3 Years Later.

Just on the first day that Alexander's phone was released, they sold 450,000 units. Over the next week, they sold around 200,000 more units which netted Alexander, 389,350,000 Million dollars. Some of that money was used to pay back Cleria and the interest that Alexander willingly gave her.

She had told him that her clan had fallen in status because the previous heads had wasted their money. She had been living with her aunt and uncle because they had to sell their ancestral home to pay back the debt.

Now that she had the means, she paid back her aunt and uncle the current heads of the Clan. She did not inform them of how she got this money, which brought up questions. However, she was not ready to reveal her friendship with Alexander who was working with Grigori.

That could get her labeled a traitor so she just made it seem that she was contracted with a human inventor. That was enough to keep most questions away from her money, but the rest went to Alexander.

Most of the money went towards Canis Tech itself to fund his future projects. Meanwhile, a certain share went toward Alexander's account, but this was not the majority. He only took 25 million as the rest would be used to make his inventions.

This trend continued for a long time in Japan as the only country that currently had access to Cell Phones. Of course, his competitors bought in bulk as they planned to reverse engineer the Cell Phone to compete.

Alexander did not care one bit, but he made them work for it. Each phone of his contained a living virus that would only activate in certain ways. This caused massive headaches for the companies that wanted the plans for his cell phones.

Of course, this was not going to stop them forever, but it did not matter. They could take the plans as it was only the worst in a long line he already had ready. By the end of the month, Alexander sold well over 2 million units which he expected.

His mortal business was a great success that went beyond what Cleria had expected. Even Azazel was amazed by the massive revenue that Alexander brought in. As his beginner project went well he moved on to the next.

Most of the paperwork was dealt with by his laptop according to his will. He had all the time to raise his daughter and work on his more fun projects. Once things settled, Azazel and Alexander began to complete their agreements.

The first thing that happened was that Azazel gave Alexander his research into Sacred Gears. Even detailed reports on his findings on making them himself. When Alexander read through them he had to say it opened his eyes to what his future inventions could be.

First of all, they were made by the God of the Bible as part of his system to enact miracles on Earth. Some Sacred Gears like Shina's were unique with no other being the same. Some were rare, or even common.

If they were removed from their owners, they will die. Humans or Human hybrids are the only species able to be born with them making it a power unique to those with human blood.

Azazel even went into his own theories and even some of his personal Artificial Sacred Gear plans and how he did it. This gave alexander so many ideas, but in exchange, he had to allow Azazel to analyze the Berserker Armor and Dark Star Saber.

Of course, this could only be done with Alexander present so Azazel could not cheat him. Azazel even shared the results with him which were helpful to him. One thing that Azazel found was that the Berserker Armor was made of living metal.

It was totally unique and none of the metals that Azazel compared it to matched it. Even the energy running through the armor was apparently also not magic and just as unique as Dark Energon. Alexander felt the Berserker Armor transmit a name into his mind which was Od. A corruption of Life Force and magic fueled the armor when Alexander wore it.

As for the Dark Star Saber, Azazel found that Dark Energon was the antithesis of life force. It caused anything organic to die meaning Alexander was a unique existence who could draw strength from it. Azazel wanted to have some of both, but that had to be a no.

Alexander never agreed for Azazel to use the energy of his armor or sword. As such Azazel felt it was a shame. However, just learning about this opened up many ideas in Azazel's mind. Why use the same old energies when he could use new ones? Which was harder said than done, but he was not one to be discouraged.

The next deal was for Azazel to analyze Ragnarok. Azazel wanted to know what made 9-tailed Wolves different from Foxes and through analyzing the wolf he found just what was. 9 tailed foxes were beings of purity and were known to draw in magic from nature naturally.

Meanwhile, 9-tailed Wolves had the power to draw magic toward their tails, but unlike foxes, they were not pure beings. They robbed the magic from nature as they were beings of impurity. Total opposites which gave both Ragnarok and Alexander ideas.

Just like Azazel did Ragnarok, Alexander did to Baraqiel and learned all about Fallen Angels. He learned how Baraqiel made his holy lightning, how Light Magic was drawn toward Fallen Angels, and how they interacted with magic.

Not unlike Devils who imposed their while on their Demonic Power, Fallen Angels could just as easily use Magic Circles. Once both were done with their research they both began to work together on their many projects.

And very quickly time passed by with both inventors making different things together and in secret.


Currently hundreds of meters below Tokyo, Alexander was standing over a giant manufacturing bay where some of his creations were being built. In his arms, Shina watched on with awe at the rapid movement of metal and people.

At his feet laid Ragnarok who now had 5 tails just like his master. Not a day went by when the two of them did not train as strength was all that mattered in this world. He could raise an army, but he had to arm it as well. That is why he was down here at the moment.

Shina looked up and said one word.


"Very good. Yes, tanks."


"Yes, the tanks are big."

Hundreds of workers moved around the clock along with machines moving sheets of enchanted metal. Along with the guns of the two patterns of tanks being produced down below. He glanced over to Ingrid who had stuck around with him this whole time.

"Ingrid, status report."

"Sir, production of the Baneblades and the Mandator tanks is going well."



"How many have been constructed since production began of each?"

"A total of 250 Baneblades and 600 Mandators. Each one is made from an enchanted alloy made of Adamantium and Devil Steel. They take well to the reinforcement runes and the weight reduction runes making them not as heavy as they look.

Their engines are made to run on a fusion of Dark Energon and Od. The magic enchantments allow them to absorb magic from the air to increase the power of their runes."

Shina watched as the Canis Tech logo was burned onto the black hulls. At the moment they would not see service, but when he began to take over Japan he would need them. As such he was building an army right here and now. He watched how the last giant gun of the last Baneblade was slotted into place.

Once that was completed Alexander whistled to get their attetion. They all stopped working and looked up at their inhuman boss. They were all former homeless, drug addicts, or even prisoners.

He gave them jobs, a purpose, and homes. They knew they were serving a inhuman being who wanted to start a war. But they did not care. If their boss wanted to start a war, they would help him start it. That and the magic contracts they were all under made it so they could not say no.

"You have worked well over the last 3 years. This project of mine so far is a grand success. The day when I unveil them shall come, but not today. You all are dismissed."

The workers did not dally and quickly took the giant elevator to the surface. They knew what they were working on was beyond them so they followed orders. Once they were all gone, Alexander looked at the mass of tanks with a smile.

Ingrid had come to know Alexander quite well since she had become his personal secretary.

"Did you just make these because you thought they would be cool?"

Alexander shook his head.

"A bit, but I do plan to use them when I start to take over Japan."

She sighed.

"So you are one of those who want to rule the world?"

Alexander scoffed.

"Ruling a world has no meaning. There is a whole universe out there. Why not dream big of ruling a galaxy or two? I will live until I am killed, I better get a big goal than waste my life away on sleeping like a vampire."

Alexander held Shina tighter as he rubbed his growing beard on her face. She tried to push him away but did not make him budge. Ingrid paused when she heard him before she broke out laughing.

"Dream big Alexander. That is what makes you fun."

"Thanks. Store them away please."

"Right away."

She clicked a button on her laptop which caused each tank to begin to descend down the floor. Once they were safely underground the Adamantium blast doors closed behind them. Now, the bay was empty while his creations were safely under 5 inches of Adamantium.

"I got to meet up with Cleria and Azazel today. You want to come?"

Ingrid nodded.

"I haven't seen Cleria in a while."

Alexander noticed she no longer called her mistress. Over time he had won her loyalty. Alexander did not speank again and merely teleported them all. They quickly arrived at Kuoh Town, more importantly, Cleria's office. She was already here, but with her her was someone Alexander did not expect. It was her lover, Masaomi Yaegaki.

He was dressed in his exorcist robes and he did not look happy. They were so distracted they did not even notice them teleport behind them. Cleria was sitting next to him talking to him trying to clear up the mix up.

"I swear that there is nothing between me and Alexander. He is my friend and that is it."

"I want to believe you, but you spend more time with him than me. Sometimes you meet with him instead of me."

"He is my business partner. Not meeting with him can lead to a loss of money. And besides, I can't believe you think I would cheat on you."

Masaomi wanted to believe her, but for the past 3 years, Cleria had spent long periods of time with Alexander. Anything could have happened in that time and even trust could waver. She looked like she was going to pull out her white hair.

"Nothing I say is getting through to you is it? I told you time and time again when we would see each other. I even told you what we were doing. Why would you doubt me?"

Alexander broke the silence by speaking.

"We are not dating or lovers."

They both turned around at the same time shocked that Alexander could teleport without any light or even mana signature. Cleria sighed when Alexander arrived to clear up this mix-up while Masaomi just frowned.


He turned to Ingrid who stood next to Alexander.

"Have you been with them during that time?"

Ingrid nodded.

"Most of the time they merely spoke buissness. Sometimes they did paperwork together. You should trust her more or you might push her into Alexander's arms."

Alexander sat down on the chair as he looked at Cleria.

"So, your boy toy thinks you are cheating? That is supricing with how much you speak how in love you are with him."

Cleria frowned.

"Can you not insult him?"

Alexander glanced over with icy blue eyes looking into Masaomi's eyes. The Exorstist recoiled as he felt pure ferocity and power behind those eyes.

"Fine, now why did you bring him to our meeting? It can't be just to clear up the mix up right?"

Masaomi sighed and answered.

"The church has discovered my relationship with Cleria. My superior has ordered me to break it off or-"

A third voice spoke before he could finish.

"You will be killed."

Cleria and Masaomi were once again taken by surprise by how sneaky Azazel and Alexander could be. The Fallen Angel sat down next to Alexander and from the look of it, he had not slept in weeks.

Masaomi paused before nodding.


Azazel gave a fast answer.

"Just leave the church and become Cleria's slave."

Alexander nodded.

"That way you will always be with her to make sure she is not betraying you. Though it is a dick move to question your lover like that."

Even Ingrid joined in.

"They are right you know."

He just looked down.

"But the church took me in. My duty."

Alexander looked over at Cleria.

"What about you and your reaserch into the King Piece. Have you found anything?"

She nodded.

"I have followed some rummorts. Though I think the Great King Faction is catching on. I have noticed more and more of them running through Kuoh Town. I think I may need your help and fast."

Alexander thought about it before he turned to Ingrid.

"This is a good chance for a field test don't you think?"

She typed on her tablet and nodded.

"I can bring over a Baneblade and 5 mandators as a show of force. If the Great King Faction plans to attack soon, they can test the strength of both patterns."

Alexander nodded.

"This sounds like a great idea. It will also show off what I can make. Let's do that."

Azazel stoppped then.

"Hold on. What the hell are those anyway?"

Alexander grinned.

"Just a few toys I have been working on. I was going to get you to help out, but I decided to suprice you."

Cleria sighed.

"If it will help me get out of this, fine. Field test them or whatever."

Now that he got permision, Alexander was going to show the power of his new energy source and his tanks.