
Since the birth of Shina, Alexander found out why dogs did not like the crying of babies. Both he and Ragnarok had to suffer from the sounds of Shina's wails which sounded like a siren was blasting in their ears. It had only been a month since then and now he was in his bed trying to use his pillow to block the sound.

'Damn, with the senses of a wolf, it hurt hearing that.'


Alexander was getting annoyed with how much pain his ears were in, but he was not about to snap at a baby. He grit his teeth which were turning more beastly by the second while he stabbed his pillow with his claws and slashed down in anger.

When he calmed down his features went back to normal, but now he had a problem.

"How am I going to explain this?"

If that was not enough Ragnarok was not much better as he was under the covers trying to escape the crying as well. Luckily it seemed that his parents had managed to calm her down, but they were starting to see why babies were so much of a responsibility. Alexander was already 13 and more like a full-fledged teen than a kid.

So they did not gave to deal with him crying, but Shina was different. Seeing how he was going to be dealing with that for the foreseeable future he got up followed by Ragnarok. Both the wolf and master walked to the front door where he sat down gazing at the dark sky.

His husky-like eyes peered at the sky which was Moonless. He could not be caught out in a full Moon as he did not trust himself to not go into a bloodfrenzy. That would have to come with careful preparations to make sure he did not cause himself to become a mindless beast.

He walked back inside the house, but just as he did that he heard her wailing again causing his ears to ring.


"Alexander, please come here."

He heard Miki calling him so he went to their bedroom where they were trying to calm down the crying baby. His father rubbed his tired eyes as he smiled at him.

"How about you try to calm her down real quick? Maybe it will work."

Alexander nodded as it would help him if she did stop crying. He took her into his arms and started to cradle her. The moment she saw his blue eyes and the grin on his face she stopped crying which made him close his mouth.

She started crying again so he growled at her. Miki felt he could really imitate the growls of a wolf, but that was no imitation. It did do the job as Shina started to giggle. Miki covered his mouth again which made her start crying so she raised her hand again which made her stop. Gorou chuckled at that as he got up to make coffee.

"Seems your little sister likes your teeth. Who would have guessed?"

Alexander shook his head as he tried to get her to fall asleep. One thing he forgot was that his body temperature was hotter than humans as his usual was 150 degrees Faranhite which she seemed to enjoy his warmth.

Of course, his skin was not that hot, but his internals was. In the end, she fell asleep, and just to not wake her up he held her a little longer before he succeeded in going to his room and laying down in bed.

Today he would skip his training as he had wanted to spend some time resting. At the moment he was just waiting for Cleria to finish with the preparations so right now it was a waiting game.

He spent a whole week just being a big brother to Shina before someone came to pick him up at home. Miki had gone out to get groceries while Gorou was at work. They left Shina with him which he was carrying in his arms. When he heard the knock he extended his senses and found that it was Ingrid.

When he opened the door Ingrid smiled.

"Your company has become a reality."

Alexander grinned as one of his main goals was becoming a reality.

"Is the name what I said it should be? Is the Logo what I said?"

Ingrid nodded.

"Yes, Canis Tech, and the logo is still a wolf head with 9 tails. Don't know why you are obsessed with the wolf so much."

He pointed at himself.

"I am a Werewolf and I like wolves. Simple as that. Now, let's meet Cleria."

Ingrid nodded, but she fist looked at the baby in his hands.


"No, the daughter of my adoptive parents."

Ingrid nodded and teleported the 4 of them including Ragnarok to the building Cleria had built. It was in the business center of Tokyo which was not cheap. She had to pull from her account, but she was far from poor so she went ahead with the purchase.

The tall skyscraper was 220 Meters(721 feet) and on the front was the name.

"Canis Tech. My own company."

Ingrid rolled her eyes.

"Yes, yours. Though I still think my Lady should own it. She has been doing all the hard work."

Alexander ignored that comment.

"I am pulling my own weight thank you very much. In time, the amount of money that my company will pull in will number in the Billions. I will pay Cleria back manyfold so don't complain about that. Come on brat."

She kicked his shin which caused her to hold her leg in pain.

"OW, what the hell is wrong with you? Why are you so tough?"

Ragnarok began to laugh in a weird wolf way which pissed her off. As for Alexander, he just took to ignore her as she was not that annoying. But she was fun to mess with.

"Hey, I am talking to you."

"And I gave you silence as an answer."

When he walked inside, he noticed how all the employees were devils. This worked in his favor as they would probably work many times better than humans for less. Ingrid led him to the elevator and placed her hand on the scanner.

She sent a small stream of Demonic Power which caused the doors to open up. All the while Shina in his arms was looking at everything with careful attention. As for Ragnarok the wolf simply walked at his side as the elevator brought them to the top floor.

When they got there, Ingrid led him to the main office where Cleria was sitting at the desk. She smiled when she saw Alexander.

"The man of the hour arrives. How are you, Alexander?

He sat down across from her with a smile.

"I am quite happy, how are you?"

Cleria looked at Shina and looked like she really wanted to hold her.

"Here, you can hold her."

Cleria took the baby into her arms and smiled at her.

"She is adorable?"

Alexander nodded as she truly was. While Cleria held her, she began to tell him what they had done.

"Well, through the use of Demonic Power, I managed to automate the production on the phones. Only some things need actual workers, but we will be ready to begin selling by the end of the year.

For now, we just need to set up the Cell Towers which are being built throughout Japan as we speak. The World Wide version will have to wait for a bit as we gain a reputation."

Alexander nodded.

"Yes, we need to increase demand and desire for the people outside of Japan. Of course, competitors will definitely buy some to reverse engineer it, but it does not matter. It will take them time before they are on the level of what I can make.

Plus, I got a total of 15 versions that are way better than the one we are selling."

Cleria paused.

"You have 15 above the one we are selling?"

He nodded.

"By the time they make something on par with my phone, the second version will be out. And when they make one to rival that, then the three. They will never be able to catch up and be left in the dust. And I got things more than just phones. Belive it."

She smiled as she was glad she talked to him.

"Now, can we talk of something more serious? Ingrid, leave us."

"Yes, my lady."

Once Ingrid left, Cleria set up a bounded field to keep things quite.

"Alexander, you know about the Rating Game right?"

He nodded.

"Of course. It was in that big book? What about it?"

"Well, then this will be easy to explain. The system in place to make new Devils works on Evil Pieces. Ajuka Beelzebub the original creator made different pieces. The Queen, Knight, Rook, Bishop and Pawn,

However, rumors say that he had made a King piece which could increase the strength of the user by a factor of 10 to 100. They never went into use, but I belive the Great King Faction is in use of them to rig the games."

Alexander paused for a moment.

"Have you been trying to uncover this?"

Cleria nodded.

"Yes. My cousin is one of the top players and I wanted to expose them, but I am afraid."

Alexander raised his hand.

"Whatever you do, don't do anything for the time being. Do not dig deeper, do not search for anything. We will be fucked if they discover this. Worse than you and your lover. I will help you with this, but not know. Now, can I see an Evil Piece?"

She nodded and handed him her unused Queen. Alexander popped it into his mouth and sucked on it like it was candy. Cleria did not know what to say as he pulled it out of his mouth unharmed.

"I see."

In front of her eyes, Alexander changed his aura to match the Queen Piece. He was still a 9 tail and the piece was unharmed. However, he could pass for her Queen Piece without being one.

"This way I will be able to act like I am a reborn Devil without having to be one. When you are snooping around I will be able to act like your Queen. When and if we find out the truth, can I keep the King Piece?"

She thought about it and nodded.

"Sure, I have no need for it. But what do you want it for?"

He decided to be honest.

"I want to see if I can't use some of its power to fuel some of my creations. I am a builder and I like working with new things. Using a King Piece to fule a giant mech with Demonic Power sounds awesome."

She sighed.

"You are a unique man Alexander Canis. It's a deal then. However, this will have to wait until we begin selling your creations. With that money, I will be able to increase my standing in the Bellia clan. And I will be able to get you better resources to make better creations. She extended her hand to him.

"Here is for a long friendship Mr. Canis."

He grinned and shook her hand.

"Call me Alexander. And yes, to a long friendship."

Once they both agreed to help each other long-term they went over their plans for the release. They had 5 months left to prepare which was plenty as Cleria was already stockpiling phones. Production had begun already and the cost was not that much as it was automated.

Alexander also let her in on some of his future plans of what he would be selling. Eventually, he was going to delve into Military contracts as his new powers could really flourish here. Plus, if he wanted to be taken seriously by the supernatural and human world he needed to make it big.

And what better way than to make giant machines that were fueled by Dark Energon and Magic?