New Plans (2)

Arya tried remembering if her past life, she saw any hints that Ava was having an affair. That is when she realized that she never really knew her parents. She did not know them in her past life, and neither in this one.

In her past life, before Kanon's disappearance, her parents focused all their attention on Kanon. Arya was just the troublemaker of the family. After Kanon's sudden sending to boarding school, and the whole erasing Kanon's existence, Arya basically refrained herself from speaking with her parents the most she could. It was not as if they really cared about her after that incident either.

After graduation, Arya packed up a suitcase and just told her parents that she was going to travel around the world. Her parents knew how superficial and vain their daughter was, and did not even tried to convince her of studying at a college or university. They just satisfied each whim of her and hoped that one day she would be lucky enough to marry a man who could continue to maintain that empty-headed brain of hers. Arya just came back to her home in Singapore on Christmases and New Year where her family hosted a big party.

"Hey, Arya, are you still there?" Kanon waved her hands in front of Arya's face. She had been too silent deep in thought, and Kanon was starting to worry since Arya was never someone who would be deep in thought.

Arya blinked many times, before remembering that she was in Kanon's room.

"Sorry, sis, I was just thinking… he he he…" Arya tried to brush her oddness off.

Kanon cast at Arya a skeptical eye, "Since when do my little sister is deep in thought? Arya were you even paying attention to what I was saying? Mother may be having an affair! Father could have been right!"

Arya could see that tears were starting to swell on Kanon's eyes. "I heard you the first time, but…" Arya said as she stood up of Kanon's bed and was about to head back to her room, "it's their own problem to solve, Kanon. We cannot do anything."

"But… Ari… they are our parents." Kanon could not hold up her tears anymore and they started rolling off her face.

Seeing Kanon cry, made Arya's blood boil. Arya would have liked to confront her parents, ask them why they could be so cruel to Kanon by sending her to a boarding school. Ask them why they could not just get divorced instead of faking that their family was perfect, but she knew that she would just go directly to hell since she could not reveal to anyone about her rebirth. Also, if she mentioned about the divorce, she would probably earn another face slap by her mother.

Arya knew she could go back to her sister and console her.

"But what if I accidentally spill my secret? Sorry, Kanon, I can't risk it." Arya thought as she grabbed the door's handle that felt cold toward her skin.

"They are our parents, Kanon, but it's their marriage. We cannot be like them and force them to fake that they are happy in a marriage that they aren't." Those were the last words Arya said before turning the handle and going outside back to her room without waiting for Kanon's reply.

When Arya returned to her room, she could finally sigh in relief. There were just too many factors for her to consider in this mission. She could change her whole past because of a good or bad decision of hers.

"What in the world am I supposed to do?" Arya thought as she changed her clothes to something more suitable for dinner.

Arya was not in the mood of mix and matching clothes, so she just grabbed a random plain white dress and paired it up with some sandals and called it an outfit. Just as she was about to head to the bathroom to shower, she heard her phone ring.

"Does Asher have stalking tendencies or what?" Arya thought supposing that the caller was Asher.

As she did the last time, she answered the phone without seeing the caller ID.

"Hey, can you leave your stalking tendencies for a moment? Didn't we planned to talk at 9?"

"Ari? It's me, Vi…"

Arya wanted earth to swallow her at that moment. If she had said a name just that moment, Violet would have known that she had something with Asher.

"Ari… are you still there?" Violet sounded worried.

"Um… yeah… sorry, Vi. It's just…" Arya tried to think of a good excuse for the thing she had just said, "it's just a random guy my parents introduced to me. He has been calling me nonstop, and I promised to call him back tonight. Sorry, I thought you were him, I didn't check the caller ID…"

Violet did not answer back.

"Vi, are you angry? I'm sorry."

Violet then laughed a little before saying, "Don't worry about it, Ari. I would have turned off my phone if I were in your position. How are you feeling?"

"Hm? What do you mean?" Arya walked and took a seat at her daybed that was next to her room's window.

"Kanon told me you were sick."

"Oh… that… Sorry, Vi. I just skipped school today because I wanted to dye my hair. I will send you a pic after we hang up."

Arya heard Violet gasp through the call, "Arya Ling! You really are someone who is not afraid of dying! You dyed your hair? The hair your mother prohibited you so much of altering?"

"Mhm… I also cut it a tiny little bit." Arya laughed.

"That doesn't sound as a tiny little bit. I'm hanging up right now just so I can see what kind of art piece you are going to show your mother."

"She saw it already, Vi. It almost gave her a heart attack!"

"You, Arya Ling, are what my Papa would call a schlechter Einfluss."

"A what? Vi, remember I don't speak German!"

"A bad influence," Violet laughed.

"Hey! I just dyed my hair. I didn't skip school for something illegal."

"Maybe skipping school with your TA and having indecent thoughts about him is illegal… He is a grim reaper, and you are 22, Arya, get a hold of yourself!" Arya thought as she recalled her afternoon with Asher. She just could not stop her teenage hormones from acting up.

"I'm hanging up right now, Ari. I want to see your hair!" Violet giggled as she hung up.

Arya quickly took some selfies and send them to Violet. Violet's reaction was just a lot of emojis of heart, laughs, and more hearts. Arya then left her phone in her bed as she headed to the bathroom and promised to herself to always check the caller ID.