Chapter 8 - Ann

(Unknown) Time Passed

(Unknown) Location

(???) POV

Why does everything have to be so unfair? Things were supposed to change when I got to Midtown High School. No more bullying, no more having to be alone, and no more having to feel like going to school was a chore.

Yet, here I am in my sophomore year inside of the girls bathroom with gum stuck inside of my hair courtesy of one Flashe Thompson. It's not enough that she is one of the most popular girls in school or the star member of the volleyball team.

Nope, Flashe just has to make it her mission to make my school life as miserable as possible. Whether it's just the usual verbal humiliation or making everyone think I'm some sort of snooty bitch. And of course everyone believes her because she is the best female athlete this school has seen in decades. I wish people would look past her facade and see the garbage underneath.

And then there is me…the small nerdy girl with nothing special going for her. I'm not pretty or have any appealing features. All I've got is average brown hair and dark brown eyes. I wouldn't call myself ugly, but I might as well just be another forgettable face in the crowd full of bustling students, whether my aunt says otherwise.

My clothes aren't any name brands, my family having to shop with the focus of saving money. Not that I'm blaming them for any of that, I know that things have been getting harder for them with age. But it's still just more ammunition for Flashe to rag on me about. That along with my glasses, that I've had to wear for as long as I could remember.

I couldn't count the number of times I've been called four eyes by her. An insult I thought died decades ago. It's not my fault that I have eye problems, I don't get to choose to not be blind. It's a natural problem to have.

On the other hand what's not natural is being bullied or being the biggest loser in my grade. No those were forced onto me by Flashe. My image amongst the students basically in the gutters because of her.

With a grunt of frustration, I ripped out the piece of gum from my hair. The slight amount of pain I felt told me I also yanked out some strands of hair, but at this point I was too angry to care. A loss of a few strands of hair was like sprinkles on top of the crappy sundae that was today.

And the day wasn't even over! I still have the worst class of the day to attend…P.E. Which unsurprisingly I share with the one and only Flashe Thompson. It's like the world just has a vendetta against me at this point. Why wouldn't I be in the same class as her two years in a row?

Sighing, I drop off the gum into the trash and leave the bathroom to head for my final class of the day. I Hope that this class will go smoothly for me.

"Alright girls today we'll be playing some volleyball, form into groups and get on the court. For those who don't want to play, you can walk around the gym, no sitting down today."

After the instructions were called out, everybody started to form into their own teams. I chose the latter choice, deciding to walk around instead of giving myself a heart attack. Me and physical activities being the worst combination in the history of mankind. Just running the mile leaves me gasping for breath.

The noise of snickering catches my attention, my head turning to the source of it. My brown eyes then make contact with Flashes blue. Before I observe anymore, I already know that they are snickering about me. Why else would she be looking directly at me? Maybe I'm just being more paranoid than usual, which isn't a bad thing, but her eyes look especially malevolent to me. Those barely functioning brain cells of her are probably cooking up some scheme.

Flashe is going to do something today in class and I've got a hint that I'm going to be on the receiving end of this. I've recognized the look in her eyes to tell that she has some sort of plan going on. I can't stay here, I've got to find a way out. My attention goes to the teacher walking her way over to the bench

"Ms. Adams, may I go to the restroom," I said, the teacher looking at me from her clipboard. Eyes tired from the day of dealing with teenage girls.

"Sorry Parker, you'll have to wait for the previous girl to return first."

That's it, my fate is sealed. I could go without her permission, but my aunt and uncle didn't raise a rule breaker. I'll just have to suck it up and keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. That and I don't want a detention on my perfect record. With a resolute heart, I begin walking along the courts.


Class is almost over, yet Flashe has yet to do anything. The unsettled feeling in my stomach is telling me otherwise. So far, all she has done is play volleyball with her posse. She hasn't spared me a single glance once during the whole period.

A bit of relief started to come into me, but that quickly went away when someone walking behind me shoved against me with their taller frame. I tripped forward onto my knees, my glasses sliding down off my face onto the grown with a small clattering sound.

I hear a small apology from above, followed by the sound of steps walking away. They could have at least tried to help me up or hand me my glasses. Everything is blurry without my glasses, hands reaching out to grab them. Finally I feel them, reaching up to put them on, but before that a voice I recognize catches my attention.

"Heads up Annie!" Flashe calls out. Those words being the last thing I hear before a ball flies at god knows what speed directly into my eye. Pain erupts from my eye, a shout of pain coming out of my mouth. The sharp stinging sensation was the only thing I could focus on.


God why does this have to hurt so much? I just feel like curling up till the pain goes away.


Is someone calling my name? It sounds like it, but the pain is really muddling my mind right now. The hit must have rattled my brain too because I'm feeling a little woozy.


I open my good eye, the PE teacher standing over me with a worried expression. She looks blurry, but that might be because I haven't put my glasses on yet. The other eye feels too painful to open.

"You alright there?" She asks.


"I'll take that as a no. Well let's get you back to the locker room and get you an ice pack. I can tell from experience that you'll have a real shiner by tomorrow."

Ms. Adams gives me a hand, my legs a little shaky at first when standing up all the way. We go in the direction of the locker rooms, but all I can hear is the sound of snickering behind me. It doesn't take a second guess to realize who it is.

She did this intentionally, I know it! The person who knocked me over was probably one of her friends because there was plenty of room to walk around. All just so Flashe could get enough time to line her shot up.

Ms. Adams takes us further in the locker room, sitting me down on one of the benches.

"I'll be back with an ice pack for you." I nod in acceptance, taking the moment to enjoy this brief quietness I've got in here. I must have zoned out because she came back very quickly, "Here you go Parker, hold that there to your eye for a good 15 minutes. Class will be over by then so feel free to change back into your clothes and wait for the bell to dismiss you."

She leaves after giving her advice, the locker room now completely silent. Pressing the ice pack against my eye, I hiss at the cold sensation against the throbbing pain. While holding it there, I go to my locker to get my regular clothes out. Opening it with a few spins on the knob, the door opening after.

Setting the ice pack to the side, I change out of my gym clothes and into the regular ones.

After that is all done, I walk over to the bathroom section to see a mirror. The result is not exactly what I was hoping for.

I now knew why the teacher said that I'll have a shiner tomorrow, or in other terms a black eye. Already I could tell the signs of a forming black eye, the slight discoloration from the altered blood flow. A reddish hue which would probably turn more blueish as time went on. Overall an ugly site on my average face. The black eye is not going to be helpful at all for my looks.

I wonder if I should tell the truth when I get back home or just make up an excuse. Telling the truth would make them worry and more stress is the last thing that they need right now. Even if it means having to suffer through this, it's better than making their life harder. Hopefully they'll believe in whatever excuse I give them. It has to be something with a hint of truth in it or else the lie will be seen right through.

Guess the getting hit by a ball in PE would work perfectly, since that is what actually happened. All the best lies contain some form of truth in them. A sentence I heard on tv one time, I can't remember if it was a tv show or movie. The sound of footsteps and voices stops any further thinking on the manner.

It would seem the rest of the class is coming back to get changed, school is finally almost over. Now just to stand away from everybody til the bell rings. Standing near the doors, I hold the ice pack to my eye.

"Sorry about that Annie, but you should know better than to be so near the court when we're playing," Flashe says, I turn around to look up at her. The height difference obvious between the two of us

"For being a star volleyball player, you sure did make a novice mistake . You do know you're supposed to keep the ball in the court right?"

"Well, even someone as good as I can make a mistake sometimes." I roll my good eye, her words being entirely hypocritical. Leave it to Flashe to tell both a lie, while also boosting her own ego. Flashe tells anyone she wants that I'm the snooty person in our grade, but she's the most conceited person here.

"I'm sure your parents share the same sentiments when it comes to mistakes." Flashe surprisingly can tell the hidden meaning in my words because her eyebrows crinkle inward. I'm almost surprised she was able to catch the snark, her brain must be overworking itself today with all this thinking.

"I don't even know why you're bringing up parents, you don't have any to speak of." A cruel smile resting on her lips. Flashe's words hurt a lot more than the pain in my eye. The thought of swinging the ice pack into her stupid face comes to mind, but the sudden bell ringing out stops me. Instead I turn without a word and leave out the locker room door. Not trusting myself to do something on her level of stupid if I stayed any longer.

Resorting to violence would be something she would do and has done if today says anything. I do like to consider myself at least better in that aspect. But even someone like me has their boiling point. Thankfully school is over and I can cool off at home.

"Hey Ann, how was yo–what happened?" Uncle Ben asks, bringing a hand to my face to get a good look. I just sit in the passenger seat, looking slightly below his eyes. No way could I lie straight to his face and look directly into his eyes.

"A volleyball hit my face in PE," I mutter, Ben takes his hand back to rest it on my head, smiling reassuringly.

"That must have been one mean ball."

"You don't know the half of it."

"Well I hope you gave that ball as good as you got."

He winks at me cheekily before driving us back home. My mood already feels lighter just being near my Uncle. Ben is the kind of person to make any person's day brighter just by being in it. I'm glad he's not making a big deal out of it, anymore attention is just another reminder that I'm stuck with this for at least a few days.

May on the other hand, that's going to be a much harder sell. I can already imagine the look on her face when she sees me. Wide eyes, open mouth with hands on the side of her face. If I had any money on me, I would bet with Ben on that exact reaction.

The rest of the ride home was quiet, Ben was focused on the road and I was focused on how to cover this up for tomorrow. I'll have to get some help from May on makeup, my own skills not being the greatest. Makeup always felt superficial to me.

"Honey, we're home!" Ben greets out loudly.

"I'm in the kitchen," May responds. After hearing her confirmation he turns around to me.

"Alright Ann, might as well go show her yourself. Trust me, I've tried hiding things before and it never turns out well with May," Ben says, shuddering from his own personal experiences. His words only give my own decision to hide the truth more weight.

If she found out about the bullying then god knows that she would have a heart attack. This being the literal case since she does have a weak heart. All the more reason for me to hide my problems from them.

Heeding Ben's advice, I make my way into the kitchen. My Aunt May stands in front of the kitchen stove making a very nice smelling meal. Upon hearing my footsteps, she turns with a smile that quickly morphs into shock. May makes the expression that I predicted, I give myself a mental pat on the back for the amazing guess.

"Oh dear!" She rushes up to me after setting down her cooking utensil. Like Ben, she examined the reddened eye,"Poor girl, I'll see if we have any creams to help with that in the cabinets. While I do that, tell me what in the world happened."

"Somebody didn't pay attention in PE class and hit me with a volleyball," I said, cementing this as the story to go with.

"Why must you girls play so roughly?" She shakes her head in disapproval. She finds a bottle of cream, handing it to me," Apply that before you go to sleep. It won't make it go away, but it will speed up the process. And come to me before going to school tomorrow, I'll apply some makeup."

"Thanks." I give her a hug before going towards my room to finally rest. I'll do my homework after eating later. My steps creak loudly up the stairs, time showing its effect on the house. An old house that apparently my grandparents lived in with my uncle and my father.

The thought of my father reminds me of the words Flashe said. No parents…I have parents! They're just…gone, gone before I ever got the chance to know them. But I'm sure they would have loved me if they were still alive. Yeah, they would have…

Once I've entered my room, I shut the door. Finally behind closed doors, I let my barriers come down. All the days hardships from getting verbally attacked, the gum in my hair, the volleyball attack, and those hurtful words. The tears start to come out without any sign of stopping. To cover the incoming sobbing, I grab a pillow and stuff my face in it.

Pillows really are great mufflers for noise, I would know since I've used them so many times. Aunt May and Uncle Ben don't need to hear any of this, it would only make them suspicious of what is really going on. But behind the doors of my own room, I can break down with the luxury of privacy.

After my little crying session is over, my eyes start to feel heavy. Today was a long one, maybe a nap won't hurt. Once I wake up, I'll do my homework and eat dinner. With my goals set, my eyes finally close and sweet dreams take me away.

"Ms. Parker please report to the guidance office, they require you," My first period teacher states, putting down their class phone. I nod my head to the order, the rest of the class making obnoxious sounds. I've never been called to the guidance office, but I doubt it's because of anything I did. I've never once gotten in trouble during freshman year and this year has been the exact same so far.

The guidance office is close to my class, so the walk doesn't take too long. The hallways are empty, with only a few stragglers late for their first class walking by. Once I reach the door, I knock lightly.

"Come in."

Opening the door, there's only two people inside currently. Behind the desk is the guidance counselor, a woman in her forties with graying brown hair and hazel eyes. Standing in front of the desk is a student of tallish height. He turns around to the sound of the opening door.

The student has brown hair and equally brown eyes, his face doesn't show much emotions other than a look of disinterest. For some reason he does seem familiar to me. I try to rack my memories for any possible interactions in the school I could have had, but none come to mind at the moment.

"Ah welcome Ms. Parker, we've been waiting just for you," She says, peaking my curiosity," I'd like you to meet Peter Fitzgerald, a transfer student you'll be guiding for the day. And this will be your guide for the day Mr. Fitzgerald, Ann Parker"

The counselor wants me to guide a transfer student? The confusion must be evident on my face because she does appear a little sheepish. Peter on the other hand does appear actually interested, giving me an observing look.

"You see, the both of you share a fair amount of classes. It would be easier this way instead of choosing a different guide for each class. Now you should both get going back to the first period, enjoy your time here in Midtown Mr. Fitzgerald."

After leaving the class, I'm still a little confused from the whole ordeal. Maybe it's because I wasn't given any heads up or the fact that Peter really does seem familiar to me.

"Are you going to lead the way?" Peter asks, breaking the momentary confusion I was in.

"Oh right, sorry," I said, embarrassed at my own lack of attention," Just follow me, it's not a long walk."

The walk to the first period is silent, neither of us speaking a word since leaving the office. I don't know whether to stay quiet or to venture out to ask questions. Does Peter even want to talk? His silence the whole time seems like he's fine without any conversation.

A glance at Peter only shows him staring forward with empty eyes. Like his mind is somewhere else other than the present. Or at least that's what I think based on a simple observation. I could just be overimaging things.

We make it to class, the teacher sitting Peter in the only empty seat. Which funnily enough is the one right next to me. Actually maybe it's not that funny, the reason the seat was empty was mainly because nobody wants to be near the supposedly conceited nerd.

Class only had about fifteen minutes left, my mind tuning out the lesson I'd already taken notes on heavily the day before. Peter had taken out a purple notebook, writing what I thought were notes at first, but actually was just doodling. Either he's learned this stuff or he doesn't care.

Fifteen minutes later, class ends with me leading Peter through the crowded hallways. My mind still comes back to the familiar vibe I get when looking at him. I know I haven't met Peter before, but my gut is saying otherwise.

What could it mean?

Author's notes: Well I can finally say I'm back with a surprise for you guys. Who's Ann Parker? What does it mean for Peter? What does it mean for the rest of the story? What has happened in the years between the last chapter and this one? Well those questions will obviously be answered with time.

I finally feel happy to return to this story again, my writer's funk having finally passed. Which also means a new red hood chapter is coming within the week too. Jason's finally coming back to Gotham with plenty of surprises for him.

Aside from that, how have you people been? Watch any new movies? Read new good stories? I'd like to know.

Thank you for reading and see you in the next chapter.