Meeting Odin.

When Alexander and Azazel appeared in the Underworld Alexander looked at Azazel.

"So, you hide it in the Underworld?"

He looked toward the bouncer at the entrance. He was not a Fallen Angel, but something different. His skin was red, and two large horns extended from his head.

"Yes, it's neutral ground. Many beings from different factions come in secret. Even an old man who you might want to meet. But what we really care about, are the women. Come, let's go."

Both men walked toward the Oni who allowed them inside without a word. Azazel owned the place, he was free to bring who he pleased. The moment Alexander entered he smelled the scent of fine women, alcohol, and even curious unique scents.

At the entrance, they were greeted by a Fallen Woman with short hair. She was short, around 5'4, but her chest jiggled as she walked on her High heels. She wore a short skirt that barely hid her panties, and her small bra did not hide her nipples.

"Master Azazel, welcome back."

She bowed which let both of them look into the nice valley of her tits.

"Mira, this is Alexnader. Get him a Fallen Shot."

Mira was shocked as that was the most expensive and powerful cocktail they had. It was also their best.

"Yes sir."

She walked off swaying her hips for both of them making Alexander look at Azazel.

"You were not lying."

Azazel wrapped his arm around Alexander's shoulders.

"You might even take a few to your bed by the end of the night."


Alexander looked around and saw how all the strippers were Fallen Angels as Azazel said. One thing they all had in common was how gorgeous they were. However, the men who were presently enjoying the atmosphere were all not normal.

They were all magical beings from different parts of the world and factions. Yet here they all did not make a fuss like normal. Azazel began to walk away as he had things to do.

"Have fun, Alexander."

"I plan to."

Once Azazel walked away, Alexader focused on a particular Fallen on the pole. Her fishnets drew attention to her nice legs, and she was currently spinning on the pole. She wore a tight swimsuit that showed her nice tits and ass totally.

He walked toward her and watched her move. The Fallen noticed him and hung from the poke backward with just her legs holding her up. Her green eyes met Alexander's icy blues.

Neither said anything as she reached behind her and undid her swimsuit bra. She slowly removed her right arm from it, and then her left. Until only her arms contained her breasts. Alexander and many other men near him watched as she lowered the bra to show her tits.

Alexander's eyes went to them, they were huge, at least G cup and her nipples looked amazing. Alexander felt his mouth fill with drool which made him swallow hard. She winked at him and began to climb the pole.

Alexander was knocked out of his thoughts when he heard boisterous laughter next to him. He saw a sharply dressed old man with a beard that hung all the way to the floor. He reached into his pockets and tossed out gold coins and gems to the floor of the stripper.

She winked at Odin and turned her attention over to the god. Alexander was not offended as he just enjoyed the show. He watched how she spun and twisted on the pole for a while before she lowered herself low. She spread her legs and began to remove her bottom.

Odin tossed even more gold and gems as both of them watched. She slowly removed the black panties to show them her pussy. Alexander's hands crushed the railing while his eyes were locked on the show.

When they were removed she tossed them behind Odin and Alexander. Some men rushed for them while Odin and Alexander did not. The real show was in front of them. Suddenly Alexander felt Mira return to his side.

She held a tall glass that contained black glowing alcohol. It looked like the night sky which made Alexander curious.

"Thank you."

He took the drink and smelled it. It contained even more magic than what Cleria gave him that time. A lot more. Mira walked close to him and kissed his cheek.

"That's Samantha. A top favorite here."

The moment that name came out of her mouth Alexander felt his mood turn foul. He felt his rage rise, he felt his heart clench, and he nearly shifted right then and there wanting nothing more than to kill. However, he was in control and his aura did not even leak.


Mira noticed how his mood soured when she said the name, Samantha.

"Is that name important to you?"

Alexander shook his head and took a drink from the cocktail. The moment that liquid entered his body he felt a dense rush of magic fill him up. It was so strong that even he felt that the name Samantha was not so bad.

"No, not important at all. Just reminded me of someone."

Once she gave him his drink, she walked away to do her work. Now left alone. Alexander enjoyed his drink slowly appreciating the taste. He did not let an ounce of magic escape and made it his own.

For the first time, Odin spoke to him.

"Boy, what made you so mad."

"You felt that?"

Odin rubbed his beard and grinned.

"You can't hide that amount of rage from a god as old as me boy."

Alexander shrugged.

"My ex was named Samantha."

Odin rubbed his beard as he looked at Alexander's tails and ears. He did not ask anything else as he focused back on the stripper. Alexander walked off and enjoyed the eye candy. He stayed there for a few more hours until he got bored.

He drank his fill of many cocktails that Azazel got him for free. He said goodbye to Azazel and was about to teleport home when Odin stopped him.

"Hold on their boy."

Alexander looked down at the old god with a smile.

"You need something?"

Odin nodded.

"Let's talk sometime. I am sure we can come to some agreements."

Alexander pondered over it and nodded.

"Sure, I am Alexander."

"And I am Odin."

Alexander teleported away and returned to his office in Tokyo. He sat down in his chair and called Ingrid.

'Bring Shina back to me.'

Ingrid teleported into his office directly with a smiling baby in her hands. She walked over to her boss and handed him his kid back. When Shina saw Alexander she smiled and hugged him.

He smiled as well and nuzzled her closer to his face. Ingrid bowed and left the office closing the door behind her. Not long after she was gone Ragnarok appeared back in the office he could feel Alexander was back.

"Now that I had my fun and found a new partner, I should prepare. I have 6 days to get ready for the grand release. I also got to inform Cleria of my new friend which can wait."


Those 6 days went by in a flash with the chaos going around all of Japan and even the world. Everyone wanted to know more about the CEO of Canis Tech who had never made a public appearance. His company appeared out of nowhere and was beginning with something that blew away the competition.

The government wanted to know about him, rival companies wanted to pressure him to delay or stop the release. But Alexander had not a care in the world for the schemes of humans.

At the moment, he was sitting on a couch in his office looking at the TV. Sitting next to him on his left was Azazel and on his right was Cleria. He told her that he agreed to work with Grigori which made her upset.

She had helped him start up and she thought he would help her and the Devils as thanks. Instead, he went to their enemies, Fallen Angels, and agreed to share his secrets when he had not even done that with her.

She felt that their friendship was not as serious as she thought. Alexander glanced at her and noticed she was not happy.

"Why are you unhappy? I will still help you and this agreement will help you more than what I can offer alone."

Azazel had to agree.

"I agree."

She sighed and spoke her mind.

"I don't want to act ungrateful, but why did you offer all you did to Azazel and not the Bellia Clan? We could help you as well?"

Alexander drank from the drink Azazel brought. It contained magic like all the magical drinks he had been drinking.

"You don't control the Bellia Clan? Azazel controls Grigori. His help is more stable than yours. However, that does not mean I do not intend to work with your clan. It only needs new management."

She paused to think about what he meant before it clicked.


Alexander nodded.

"Yes. I trust you, not your clan."

Azazel had to agree.

"He is right you know. Devil's Clans are known for not always being united. If he offered this to the head of your clan, they might betray him while you don't want that. Unless you rule the clan, it will be meaningless."

She did not want to accept it, so she drank some of the alcohol he brought.

"Yeah, I know. Even if I don't want to admit it."

Finally, the TV changed to a report in Tokyo. Many phone stores were opened up in the year leading up to this day so they were more than ready. A female reporter spoke up showing the lines that went on and on.

"Here I am with Nox News standing in front of the giant line that is not too common all over the country. The new technology company, Canis Tech has produced a new version of the phone. Most mobile phones use buttons and only have a few functions.

However, the new Canis Tech Phone can take pictures, and videos, make phone calls, download games, and has no buttons. It uses a touchscreen and it currently is only being sold in our country of Japan.

It has a staggering price of 76,435.80 Yen(600 Dollars), but for what it offers many say that price is quite fair. And the lines shown behind me, many also agree. The stores are about the open in exactly 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and open."

The moment she said that all over Japan, the Devils and Fallen that were working for Cleria and Azazel opened the stores. The people rushed inside, but the magic inside kept the crowd from causing too much trouble.

Immediately, people began to buy, buy and buy all over Japan in most major cities. Watching all this, made Alexander grin.

"Now, that is what I am talking about."

Azazel looked at Alexander with a smirk.

"You're going to be rich beyond measure. What comes next?"

Alexander leaned back and thought about it.

"I need to repay Cleria for the help. This money will be used to invest in my next project. Just not now. Let the humans struggle to come up with something to compete. Once they find something, I will release the next. Then the next."

Cleria nodded.

"Thanks, that will be appreciated. I used a lot of money to make this happen. I am glad my investment will pay off."

Alexander stood up and looked out the window.

"I will avoid making a public appearance for a while. For the moment, we three need to consolidate us working together. This might take a while, but for beings who live as long as we do, time is what we have."

Azazel nodded as he stood up.

He and Alexander had not yet begun to complete their agreements with each other. They decided to wait until the release of Alexander's phone began. As for Cleria, she thought of her lover and how she could even help him retire from the church.

However, the question was if he would do it. He loved the church so the chances of that happening were slim. She sighed as she looked at Azazel and Alexander who were talking about their future projects.

'Boys will be boys.'

Either way, Alexander's first big move was a big success.