Chapter 9

(Ann's POV)

The cafeteria was bustling as usual, while Peter and I entered. Other students of Midtown sit down with their own groups of friends at the tables, with only a few 'outcasts' sitting in more discrete spots of the school to not be bothered. It's what I do, but since I am Peter's guide, that might be a bad representation of the school.

Glancing to my left to make sure Peter is following, which he is. Something I've had to do a couple of times because I can't even hear Peter's footsteps behind me.

Typically you can hear someone coming towards you because of the laminated floors of the school, they always make people's footsteps audible. Not Peter though, but that could be because the sole of his shoes might be made from some different material than everybody else. They look normal to me, but it's not like I'm a shoe expert that can pick out what material is what.

Walking to a table, I pause momentarily to turn to face Peter more directly. He looks at me with a questioning look.

"Sorry, I forgot to ask if you brought your own lunch" I say, realizing that I wasn't even considering whether he actually has food to eat. I'm too caught up with shoe details.

"It's fine, I brought my own lunch. I've been told school food isn't exactly the most tasteful."

"While I would like to say that Midtown is an exception to that opinion, it is unfortunately the same when it comes to the food," I confirmed.

"Is it really that bad? I've never actually had school food before."

"Uh yeah, speaking from experience, I would recommend always bringing your own lunch when capable."

He gives a nod to the honest advice I gave him. The one time I forgot to bring my own lunch and eat the school's food was the only time I needed to know that eating here wasn't in my best health

Turning back around, I go for a table that is more distanced out from the entrances. There's only one other person sitting at the table, but they are on the far end minding their business. So I chose the other end of the table to sit.

Peter sits across from me, already getting started on eating his food, while I bring out my own. Neither of us talked to each other, it's hard for me to socialize with others willingly and Peter looked really invested in his food. I wouldn't want to break the peaceful atmosphere between the two of us.

"A blonde girl has been staring at us ever since we sat down," Peter says, glancing at me. I'm startled at his confusing and sudden words. One minute it's quiet, then he says that. Anybody in my spot would be a little spooked.

"What blonde girl?" I ask, already having a feeling of who he is talking about. Peter puts his third sandwich down, already having eaten the first two before I have finished my own self made sandwich.

It was honestly intriguing to see him wolf down the food so fast, yet leave no mess of crumbs in sight. I would have asked about how he eats without dirtying anything out of curiosity if he didn't bring up being watched.

"The blond girl that is currently making her way over."

I turned my head around to see what he was talking about, unsurprisingly I was right on my guess on who was watching us and currently approaching with a brisk walk. The unfortunately one and only Flash. She had a stupid smug grin on her face when making eye contact with me. In actuality it was only partial eye contact since my other eye was still bruised and partially swollen because of her.

"You know what Peter how about I show you-"

My escape attempt is stopped by the abrupt arm pushing me down into my seat, it doesn't take more than one guess to assume who is doing so. Looking over with hate filled eyes and my long time tormentor now that she is in such close proximity to me. Flash ignores my glare to face Peter instead.

"Hey Annie, when were you going to introduce me to your new friend?" Flashs says, putting on a smile. Having her put an arm around me, while acting all buddy-buddy made my blood boil.

If there weren't consequences of getting in trouble, I would have slammed an elbow into her ribs. Not that it would probably do much to Flash, the physical difference between being dire. The more realistic result would be the equation of Flash's fist plus my face equaling a very bad time.

"Seeing as Annie here is too busy in her own head, I'll introduce myself. The name is Flash Thompson, the best athlete this school has."

What a humble introduction.

"It's nice to meet you Flash, I'm Peter Fitzpatrick," Peter responds amiably. I hope Peter is just trying to be polite because meeting her is not pleasant at all.

"Well Petey how about you and Annie come sit over with the rest of us"

She motions with her hand, while looking over to the table she came from. I glanced over, but with her arm in the way and my height the only person I recognised was Liz Allen, another popular girl for her cheerleading skills.

As I was looking back, I thought I saw Peter making a disgusted face, but it could have just been my crappy vision and partially swollen eye.

Peter instead looks to be contemplating it, but looks my way first. I try to give the subtlest signs that I could to him, giving only the smallest shake of my head so Flash wouldn't see. Peter in return gives what I think is an almost imperceptible nod of his head.

"It's Peter and I'd love to…" Peter starts, crushing any hope that I had from his previous gesture, "But Ann still has much of the school to present before lunch ends."

Like a fire is lit underneath me, I grab onto the lifeline that Peter tossed out. Shoving Flash's hand off of me, I got up, oddly enough Peter was already set to go. Where did his lunch go? Pushing aside the useless thinking, I started walking away.

"You heard him, still got to go before lunch ends. C'mon Peter, let's get going."

I wonder if Flash is disappointed or confused, but looking back might mean she'll try following us. Peter and I spend the next few minutes walking through the school hallways, mostly empty except for the few people that hang around.

After making sure that we are long gone from the Cafeteria and most of all Flash, I look at Peter with a relieved look.


"It wasn't that big of a deal."

"For you maybe, but for me it means a lot. Who knows what stupid crap that psycho would have done to me if we went "

"I'm sure it's safe to assume that you two aren't friends."

"Me and Flash, god no!" The thought of us being friends rubbed me in all the wrong ways, "Flash is a bully, with an ego bigger than the Baxter Building."

"I feel like the Oscorp building is a more apt comparison for the two."

"Hah, you're right. Just like that monolith, she doesn't try to hide it either. Since you're new here you probably don't even know that her real name isn't Flash. It was a stupid nickname she adopted to make up for the fact her real name sounds like a librarian's"

"What's her actual name?" He asks, with an inquiring tone.


It's quiet for a few moments before Peter starts chuckling, I follow behind shortly after

"I know, I know, it is pretty funny. But seriously don't let her catch you saying her actual name, she'll go completely livid," I tell him in all seriousness. While I would love to call her that all the time to piss her off, it would not be in my best interest to do so.

"Noted. I do have a question though, how often does this type of stuff happen?" He questions.

"If you mean how often it happens to the rest of the students in this school, I wouldn't know. I don't have the luxury of focusing on others when I've got to look over my shoulder everytime I'm outside of class."

How many other people are being bullied in this school? If Flash can basically get away with slaps on the wrist, who else could too? Just the thought makes me angry that Midtown, a school for those meant to be above the average, has most likely just become a place for rich people to throw out their troublemakers with a few donations.

I do see people who are actually smart, but those are the few and in between ever since I've entered this school. Looking over to Peter, the question comes to my mind. Is Peter just another well off family's son or is he here based on his academic skill.

I'm leaning towards the latter, mainly because Peter has all the advanced classes that I do. It's the literal reason that I'm his guide in the first place.

"That's unfortunate," Peter says, breaking up my current thought process.

"Tell me about it, I wish I could just go one day without Flash fucking Thompson trying to ruin it!" I complain with a heavy frustration, tone raising itself in the quiet hallway. Peter stays silent, just watching my mini outburst. I feel embarrassed and shameful for slipping up like that in front of a new student.

It's Peter's first day here, and I've basically ruined his new experience because of my minor meltdown. He probably either felt uncomfortable or just plain weirded out. I'm a freaking idiot..

"Sorry about that," I apologize, looking down. The familiar sensation of regret making itself known, "You shouldn't have to see such improper behavior or be hearing vulgar words on your first day.""

Aunt May and Uncle Ben taught me better than to act like a whining child, what would they think?

"I don't mind, I'd actually call it a bit refreshing," Peter says with a smile. His answer left me confused and surprised, how would some teenage girl's blow up be refreshing to anyone. Peter must have noticed how stumped I was from the probably dumb founded look on my face, "What I meant was that the only people I'm used to dealing with are people three times my age, so talking to you is a lot different."

I wasn't exactly sure how to respond to that. Was I supposed to say thanks for finding it refreshing or your welcome for being your age? Once again I'm left stumped on how to respond. Which I think might be a recurring theme when it comes to Peter.

The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch and the end of this conversation. A feeling of disappointment rose up at this whole conversation being over so abruptly. But I guess it did save me because I wasn't sure how to continue after what he said. So maybe it was a blessing in disguise.

"Would you lead the way please, you are the guide after all," He says, waiting for me.

"Right…let's go Peter."

Author's Note: Well, once again I'm back to give you guys another chapter. Sorry, again for the late updates. Things have just been a little hectic, but things are finally back on track.

I'm going to ramble a bit right here about myself and this story, so skip if you want.

It's funny to think that I started this story in December, 2021, which feels like a long time ago. I was only in my junior of high school, which is pretty funny considering that I'm graduating in a few days current time.

It was just one day that I was fed up with not having enough Spider-man fics, that an idea came to write my own. So being the idiot I was, I decided to dive head first without any planning into writing the story. Big mistake that was, the previous version of this story was a freaking mess.

Most of the story was basically just writing what sounded cool at the moment. Which is why after fifteen or so chapters into the story I hated having to write anymore. So then came this version of the story. I decided that this time I'll plan things out, writing the dynamics of certain characters along with future events.

The only problem that came with that was actually getting to the good stuff, I have a bad habit of envisioning what I want and thinking of the amazing things that can be done. Then reality sets back in when I have to actually do the meat and potatoes of the story.

It doesn't help that I'm constantly switching my focus into different story ideas. The amount of rough draft stories I have waiting is too many to do. But I'm still trying on this story, giving up is just not an option for me.

So even if I take years to finish this story, it will get done. Considering I've already planned out a big portion of it, shouldn't be that long. Writing all of that is a different story.

Anyway that is the end of my thoughts.

There is going to be another chapter released with this one, but that is actually the same even that happen in this chapter except from Peter's POV. Some original readers might know that I've done the same thing with my previous story when writing the Gwen chapter.

Thank you for reading and see you in the next chapter.

(Ask any questions if you have some, I usually always have my phone on me.)