to herself.

Jaxtyn heard her cries and in a minute, he calmly kept the glass on the side table and rushed to the bed where Chelsea sat moaning her head.

Sliding his hands around Chelsea's shoulder, he smoothened his hand behind the lady's back.

"Chelsea? are you alright?" he inquired his voice thick with concern.

"Are you blind or you need a pair of glasses to know that I have a terrible headache," she spat in his face.

Jaxtyn's face was filled with a shock that he could not say anything. The lay's bluntness was evident, and he could barely mutter a word, not that he feared her but because he didn't want to argue with her just like that.

Instead of arguing with her, Jaxtyn instead settled on making her feel better, and he started by massaging her back soothingly.

"That feels good," she mumbled throwing her head behind.

"And your arrogance is not worth the help," Jaxtyn shot staring at her with malicious eyes while dropping his hands from her back.

A second, all that Chelsea could do was pout her mouth as long as it got while a wave of embarrassment hit her. Even if she was doing such a tough job, being impolite has never been part of her deal but here she is, not only being arrogant but also rude.

She felt remorseful that she has overrun her mouth with this man that has not to wrong her in any way, so she took it upon her to apologize to him.

"I... I am...sorry Mr. Watson," she muttered sweeping her gaze towards the ground.

She is aware of the fact that she is not worthy of his view, not even a minute but then, as she perused her eyes on the floor, she decided to talk about it, even if it is for a while.

"Wow! she just called me, Watson," he remarked sarcastically.

"Does it matter? please just accept my apology and let it go," he muttered.

It is kind of an easy thing to do, but then, she is constantly pissing Jaxtyn off with the numerous ways of being impolite. It just took him off the hook severally from his back.

"Give me a reason why I should forgive you, just one, and I might grant it," Jaxtyn said glaring at Chelsea.

Immediately, she started raking her mind finding a suitable answer that will perfectly suit his claim with no added justice to it.

When she didn't find any, she decided to settle on the simplest thing she could remember.

"Let me say... why don't you forgive me because I asked you to, must the be strings attached to my apology?" she demanded.

All that Jaxtyn offered as a response was the fact that he rolled his eyes at her and brushed that part of their discussion away. Something Chelsea had said had caught her attention, so he aimed at striking it then.

"I didn't love the tone you used in calling me Watson, in fact, why did you call me so?" he asked.

Chelsea who had already forgotten she had earlier called him that way was stocked with trying to explain that.

Well, she had heard many girls from the club call him that way, and the way the name had sounded in her ears was like which she had longed to hear it. One thing for sure is that this is the first time she is actually calling his name, and it looks strange to know that she got it wrong because it sounds funny in the man's ears.

Chelsea blushed profusely after realizing that and it only caused Jaxtyn to chuckle. Her reaction is one that he will never want to forget once already pictured in her mind.

"What is your name if I may ask?" she questioned raising a brow at him.

Jaxtyn gave her a long glance, contemplating if it is worth it or not, but it actually had to be, as he tried playing the mind game on her.

"Chelsea, don't tell me you will make love with someone you do not know, oh my gosh! that is gross, what if you get pregnant, that is, you wouldn't be able to track down the father of your baby to inform him, right?" he questioned raising a brow.

What Jaxtyn said was the truth, but it didn't concern him because he has to learn how to mind his damn business.

"How does telling me your name got to do with knowing the names of every man I sleep with and so on? please, let's close this discussion if you wouldn't tell me your name," Chelsea shot staring at him.

She was kind of on an opposing end, not truly understanding what she wants, but she discovered that she has to let go, maybe just now.

"Jaxtyn," Jaxtyn said cutting deeply into Chelsea's thoughts.

"What? what was that?" she inquired.

Sighing, Jaxtyn explained it to her in simple terms.

"I just told you my name, which part of Jaxtyn did not understand? and please, save me the pain of you calling me Mr, Sir, or any formal name, thank you, $ she said sounding so authoritatively.

"Thank you Jaxtyn, if you don't mind, I will love to take my leave now," Chelsea informed before hand.

Her words stroke Jaxtyn in the chest, and as he contemplated stopping at her, he just decided to keep his calm and wait for a moment.