I Just Hate Him!

The bell marking the end of recess rang, and the students started coming inside the classroom again.

"So, are we going to do something this afternoon?" Violet whispered to Arya who sat next to her.

"No. Today I have a favor I need to ask my mother for."

"Hm… Okay! Text me when you are free then!"

"Ms. Ling, Ms. Fraulein, please tell the class what I was talking about," Mrs. Hanamoto said. She was an old lady, who was clearly past the age of retirement but was still teaching History in SHIA. According to rumors, she has been working in SHIA for the past forty years.

"Um… about things from the past?" Violet shrugged while Arya just remained silent.

"Ms. Ling, Ms. Fraulein, you both got detention. Meet me in the teachers' lounge this afternoon!" Mrs. Hanamoto's face was red. For being an old lady, she still kept a strong character.

"Great… now I need to stay extra," Arya then secretly took out her phone and texted Kanon telling her to go home first since she had detention.

Arya knew her sister, being the role model student she was, would not see the message till the end of the day.

At 3:00pm in the afternoon, classes finished, and Arya walked with Violet towards the teachers' lounge.

Arya knocked on the door before opening it.

"Um… Hi… Is anyone here?" Violet asked, "Ari, no one's here! We can just go back home!"

"I don't think that's a good idea, Vi."

Just then Asher walked through the hallway and saw the two girls arguing.

"Ms. Ling, Ms. Fraulein, were you looking for someone in the teachers' lounge?"

Arya was starting to believe that the heavens loved to see her suffer. There were almost 40 faculty members in SHIA Middle School Division, and Asher was the one who came to the teachers' lounge.

"Mr. Kenward, we were looking for Mrs. Hanamoto," Violet said ashamed.

Arya sighed, "We got detention from her. Where are all the teachers?"

"Reunion. They won't be back for a few hours. Since I'm a teacher assistant, they ordered me to get the prints for the other faculty members. Why don't you girls help me, I will speak to Mrs. Hanamoto about forgetting your detention."

"You will do that for us?!" Violet's eyes almost came out of her face.

"Sure. There are too many prints I need to get, and after that, I still need to distribute them to each corresponding teacher. It will be of much help if both of you could help me." Asher then flashed his iconic smile.

"What a lazy TA," Arya muttered under her breath.

Violet slightly nudged her in the ribs and Asher raised an eyebrow but did not comment on Arya's opinion.

Asher then led the way to the printer room. When he was already in a distance that he could not hear Violet nor Arya, Violet got close to Arya to whisper to her, "Come on, Ari, why are you always picking a fight with Mr. Kenward? Do you want to get expelled or what?"

"I don't like fake people!" Arya said it loud enough for Asher to hear her.

"Sheesh, Ari!" Violet whispered a bit too loud.

Asher then just added, "Same people think alike, don't they?"

Arya's face got red, "I'm so not like you, I'm better!"

"Hm… Maybe I should accidentally forget telling Mrs. Hanamoto to forgive your detention."

Violet then gasped, "Mr. Kenward, please forgive Arya. She is just feeling unwell today and has been spouting nonsense all day!"

"Are you?"

Violet then stepped hard on Arya's left foot as a way of telling her to not continue making the matter worse, "Yes, I'm feeling unwell today."

"How are you girls going back home?"

"I have already my driver waiting for me. Do you want me to also drop you off, Ari?"

"There's no need. Kanon texted me that Evan is going to come again for me."

They had finally arrived at the printing room. Asher then divided the stack of papers in half, and with one half, he divided it into another half. Handing a stack to each of the girls, with him carrying the one with more paper in it.

"Now, we just need to divide them, and we can call it a day!"

Since the papers were really heavy, none of them spoke on the way back to the teacher's lounge, a fact that Arya was thankful for. When they finally reached back, Asher told them where each teacher was seated so that they could put the papers in the correct seat. After a few hours of nonstop working, they finally gave all the papers to the respective teachers. Just then, sound came from the hallway.

"Mr. Kenward, I didn't think you would finish dividing so fast the prints for us," Mr. de la Fuente, the gym teacher said.

"Yeah, I got some help," Asher pointed at Arya and Violet that were standing there as soldiers.

"Oh, girls, sorry, I forgot that you two had detention today," Mrs. Hanamoto said.

"They were of great help here, Mrs. Hanamoto, do you think we can just forgive their detention? I'm sure they have already learned their lesson. Haven't you, Ms. Ling, Ms. Fraulein?"

Asher gave his classic smile.

"Yes," both girls said in unison.

"Hm… seeing the fact that you helped Mr. Kenward, I'm going to let this one pass. You may go home now, girls."

"Thanks, Mrs. Hanamoto," the girls said as they waved goodbye to the teachers.

When they were already far away from the teachers' lounge Violet said, "That was a close call, Ari!"


Violet's driver was already outside waiting for her, but Evan was still nowhere in sight. Just as Violet stepped inside her limo, she asked Arya again, "Are you sure you don't want me to drop you at your house?"

"Don't worry, Vi, I'm sure Evan is just a bit late."

"Okay. Take care then. Text me when you are home," Violet then squeezed Arya's hand.

"See you tomorrow, Vi." Violet's driver then closed the limo's door and drove away. Arya turned around, sighed, and waited patiently for Evan.

She was still worrying about her mission. A thousand petal flowers… Just how would she be able to collect so many in six years? A year had 365 days. Technically, if she could collect one per day, she would finish her mission in four years or so, but today was already her first day, and she had zero leads on what things she needed to mend. The only option that seemed viable for her now, was the charity foundation, but somehow deep inside her, she knew that would not work.

Just when she was deep in thought, her phone ringed with a text message of Kanon telling her that Evan was busy picking their mother up, so he could not pick Arya up.

Arya then texted back, "Okay. Don't worry, I can commute back."

Even coming from a rich family, Arya had learned how to commute in public transport, since she was still not legal to drive a car. Just as she was about to walk to the closest bus stop, a car honked behind her.

The black SUV then was beside her, and when the driver lowered the tinted window, Arya saw it was Asher.

"I thought you had a ride."

"You said it, I had. No longer available. The driver is picking up my mother. I'm going to the bus stop."

"Come, I will drop you off at your house."

Arya did not want to be in the same car as her grim reaper, but the bus stop was really far away, and Arya did not really want to walk all the way there.

"Can you just drop me at the bus stop?"
