Chapter 9 Alternative

(Peter's POV)

Parker…I know that last name. But I don't know this girl, I know I've never met her in my life. She is a mousy girl, with long dark brown hair. Large circle framed glasses rests on the bridge of her nose.

If I had to label her it would be the stereotypical nerd. Ann (the name the guidance counselor gave) was not a pretty girl, but she wasn't ugly in any way. Just average enough to miss in the crowd because of her height.

Yet, something about her intrigued me. Not in any way that would lead to me trying to involve myself with her romantically (for some reason that thought felt a little revolting). My interest was more analytical than emotional, there was something about her I wanted to solve. I didn't know what I wanted to solve, but time will give me an answer.

I subtly kept my eyes on her form as she led the way through the hallways to lunch. Sometimes Ann would glance back to make sure I was still following, reacting quicker than she could notice my eyes would look off into the distance again. It was easy not to get caught, the result of lessons with Uncle Norman about subtlety and information gathering.

When Ann faced forward again I continued my observation of her. There was one interesting detail about her that I spotted when seeing her for the first time. Makeup was on only one of her eyes, concealing the bruising of what I can assume is a black eye.

I had never gotten one in my life, my body's recovery rate wouldn't allow something as simple as a black eye to last more than half a minute. Popped capillaries would fix themselves faster than a person who gave them to me would be able to register. I would know, since I tried giving myself one as an experiment.

But I suppose for someone normal the same couldn't be said. Though whoever had applied the make up, that being herself or someone else, the effect of making it not noticeable was well done, but not enough for someone of my caliber.

What gave it to her? Or maybe it's better to ask who gave it to her? The way she carries herself tells me that she isn't one to involve herself in a fight, Ann looks more like the type to run the other way when confronted with violence. Uncle Norman always says to watch the way a person carries themselves to get an idea of what they are like as a person.

Ann walks with the same measured pace since we left the classroom, a sign that she cares about how she represents herself, controlled and with a purpose.

Yet, the way she hunches over gives a different meaning, one of someone who is trying to avoid being seen. A strange detail since her small height already provides a hard time spotting her in a crowded hallway.

This girl wants to hide from someone, a person who probably harasses her. Harry warned me to watch out for bullies before I came to this school, but I believed it was just some opinion he had about schools from watching too many 80's or 90's movies. It would seem that he was right, something he would be happy to gloat about I'm sure if he knew he won this argument.

Contrary to what Harry thinks, I do know of bullies but I just couldn't see the point in wasting time on others who aren't worth time or effort. Uncle Norman taught me that time was valuable, never waste it on those who aren't worth the time. If I have no other choice then to deal with the lesser people, then make the ordeal as quick as possible.

Bullies, those that love to pick on others to make up for their own shortcomings. Which makes me wonder who would want to bully a girl like Ann.

Physically she isn't above any of the other girls, so maybe that is a point someone would like to point out to feel better about themselves. Or maybe it's because the girl is above average in terms of intelligence, I would know since the guidance counselor did say that we shared most if not all classes together.

Another detail that piqued my interest primarily because I requested for Uncle Norman to put me in the highest possible classes I could attend for my current grade (not that those would be any difficult either). Ann is a smart girl, people who aren't in comparison could feel slighted because of such obvious differences. After all, feeling inadequate to someone would garner negative feelings. Not that I would know, since I've never felt inadequate to someone.

Unfortunately my time to mull over on the matter has come to an end because we've finally come to the Cafeteria. It's loud enough for me to want to turn around and walk away to eat somewhere else. But that would mean leaving the interesting case of Ann Parker, I don't want to leave this puzzle just yet. Speaking of the puzzle, she is turning around to face me.

"Sorry, I forgot to ask if you brought your own lunch," Ann asked, face slightly guilty from her lack of attention.

"It's fine, I brought my own lunch. I've been told school food isn't exactly the most tasteful," I replied, noting the lunch specially for me packed away in my backpack.

"While I would like to say that Midtown is different from other schools, it is unfortunately the same when it comes to the food." Ann seemed unsure about bad mouthing the school, considering she was meant to be the guide. Her honesty was appreciated.

"Is it really that bad? I've never actually had school food before." I think Harry might have talked about this too, but he talks so much that I have a hard time staying on a single topic with him..

"Uh yeah, speaking from experience, I would recommend always bringing your own lunch when capable," She advises. I nod my head, taking note to always have lunch ready (Even though it's my mom or someone else making lunches for me). I follow Ann to a table that is mostly remote from the others, only a single person, a girl with long dark brown hair. Nobody of any actual interest.

She picks the other far end of the table to sit, further cementing the idea that Ann doesn't like interacting with others if needed. A sentiment that I can agree with wholly. The next few minutes are quiet between the two of us, Ann seems like she is getting ready to talk sometimes before stopping herself.

I take my focus away from her to look around, almost immediately noticing a pair of blue eyes looking over at us intently. Looking at the person with my peripheral vision, I could see that it was another girl with short blonde hair. I waited a few more minutes thinking for a moment that it could just happen that she was looking around the cafeteria, but when checking again the blonde was still focusing on our table especially.

Ann didn't notice, too busy keeping her head down on her food, but it may be wise to warn her. I doubt the girl is staring at me, not unless she knew that my god father was Norman Osborn. A detail that only a handful of people know. Which means either Ann is the object of attention or that other girl. The brunette is still eating her own food, listening to music with some earbuds.

"A blonde girl has been staring at us ever since we sat down," I said, paying slight attention to how Ann may react to that information. First she takes a moment to register the words, then I see a shock set into her features. Either she knew the blonde girl or just didn't like the idea of being watched.

"What blonde girl?" Ann asks, seeming like she didn't have a clue. The defeated look in her eyes told a different story, another piece added to the puzzle. Looking once more in the direction of the blonde, I see her making her way over at a moderate pace. Things might get more interesting. I set down my third eaten sandwich to pay closer attention.

"The blonde girl that is currently making her way over." Ann turns around to see for herself, only to slump her shoulders down, along with the hesitant movement of her body to most likely leave the vicinity.

"You know what Peter, how about I show you-" The last word is cut off by her getting pushed back into her seat with force, the smaller girl sitting down under the weight of the much more physical girl. Which would be the right way to describe her, up close I could see that she is tall, much taller than Ann, a comparison that isn't entirely fair now that I think about.

The difference between the two is as big as David and Goliath. Ann is small in frame, barely to lift her own backpack stuffed with books. This other girl could probably lift up Ann over her head. I see a small nonverbal exchange between the two as Ann glares with all the fury a meek girl like her could muster, in response is a cheeky grin with hidden intentions.

"Hey Annie, when were you going to introduce me to your new friend?" The newly arrived guest asked. Already I could tell what type of relationship this was, not that it would require much thought to connect the clues.

If Ann's molten eyes are anything to go by, this would be the one harassing her. Ann doesn't speak, seething in her own anger, "Seeing as Annie here is too busy in her own head, I'll introduce myself. The name is Flash Thomspon, the best athlete this school has."

Flash…that name felt similar to the same sensation as Parker, yet I knew something was inherently wrong. Their names sound familiar, but there was a nagging in my head that told me these people weren't right. I'll have to investigate these two more to see if maybe my mind is trying to tell me something or if this was all just a whim of mine.

"It's nice to meet you Flash, I'm Peter Fitzpatrick," I reply, introducing myself with an even tone.

"Well Petey how about you and Annie come sit over with the rest of us."

Flash motions to the table she came from, but I was more focused on the fact she called me Petey. Hearing it come out of a mouth that wasn't my mothers felt inherently wrong, even downright revolting. For just a second, I let my honest disgust show. My face reverted back into a calm mask when she turned around to gauge my reaction to her offer.

I think of possibly accepting only because it would have been what Uncle Norman taught me. Making enemies the instant you reveal yourself isn't wise, it's better to let them believe that you are buddies. So, that would mean I should have accepted her offer.

Yet, the instant I looked at Ann, making contact with her eyes, I knew my decision. Flash may be a valuable resource to have at this school with her apparent popularity, but Ann is the much more interesting one. That last name Parker resounded in my mind like an echo, I had to find out more. Burning one small bridge wouldn't affect me too badly, hopefully investing in Parker will pay out.

"It's Peter and I'd love to…" I start, correcting her use of my name," But Ann still has much of the school to present before lunch ends."

Ann quickly caught on to my meaning as she shoved the hand on her, using the surprise of refusal from Flash to break out. Like a bat out of hell, Ann showed that her small frame helped with speed if anything else.

"You heard him, still got lots to do before lunch ends. C'mon Peter let's go," Ann piped up like a machine, not giving Flash the time to process her words. I had already taken the time it took her to get up to pack my lunch away. Not like there was anything left other than a three fourths eaten sandwich.

It was comedic with how Flash stood stumped at the quick turn of events, only really having processed it when Ann and I were farther away from the table. But it would seem that she gave up on the idea of chasing us all the way over here, marching back to her own table with the shake of her head.

Ann wordlessly led the way through mostly empty hallways, only a few stragglers hanging out. We only came to a stop when we were in an isolated hallway with nobody around. Ann looked back around, turning up to me with her rounded glasses gleaming slightly.

"Thanks for that," She mumbled, voice filled with gratitude

"It wasn't that big of a deal." Thanks didn't feel warranted for something so simple.

"For you maybe, but to me it meant a lot. Who knows what stupid crap that psycho would have done to me if we went."

"I'm sure it's safe to assume that you two aren't friends."

While I'm probably right in my prediction that Flash is the bully, it's never safe to assume something without having evidence to show. Another lesson by my godfather.

"Me and Flash, god no!" Ann confirmed my thoughts," Flash is a bully, with an ego bigger than the Baxter Building."

The mention of the Baxter Building reminded me that there was a scientist that recently bought the place out for renovations.

"I feel like the Oscorp building is a more apt comparison for the two."

"Hah, you're right. Just like that monolith, she doesn't try to hide it either. Since you're new here you probably don't even know that her real name isn't Flash. It was a stupid nickname she adopted to make up for the fact her real name sounds like a librarian's"

"What's her real name?" I asked, slightly interested.


It was so very…anticlimactic. I couldn't see a reason to want to cover up her given name other than the fact she was insecure about it. Which made the situation humorous, someone afraid of their own name was a very amusing concept. A crack settled into my mask, as a chuckle made its way out unprompted.

Ann followed my lead, smiling before chuckling herself which promoted me to let out some more. I collected myself, settling into a smile at the rare situation of actually laughing. Ann did what Harry took years of concentrated attempts effortlessly.

"I know, I know, it is pretty funny. But seriously don't let her catch you saying her actual name, she'll go completely livid."

"Noted. I do have a question if you don't mind answering. How often do these types of circumstances occur?"

"If you mean how often it happens to the rest of the students in this school, I wouldn't know. I don't have the luxury of focusing on others when I've got to look over my shoulder everytime I'm outside of class."

Her answer left me unsatisfied, a personal investigation would have to be made then. If by chance Harry is able to be well enough to enroll at this school, I'll need to deal with any possible hindrances.

"That's unfortunate," I respond, addressing both her answer and the work I have ahead of me.

"Tell me about it. Day in and day out it's just constantly dealing with Flash's antics. I just wish I could go one day without that bitch ruining everything!" Ann's outburst catches me by surprise, mostly from how emotional the girl could get. After the last word came out, she did look ashamed of herself. Holding onto her arm, taking a deep breath to calm down.

"Sorry about that." She apologized, looking down. Her hair obstructed her face away from my sight, "You shouldn't have to see such improper behavior or hear vulgar words on your first day."

"I don't mind, it was actually refreshing." My words were true, watching the short spectacle was different than what I've grown accustomed to. The people I spoke to regularly were dull, intellectuals who have no time to waste.

Ann in comparison was similar to a firework, needing only a spark to explode into a mesmerizing sight. Her emotions burned so brightly that even I could feel them.

She couldn't read my thoughts so her expression showed confusion. I probably sounded a little strange, I should clarify it, "What I meant was that I typically deal with people much above my age range, you are different…"

That was the only way I could word it without going too into detail about my personal life. I watched Ann's face for her response, but she still seemed stumped.

Before I could try to dumb it down for her, the bell rang signaling the end of lunch. Disappointed at the end of this brief conversation, I motioned with my hand for her to lead the way.

"Well lead the way, you are the guide after all."

"Right…let's go Peter."

Author's Note: This time I'm actually going to talk about the story. So for those that actually paid attention and didn't skim Peter does mention a couple of clues on what has happened during the time skip. Just some small tidbits, but important details for later.

Also can anyone hash a guess on who the girl sitting at the table with them was. Because yes I didn't just give details on some extra.

Let's get into Peter's thought process. So obviously within the time skip Peter has gone through some mental changes on how he views things. There is reasons for this that will be included probably in an interlude after the tenth chapter. The hint is that Norman has a lot to do with it, if that wasn't already obvious.

Since school is finishing up for me, I should be able to write at least with a decent pace this time. I'm giving myself the challenge of writing at least once a week. Which should be doable because I can feel my mojo coming back.

Thank you for reading and see you in the next chapter.

(Ask questions if you want, I usually answer at least within the day)