New Plans (1)

Arya came back at 2:50 pm. Lissa was already pacing anxiously at the entrance when Arya entered.

"Oh, Miss Arya! I was already dying from anxiety! Why did you come back so late? Do you even know that you were lucky that Madame said that she would come back late this evening? What in the world did you do to your hair?" Lissa looked as if she was about to faint.

Arya quickly went and put both of her hands on Lissa's shoulders to stop her from continuing her anxious pacing. "Calm down, Lissa. I'm back and neither Mother nor Father is back, so let's just keep my little adventure a secret. Also, I like my hair in this color."

"Miss Arya!" Lissa shouted in exhaustion as Arya went running up the stair back to her room.

"So, I've already gotten my first clue! Now, who you may be, mysterious person who I hurt in my past life?" Arya thought as she went to change her clothes, and pull off a sickly look just in case Ava checked on her when she came back.

Arya changed into a light purple jogger pants and hoodie. She then put her hair in a bun.

"Damn, if Mother sees my hair... I'm dead..." That's when the realization finally hit Arya. She again had done something on a whim and had not considered the long-term consequences of it.

Yesterday, dying and cutting her hair seemed like the greatest idea as a way of manifesting her disgust with her mother. Now, that reality was hitting, and hard, Arya thought that instead of doing good, her rebellious act was going to worsen her relationship with her mother.

"Gosh, I didn't ask Asher if the argument yesterday with my mother was going to influence the future. Also, what if she is also one of the people that I need to mend my past mistakes? I have really messed it up big this time," Arya panicked.

She then went for her phone and dialed Asher's number. After the first ring, he picked up.

"What happened, Arya? I just dropped you off."

"Um... hey... could you please give me another hint if I also hurt my mother in the past?" Arya asked not sure of how to formulate her question.

"Well... you know the rules, but what I can say is that your little hair stunt, won't affect what will happen or what happened, so if you were planning going bald to cover it up, rest assured. It's not needed." Arya could hear that Asher was trying to hold his laughter.

"Asher, my hair is light brown! My mother is going to kill me. Also, let's not forget I also chopped down my hair! Oh my! Why didn't you stopped me like when I was about to spurt to Kanon this whole reborn thing? Also, do you know the future or what? I know my mother, and she is so going to kill me for this!"

"Arya... Arya... shhh... breathe and calm down," Asher cooed her through the phone.

"I can't calm down! Asher, my life is at stake! Now, if my mother was part of the mission, I messed things up worse!"

"Arya, calm your bloody nerves down!"

This was the first time, Arya had heard Asher raise his voice, but instead of stopping her nerves, she just turned her snobbish mode on again.

"How do you dare to raise your voice at me!"

"You are being goddamn annoying right now. Just calm down, and remember, most of your mistakes in your past life were because you didn't speak from your heart. Also, you were sort of a snob. Try to not be neither of those, and you will see that your mother won't give a damn about your hair stunt."

"I... fine... talk to you later." Arya knew that her conversation with Asher was being pointless. He could not understand what of a control freak her mother was. Arya knew she would have to think of a solution by herself.

"So..." Arya said out loud while pacing her room, "how am I going to explain that instead of being sick, I skipped school today just to dye my hair..."

Arya then went to her bed, and screamed on her pillow, "Stupid! You should just have gone to school like always, and later went to dye your hair!"

"No... wait..." Arya raised herself again, "I can say that I skipped school because of my bruise. Mother values a lot the family name. I can just tell her that the bruise is too visible and that people would have asked questions. Now... my hair... well... I'm dead with that one."

Arya then heard from her window that her mother and sister had returned. She then looked through the window to see in what kind of mood her mother was. To her luck, Ava was smiling from ear to ear as she went out of the car. Kanon on the other hand did not seem so happy.

Arya hurried downstairs to greet her mother and sister.

"Welcome back, Mother. Kanon."

Ava was telling something to Lissa when she saw Arya's hair. "What in the world have you done to your hair, young lady!"

"I... um... I wanted a change of look. Black hair made me look too sulky," Arya said.

Ava just stared at Arya's hair, her brows furrowing, and disgust clearly on her face. "You really are a lost cause..." These were the only words that Ava said as she walked past Arya and went upstairs.

"You skipped school for that?" Kanon asked surprised.

Arya nodded, "For that, and my bruised face."

"Oh... little sis, well, this time I need to thank you. You just saved me."


Kanon then dragged Arya upstairs before telling her what she meant. As both girls were sitting in Kanon's bed, Kanon continued, "You see... I failed my math quiz today, and Mother was giving me a speech the whole way back about what happened to people who didn't focus on their studies. So, your little hair stunt saved me. Now, Mother is going to just remain the rest of the night in her room sulking why she has a daughter who failed a quiz and another one who dyed her hair."

Arya hugging one of Kanon's pillows laughed at Kanon's explanation, "Kanon, but Mother was smiling when she arrived. The way she scolded you shouldn't have been that harsh."

"Oh... that... Ari..." Kanon then got closer to Arya as if they were not the only people in the room, "I really think Mother is seeing another man... I saw her texting someone, and she was acting all love-struck," Kanon said in an almost inaudible voice.

"Oh, shit..." was the only thing Arya could think of at the moment.