Future Opportunity

Once Cleria left him alone he got his parts and began to set something up. Something he saw in a movie that would double as a watch and something important. Plus he just wanted to be able to say that he did it. He worked on the thing that would become his watch.

It took him around 2 hours to get the thing to look right and once it was done he added the last part. The energy of the Dark Star Saber gathered in his hand which he infused into his creation. The Dark Energon ran through the machine causing it to animate and begin to twitch.

(Image here)

"Watch Form."

The thing jumped on his wrist and transformed into a watch on his wrist. He grinned as he copied Watch Out from Transformers 3. Meaning he could also make machines as long as he had the Dark Star Saber. Plus, his version could also act as a means to spy on people. He could even make an army of machines which was beginning to appear in his mind.

"Now this brings up more opportunities, don't you say Ragnarok?"

The wolf nodded as his friend was known to make things. Some of his own inventions had been what made them their money in the first place. But Alexander had only begun, so for now it would suffice.

"For a first version it does the job, but I can do better. Now, what should I truly build when I got the means?"

That could all wait so he stood up and looked at the time. When he checked his watch he saw that it was barely 5 AM meaning he could do anything right now, but he still decided to go home.

He would keep coming back to work on his creations as he always found building things quite fun. Especially now when he could animate them through magic like his Watch. However for now he returned home.

Miki and Gorou were asleep so he managed to get to his old room easily. Once there he laid down in his bed, but he did not sleep. He looked at his prototypes and began to plan out his days. He had a year to be ready for the big reveal when he would make big money.

However part of his focus went on the Moon which was visible in the sky. The Moon would be full in one week which might not bode well for anyone if it caused him to snap. He and Ragnarok both as they both had the same bloodline.

Alexander's came from Calinda herself, but Ragnarok was still a 9-tail. Meaning they both were affected by the Moon. Which is why he asked his favor of Cleria. He needed to be somewhere where the Full Moon had no hold over them.

However, she might have the means for that so for now he just did not bother with the Moon. For the next week, he kept going over to the house to work on some side projects and to refine the design for the phones more.

However, on the day before the full Moon Cleria called him out to the house. When he walked inside she noticed he and Ragnarok looked odd. Alexander was wearing a pair of dark sunglasses while Ragnarok seemed to be much larger than normal.

"What's with the glasses?"

Alexander reached up and removed them showing his eyes. They were not his normal husky-like eyes, instead, they were glowing in the same glow as the Dark Star Saber.

"The closer the Full Moon gets the more unstable I become. I can't make my eyes turn back to normal. Any solutions?"

She nodded.

"I have an idea to get you away from the Full Moon. You will need to stay in the Underworld until the Moon is no longer full. I can take you to a safe house where you won't have to worry about being seen."

Alexander thought about it as he would be on her home turf. At the same time, he would be safe from the effects of the Full Moon so he took the offer.

"Fine, I am going to need a Devil Contract?"

She sighed as she expected that.

"Do you trust anyone?"

He shook his head.

"No. Only Ragnarok."

She muttered under her breath something.

"Guess you will be all alone."

"I heard that."

"Good. Now, I, Cleria Bellia will not give away Alexander Canis or Ragnarok location to anyone."

Alexander agreed and all he had to give as 'payment' was a one yen coin. Once they made their contract Cleria walked up to him.

"Are you ready to go right now?"

He nodded.

"I got everything I could need in this special ring you gave me. We can go?"

She placed her arm on his shoulder which was a little tough as he was taller than her. He was already 5'8 after all, but this was expected because of his superior bloodline. A teleport circle appeared under his feet which he analyzed this time.

He broke it apart in his mind until he got it right. He would have to practice it a bit, as it was more complicated, but not too much. Cleria activated the spell and teleported the three of them to the Underworld in her personal territory.

When Alexander and Ragnarok appeared in the Underworld they both felt the tension in their bodies decline. Alexander's eyes turned back to normal while Ragnarok began to get smaller again.

Alexander sat down in a chair with Ragnarok at his side.

"Thanks, I don't know how much destruction I would have caused if I did go into a Full Moon driven rage. I might have even been killed and I need to be alive."

Cleria sat down in the chair in front of him as she was curious about something.

"Alexander, who are you? Your not a werewolf, and you just appeared out of nowhere."

Alexander paused, before speaking.

"You got any drinks unique to the Underworld? Miss Cleria, we are business partners, not friends. I owe you quite a bit, but so do you. I think I will keep that bit of information to myself."

She huffed and teleported a shining purple wine into her hands.

"Here, this wine was made from a unique fruit that grows in the Bellia territory and aged 3,000 years with Time Magic. Enjoy."

She even brought out a wine glass for him as she was in no mood to drink. She stood up and watched Alexander as he uncorked the bottle. He poured himself a glass full and swirled it around watching the magic in the wine.

He took a drink of the wine and found that the taste was better than anything he had drunk before. The magic in the wine caused his mouth to tingle which was a good thing. He drank the rest of his wine in his cup and nodded.

"Thanks. How long do I get to stay here?"

"Three days. After that, the Full Moon will be gone. Until then I can use a quick spell to make sure your family thinks you just went on a School Trip or whatever."

He nodded.

"Oh, this might be unrelated, But can you check on Miki? The woman who adopted me has a troubled pregnancy. Can you give her a hand?"

Cleria nodded.

"You won't owe me a favor for this. Goodbye."

She teleported away as Alexander grabbed the bottle of wine and drank straight from the bottle.

"Want some?"

Ragnarok nodded and opened his mouth to the sky. Alexander poured some in his mouth and watched as the wolf rolled on his belly in bliss. Alexander laughed as he rubbed the wolf's belly.

He got up after he corked the wine and popped his back. He had some time to kill so he sat at the table and brought out many parts from what Cleria gave him. He had three days to make a good computer for his personal use so he might as well use this time to do so.


While he worked, Cleria did what she promised Alexander and checked up on Miki. She knew she and Alexander were not friends, but she did not see him as a child. He was too wise, business savvy and he seemed to trust no one, but that wolf of his.

She remembered how strong he was in a fight and how she almost died in that fight. It was her fault he snapped, but the memory would probably stick in her mind for a while. She stopped by the house and let herself in.

She cast a small spell to hypnotize both of them and quickly did a check-up on Alexander's adopted mother. She did notice how Miki had a weak body which caused complications while the child was relatively healthy.

As such, this was an easy solution. She just cast a revitalization spell on Miki which would make her body healthier. She shook her head and left them alone once she did what she promised.

With that done, she went back to her duties as the supervisor of Kuoh. Stray Devils were being dealt with by the extra Exorcists running around so fewer people were dying. Already, the Exorcists felt that the Werewolf had long since left.

Even Michael gave up the hope that they would find anything so he was pulling his extra forces out. She sighed as she had not met her lover since she met Alexander. It was too risky, but for now, she focused on her real goal.

She believed the Rating Games were rigged and for the last couple of years, she had been trying to find out more. She took this position to have somewhere the nobles would not go. They cared nothing for a small human town like this, so she was relatively safe here.

That would not last forever, so she needed to find out what she wanted without being discovered.

'Let's hope I am not wrong.'


For the next three days, Alexander and Cleria both worked until the Full Moon had passed. With it, the danger of Alexander and Ragnarok going feral would be avoided. When she teleported to the safe house she left them in, she saw something unexpected.

Alexander was typing rapidly into the new computer he had built over the past three days. He had not slept a wink considering he had no real need for it now. As for Ragnarok, the wolf was sleeping on the floor to the calming clicking of keys.

(Image here)

"Alexander, did you make this?"

Alexander nodded as he got the last program he would need into this.

"Yeah, I had time and it would help me in the future. You might as well watch now for the finishing touch."

She did not know what he meant, but she saw the Dark Purple glow of the Dark Star Saber in his hands. He places his hand on the computer causing the lights on it to glow that same glow.

She heard a strange sound before the computer transformed into a large black gun that seemed to thrum and glow with Dark Energon. Alexander picked it up and aimed it at the wall.

"You're not going to shoot that are you?"

"Please, I am not that dumb."

He sat the gun down which turned to its computer form in an instant. He saw how all the programing he had added to it worked just fine.

"Just a little experiment from remembering the dead bodies coming back to life. Why not try it with machines and it works? I even got this little beauty."

He showed his wrist watch which transformed into its alternative form. Cleria watched it crawl from his wrist to his shoulder before jumping back to his wrist where it returned to normal.

"That is creepy. But are you planning to do that to all the phones we sell?"

"No. I got no need for that. I rather make dedicated war machines with this than focus on small things."

Cleria could see the benefits to this.

"So, do you plan on selling these things?"

He shook his head.

"No, only I deserve to hold onto my toys. Though, I am more than willing to loan them out to those who need them. If only I had better material."

Cleria knew what he wanted.

"You are going to have to finish the phone project first. I can't keep giving you everything."

He got up and picked up his computer.

"Yeah, with this, the job will go way faster. I am almost done anyway so just leave it to me. As long as you help me, by the end of the year, the money will be rolling in."

A teleport circle opened under his feet and Ragnarok as he taught the wolf how to do it. Cleria watched how both of them teleported away. She was fine with it as long as she got her share as she might need his help in the future.