Sometimes You Don't Need to Be Rude to Hurt Someone

They had a one-week break, and Arya had just returned to classes, but they were as boring as always. Arya wanted school to finish, especially early today. She did not want to be in the same building as Asher.

During the lunch break, Violet dragged Arya to the cafeteria. The topic of all the girls today was Asher Kenward.

"Hey, have you seen how young he is?"

"Could you speak with him?"

"I hope he is going to stay with us till we graduate high school!"

"That's not possible he is going to remain in middle school."

"Do you think that if we make a petition, Principal Peng is going to let him be our teacher in high school?"

Arya was about to run out of the cafeteria, every single girl could just talk about how great and handsome Asher Kenward was. They were all infatuated with a man they had just seen for a few minutes a few hours ago.

"He is a damn grim reaper!" Arya wanted to shout to all the four corners of the Earth. The other thing that bothered her was if the girls and Violet did not realize they were still underage. There is no way a damn grim reaper was going to fall in love with them plus the fact that the damn grim reaper is also already an adult.

"Ari, are you feeling unwell?" Violet's brows furrowed.

"Um… no… why?"

"You just look a tad bit silent today. You normally talk more. Are you sure you are fine?"

Arya needed time alone to plan. She needed to get her petals and fast. She was not here to relive her life once again. She was here to make mends so that her destination in the afterlife would not be hell.

"But… I can also be revived…" Arya was still not sure that in case she succeeded in her petals collecting what she was going to choose. To be revived and live the rest of her life, or to go to heaven. Both options sounded nice. If Arya was honest, anything sounded nicer than spending the rest of her afterlife in hell.

"Vi, you know what? I'm going to drop a small visit to the infirmary. Please, have lunch without me," Arya smiled.

"Don't you want me to accompany you?"

"There's no need. I just have a slight headache."

Violet somehow looked hurt that her best friend would not want her company. Arya then walked out of the cafeteria and walked to the infirmary that was just past the teacher's lounge.

Arya then knocked on the door, but no one answered. She then opened it, but there was no one.

"Probably the school nurse is taking a break," Arya thought. If she came back, she would come up with an excuse that she was having colic pains.

Arya then went to one of the beds in the infirmary and laid down. She was seeing the ceiling as she tried to make a mental list of the people she could have "hurt" in the past or better said, in the future.

"Hm… Who the hell do I even hurt?!"

Arya couldn't think of anyone. She had been lovable to everyone, even to Helen Zhou that came into her apartment like a crazy lady. Arya was scratching her hair trying to see if that way, maybe a name would sprout out of her head.

"Ugh… I'm so not going to make it! I was a lovable person! Everyone loved me!" Arya shouted.

"The first step is for you to stop being so egotistical and thinking that you were perfect," Asher's voice came through the curtain that was around the bed.

Arya then pulled open the curtain. "Are you stalking me or what?"

Asher then laughed. "Sort of. That's just my business. I'm here to give you hints so your mission can go a tad bit smoother. Yet, you still need to put most of the effort yourself."

"Isn't there a mistake? I have passed ten minutes thinking on all the people I have met that I can somehow ever had been rude to them, and no one comes to my mind!"

Asher then got closer to Arya and raised her chin with his hand, "There's sometimes that you don't need to directly be rude to someone to have hurt them. Also, don't go messing more with your future since it already looks bleak enough."

Asher then released her chin and waved Arya goodbye.

"Hey! Wait! Be clearer!"

Arya was clearly going nowhere. So, she decided to continue her plan on making an anonymous charity foundation.

"Yup, that's definitely the correct path."

Arya was going to make sure that the first thing she was going to ask her mother was to open a charity foundation anonymously when she returned from school that afternoon.

"Great! Now I can focus on living my life again!"

Arya returned to the classroom five minutes before the lunch bell rang. Violet was already in her seat scrolling over her phone.

"Hey… Are you feeling better?" Violet stopped watching her phone.

"Hey, Vi…" Arya was about to say that she was fine and sit down, but somehow Asher's words rang in Arya's mind, "Sorry for today. I know I have been acting a bit weird. I'm just dealing with some personal matters right now. I'm sorry if I acted as an asshole today." Arya hold Violet's hands.

"Is something bad happening in your house? Does Kanon knows about it?" Arya now felt like shit. She had been so worried about herself, that she had really hurt her best friend without knowing, just like Asher had said. She could have messed up a friendship, that was originally not messed up.

Arya shook her head. "No… it's just that I had this really weird dream, and somehow I couldn't shake out this ominous feeling," Arya lied. For the time being, it was better to not tell her best friend that she died and was reborn to the past to her fifteen years old self. That version would worry Violet more.

Violet then laughed, "Seriously, Ari? You have been worried by a silly dream? Don't worry! You are the luckiest person I have ever met! And… if dreams were really premonitions, then I would have already got my own unicorn!"

Arya could not help but laugh at Violet's silly comments. She then went and gave her a big hug. Arya was no hugger, but she felt that Violet really deserved one.

"Seriously, Ari, what's with you today?" Violet's breath tickled Arya's neck.

"Nothing. I'm just grateful to have such a good friend!" Arya smiled.

"You are pretty weird today, but I like it!"