Business Contract and Favor.

Alexander and Cleria stayed together in her room for a whole hour, going through a contract so they could find some common ground. Cleria was much older than she appeared so she had been dealing with contracts for many years.

However, she had never met Alexander Canis, someone who could place so many loopholes in a contract to not obey it. Yet it seems today he met someone who could keep up with his many schemes. Cleria had her arms crossed as they both went over many clauses they placed for each other.

Alexander found it to be fine as it was now as more would take more time.

"So, this contract will bind us for just 2 years. At that time, you cannot tell the higher-ups of the Belial Clan or anyone else about me unless I consent. However, at the same time, I cannot speak of you and your boyfriend except to any you say so.

Seems fair to me. You will get a 5% per sale of my product and any that come after it. There is not just one, and I already got the plans ready to go. I just need the following things."

Alexander wrote down a list of things as he planned to start off easy with something resembling an iPhone 1. Of course, the one he was making would be better as it was something his company had improved on.

Once he finished he handed the list over to Cleria who raised an eyebrow at the things listed here.

"You want parts for as many computers as I can manage? That is easy, but why?"

She looked at Alexander who was looking at his black gauntlet which had natural claws.

"Because I am making an electronic device that needs those parts. As long as I have the parts I will get you the prototype within the week. Of course, selling them on mass will need more work, but just seeing the prototype will prove to you why it is a good investment."

Cleria thought about it and nodded.

"I will get you the parts you need. I will rent out a small house on the outskirt of town and all the materials you will need will be there within the week. We will keep in touch until then. Do you know how to call someone through magic?"

Alexander shook his head.

"Not at all. I don't know any magic circle."

She sighed as looking at his face showed that he was quite young despite being so tall.

"I will teach you real quick. Look how I shape Demonic Power. It will work the same with mana though so don't worry."

She showed him her hand as she shaped the Demonic Power into a small Magic Circle by her ear. Alexander's eyes analyzed the spell for a moment before he made one just like it by shaping the mana drawn to him.

It quickly connected with Cleria's working much like a phone, but with magic.

"Testing, testing."

He laughed a bit at his own joke, but that was normal.

"Seems it works just fine. With that, we are done. You can go home now, Alexander. I will keep in touch, but I got to warn you. A full moon is set to take place in two weeks."

Alexander paused at that and looked at Ragnarok who nodded. He could feel it, the Full Moon would be bad. For both of them.

"Thanks for the heads up. I will be seeing you."

Alexander walked toward the window and pushed it open. Cleria watched how he jumped out of it followed by his pet wolf who seemed to wave at her. She walked over to the window and saw that they were gone.

'Alexander Canis. What a strange boy.'

She sighed and read over the contract again. She did not know why she felt the need to sign one, but he seemed to know more than he let on. As for Alexander, he materialized from the black mist in front of his house.

The Berserker Armor retreated from his body until it was back as a medallion. He opened the door and walked inside to see his adoptive parents were not in the house.


He walked to the fridge and saw they left a note.

'Miki needed to go for a hospital appointment. We will be back by 9. Take care champ.'

Alexander took the note and rested it on the table.

"They are good people."

Alexander sat down on the couch as he thought of what he could do to deal with the full moon. If a full shift normally caused him to snap, how much damage could he do when fueled by the Moon?

He would have to deal with it when the time came or it might not even affect him. But he did not like what-ifs. He needed to be sure so he would need to be careful. But he was ready for anything as he had experienced losing himself once.

Once, was enough so he would need more experience in transforming. But where and when could he do it without being caught? The Town was swarming with Devil and Exorcist agents. The Devils under Cleria would help him but did all of them have absolute loyalty to her?

Which were actually spies that would sell out information on him. So many different questions that he could sit here and think of so many that made it not safe to do it in town.

"Damn, I might have to ask her for a favor. She will expect one back, but I always pay back those who help me. Fuck it, Ragnarok get ready. We will be busy very soon."

The wolf nodded and was ready for anything. As long as he and Alexander were together they were happy.


For the next week, Alexander sometimes went to Middle School and other times stayed home. He kept in contact with Cleria who informed him they had bought him the house and were currently renovating it.

She also told him that she was collecting as many of the parts that Alexander had written down. That was good as he could work on more than one prototype or even go on to make himself another one of his advanced watches.

When the agreed day arrived Alexander was on the roof looking at the night sky. In his mind, he heard Cleria's voice.

"It's ready."

He responded instantly.

"I'm on my way."

He got off the roof and jumped off with Ragnarok. He looked at Ragnarok and smiled.

"Ready to run?"

Ragnarok nodded with a wagging tail so Alexander and the wolf ran from building to building. This way they had some fun and they arrived at the edge of Kuoh faster than just by walking.

At the edge of town, there were fewer houses as most of them were abandoned or owned by elderly people. The one that Cleria bought had been abandoned for years so it as easy to buy.

On the outside, it still looked old to regular people, but he could see it for what it was. It was disguised with magic to look old. In reality, it did not look all that bad so he walked to the front door and turned the doorhandle.

The door opened and he walked inside followed by his pet. Inside the house was a different story as it looked to follow the same style Cleria had in her own manner. Speaking of her, she was siting on the couch waiting for him.

"There you are. So what do you think?"

He nodded.

"Lovely place. Is it mine?"

Cleria nodded.

"Yes. This place can be your workshop or whatever. The parts you need will all be in this ring."

She tossed him a Spatial Ring which he looked at. He sent a little bit of his magic and saw a large space the size of a football field inside. It was full of all the parts that he would need and more.

"Wow, you really went all out with this."

Cleria walked past him and turned around.

"Of course I did. This will benefit me if you succeed. Now, good luck."

Before she left Alexander asked for his favor.

"I have a favor to ask for. I do not ask lightly."

She turned around and nodded.

"What is it?"

"I need somewhere where I can practice shifting. I can't do it here as I draw attention."

"I will work on it."

She teleported away and left Alexander to his work. Once she was gone he walked over to the kitchen table and popped his joints.

"Well, let's see how this goes. Been a while."

He placed the ring on his left ring finger and began to pull out the many parts he would need. Ragnarok watched as Alexander set the parts on the large table. He knew the plans for his technology inside and out, but did he have the means to do as he needed?

'Time to find out.'

First, he brought out the tool set he had asked for which had all the things he would need. Cleria had gotten hundreds of computer parts for him so he began to work on the many components he would need. Of course, he would not have the exact parts he needed, but he could make do with things that worked somewhat.

(Image here)

He worked on his phone for the next 2 hours until he had 2 prototypes. Once both phones were constructed he went over and plugged them into the working computer Cleria got. Now he just needed to program them which was actually the easy part.

For now, all they needed to do was to be able to call each other as the other apps could come later. This was just a prototype after all so once he got done he looked at phone phones.

They looked like crap, but the overall look did look like a smartphone. They would just need to be refined, but they worked.

"Ragnarok, let's test them."

The wolf jumped on the table and tapped on the call function which caused the other one to begin to ring. Alexander answered and spoke.

"Hello, this is Alexander Canis."

His voice came out from the calling one which showed that it worked. Sure it was just a crappy version, but this showed he could get it to work. Ragnarok answered by barking into the phone.

Alexander ran his hand down his friend's head and hung up.

"Now that we know I can get it to work. Let's see if I can't fix this up."

He took both apart and looked at all the components and began to remove some, and add more. It had no camera as that was something that would need more work than what he had on hand. However for now it was enough to just fix it up a bit.

He spent another hour refining his prototypes until they at least looked more presentable. He placed his hands on the back as he engraved his company logo.

A wolf head, but he added 9 lines to represent tails behind it.

"Now, it is truly a Canis Tech design."

Ragnarok looked at the wolf logo and liked it. He patted Alexander on the shoulder which made the man smile. He activated the magic circle to call Cleria here.

'Hey, I just got done with a decent product. I just need you to come to check it out.'

'Already. I just gave you the material. Are you sure you are not just rushing this?'

Alexander felt insulted.

'I would never. When I say something is done, I mean it is done. Well, version 1. The one we will be selling will of course be better, but for a Prototype, it is enough.'

She went silent over the call before she sighed.

'I will be right there.'

She hung up and teleported to the house she bought for Alexander. When she got there she saw him sitting at the table with piles of parts around him. On the table were the two phones he had made which interested her.

"Did you really finish it that fast?"

Alexander nodded.

"Of course. I already knew how to make them, I just needed the parts. Well, they need some work, but they work for now."

She walked over and picked one of the phones up. She pressed the power button at the bottom which caused it to turn on.

"So what does it do?"

Alexander began to explain himself.

"Well, I only added one feature at this moment. I would need to program more things in them which can wait. This is what I focused on with this version."

He called the phone in her hands which began to shake. She looked at the prompt and pressed it. Alexander brought it up to his mouth and spoke.

"So, I got it to connect the two."

She almost did not believe he got it so quickly. She could see how this would sell well among the humans.

"This is amazing. When do you think we will be able to begin mass production?"

Alexander thought of it realistically. He alone could refine the end product that would be sold, but not mass produce them. Plus they needed the infrstructure to be able to work on mass.

"I say within a year. There will be more work to go into this before we can actually sell. Plus, I have not set up my company."

That brought up her question.

"So this is your logo. A wolf with 9 tails?"

He nodded.

"Canis Tech. My company which I plan to start up to deal with this and my other projects."

She thought about it and decided to help him.

"Well, I can give you a loan for you to start it up. But you are a kid, will you be the face of the company?"

He shook his head.

"Not yet. I plan to get a puppet to do it for me. In time I will replace him and take over as the real Alexander Canis. Plus, you will benefit along the way with higher status in your clan or whatever. And you got me as a friend."

Cleria nodded.

"I see. Well, you got my backing. If you can make a better version for when we begin selling, we will make big money. However, the Higher Ups are going to want to know who is helping me which will draw attention to you."

"Just say we signed a Devil Contract where you can't say a thing about me. No one will suspect it was the Mad Werewolf who is your business partner. Now, just be careful to not let it slip you are dating the Holy Boy. I do not need you being offed before my company is set up.

Cleria squinted her eyes and shook her head.

"I also do not want to die. Fine, I will be seeing you."

He nodded and watched as she teleported away once more leaving him and Ragnarok alone.

"Well, that went well. Now, what can I do with all these parts?"

He had an idea.