Training and Birth of a Sibling.

Cleria kept her part of the deal once Alexander finished with the end product they would be selling. He handed one of the phones over to her after signing a very complicated contract that would make him the rightful owner of the company Cleria would open in his name in a few months.

Of course, he would not be the one the people see, but someone else. Someone that could act as a figurehead so he had an idea. If he could create machines, why not create a Machine that would be loyal to him?

As long as they had the energy of the Dark Star Saber he would be in control. Of course, he would need more parts and better ones for that plan, but time was something that was on his side.

Either way, she followed through on her end of the deal and began to give him many books on magic. Some of them simply spoke of what magic was, others went into detail about many Magic Circles that could be created through magic.

All the way to different Rituals and types of magic used by the different factions. Lile Heaven that used the Holy and Light Magic. To Devils with Demonic Power, of Fairies with Fairy Magic. Then, there were the 9 tails like Alexander and Ragnarok.

They could shape and command mana to do as they wished, but they could still use Magic Circles all the same. However, the book that gave him the most use was a giant book on the History of the Underworld.

It taught him about the Devil's history, their wars, and even their houses. It spoke about how there once were 72 Clans of Devils, but most had become extinct in the Great War that lasted several millennia.

Only ending sometime in the early 13th Century. Alexander closed the large book as he sat in a chair in the house Cleria bought him. Ragnarok was on his lap reading the book with him as this had become something they did.

"So, now we know what we are dealing with. Now, tell me, what do we need most of all right now?"

Ragnarok pointed at the word power from the book to answer.

"Correct. We need to become much stronger than we are right now. Now, we are no longer clueless, it is time we begin training."

As he got up, Ragnarok jumped off his lap and sat down in front of him. Alexander opened up a teleport circle and took them to the Underworld. He did not go into the Bellia domain and instead went to the place Cleria had recommended to him.

No one lived there and the closet settlement was hundreds of miles away. Here, they were truly alone. Alexander removed his jacket, and his shirt to put them in his storage ring.

"Come, show me what you can do?"

Alexander's ears and two tails emerged as he began to shift. The skin from his body began to tear away as his muscles grew larger. His bones broke as they grew larger to support his growing frame. His muscles rapidly began to be covered up by a thick hide from which black and purple fur grew.

(Image Here)

His muscle grew longer and he reached up to his face to rip away the skin that covered his face. He felt the urge to howl, but he restrained himself. He looked at Ragnarok who was looking at him with expectant eyes.

"Fine, one howl."

Ragnarok wagged his tail and waited as Alexander howled to the sky. Ragnarok howled with him as they howled at the Moonless sky. Once that was done, Alexander looked down at Ragnarok.

"Your turn."

Ragnarok focused on himself before he too began to shift. Instead of becoming werewolf-like, he merely got a great deal larger. Just like Alexander his first shift caused his second tail to sprout from his back which made the now 3-meter-tall wolf chase both his tails.

(Image here)

Alexander whistled as best he could which made Ragnarok stop.

"Come on, we will be using this time to train so playtime can wait."

Once Ragnarok settled down, Alexander focused and allowed the Berserker Armor to begin to cover up his giant frame. He closed his eyes as the black plates of metal emerged from the Medallion on his chest and spread.

The metal crawled to encase him as his legs, arm, chest, and back were covered. Finally, the healing crawled up to cover up his head.

'Don't lose yourself, Alexander.'

Finally, the Dark Star Saber appeared in his right hand which immediately caused his more violent urges to begin to rise to the surface. The veins of the armor began to glow a bright red while the Dark Purple Storm Clouds appeared overhead.

Ragnarok watched his friend as he was ready to stop him if he went berserk. Instead, Alexander held the sword with both of his hands and allowed the energy of the armor and sword to enter his body.

His magic pathways began to light up with a magenta color as both energies mixed. He took a breath and looked forward. He did not attack, but he continued to do different sword stances. Seeing how busy he was, Ragnarok ran off into the wilderness to do his own training.

Lightning gathered around his body as this had become his favorite element. He could unless his destructive desires without bothering anyone so he would do just that. Both had different goals for their training. Alexander wanted perfect control while Ragnarok wished to unleash the total of his destruction.

For the next 5 months, they came to this place every day after dark to train themselves. They even began to engage in sparring matches with each other as they were both 9 tails. Most of the time when they did that, Alexander held back as he had the Berserker Armor and Dark Star Saber and he did not want to hurt Ragnarok.

However, those matches helped both of them gain better control of their abilities. Compared to when they first arrived in this world they were far more prepared for the dangers. At the same time, Alexander did not let themselves become complacent

There were always dangers to be faced in this world and he wanted ready for anything. They had both been killed once already and they both did not wish to repeat that fate.


Finally after all that training, the day that would change Alexander's life came. He sat on the couch of Gorou and Miki as the pregnant Miki cooked dinner. She was already 9 months along and was set to give birth tomorrow. The spell that Cleria had cast on her had baffled her doctors as she went from having a risky pregnancy to a normal one.

"Aunty, you should not be cooking. Or doing anything really. You need rest."

She simply laughed at him.

"Oh please, I feel great."

Alexander glanced over at Ragnarok with worry in their eyes. Miki was a good cook for humans, but for them, it was closer to eating slop. Just then, Alexander and Ragnarok smelled something.

Miki stopped moving as she held her stomach.

"Alexander, I think my water just broke."

Alexander nodded and picked her up in his arms. She did not expect him to be so strong, but he was a tall kid.

"I'll drive you to the hospital."

"Wait, your license."

"No one needs to know. Think of the baby."

He carried her out of the house and sat her in the passenger seat. Ragnarok jumped in the back as he got into the driver's seat. He started the car up and drove off as Miki held her stomach.

The hospital was not too far and he managed to arrive without compication. When he arrived he parked the car and picked up Miki once again. He walked in to the hospital and waved over a nurse.

"Excuse me, my mother is going into labor."

The nurse looked up and nodded. She called over someone to get a wheelchair so Alexander sat her down in it. Before she was whelled away she held Alexander's arm.

"Thank you, son."

Alexander smiled and held her arm.

"Good luck."

Once she was wheeled off Alexander sat down in the waiting room with Ragnarok. He waved his hand and used magic to make it so everyone ignored Ragnarok. With that, he could wait without issue.

Gorou was called and he got a lift from work as his workplace was very close to their house. Once he arrived he rushed to Alexander's side.

"Good work champ. How is she?"

"She should make it just fine."

Gorou patted his shoulder as a nurse took him into the delivery room to be by his wifes side. Alexander closed his eyes as he meditated and waited for the news. A few hours later he was stirred his mediation by a nurse.

"Your parents are calling you."

Alexander nodded and looked at Ragnarok who was invisible to everyone. The wolf and Alexander walked into the delivery room where Miki and Gorou were looking at the little girl in her hands.

Miki had a large bright smile as she held her child in her arms. Alexander's eyes were locked on the child in her arms as a smile came onto his face.

"Congratulations you two."

The girl looked like a younger, cuter Miki which did not mean that Alexander was calling her ugly. She was just a little older, average even as she was quite common. Gorou looked at his first biological child, but he did not care for Alexander any less.

"Meet your little sister, Shina Hyoudou."

Alexander walked over and looked at the small girl. He raised his hand which was shaking as he ran his finger on her cheek.

"How adorable."

Miki held her out for him.

"Now, do you want to carry your little sister?"

Alexander took her into his arms as he looked down at the girl. When Shina looked up at him she was not afraid as he thought, but her little hands reached out for his face. He gave her his hand which made her grip his finger. Seeing such an innocent little girl in his arms made him feel quite warm inside.

A nurse entered the room and when she saw him carrying his sister it made her smile.

"What a nice big brother."

She checked up on Miki as the pregnancy was relatively simple. They just wanted to make sure she was alright. After a check-up, she nodded and gave good news.

"Your birth went well and you're healing well. You should stay for a day or two then you can go home. Of course, plenty of rest and no stress."

Gorou nodded as he took Shina in his arms.

"I think that is a great idea. Alexander helps with chores already, but he can't be expected to do everything. I also need to work, so a nanny would be very helpful."

The nurse smiled that he was listening to her as there were people who seemed to have too much pride to ask for help. Seeing he was not the same was good for her.

"If you need me just press this button."

She left them alone afterward while Gorou and Miki were all smiles at the birth of their daughter. The fact that they also had a lovely son made them feel like a family which they always wanted.

Tears of joy ran down Miki's face as she finally succeeded and did not lose her children. Each time it happened she blamed herself as a mother that was the way she coped with losing them.

Gorou was no better as he was a crying mess she held her hand. A few days later when Miki was released from the hospital with her daughter in hand, with her husband and son at her side. She felt like she finally had the family she wanted.