Field Test.

Alexander wanted to know a bit more about the situation. He looked down at Shina who was looking around at everyone with curiosity. She always liked new people which was a good thing. This was not a nice world, and he did not want her to be scared of anyone.

Shina looked up and reached for his face.


His ears twitched and moved making her laugh. Masaomi was the only one shocked at how sweet Alexander was with Shina. He looked like such a serious man, that he did not expect him to be such a good father.

He was taken out of his thoughts when Alexander spoke uo

"Cleria, how did they catch on that you were looking into the King Piece anyway? I told you to be careful didn't I?"

She sighed as she rubbed Shina's head.

"While in the Underworld I searched into the rumors surrounding the Rating Games, the Creation of the Evil Pieces along with the Devils in question that might have used a King piece. I found that many of the Top Rating Game experts have waxing and waning strength. They switch out the King Piece which results in them getting stronger and weaker.

dug and dug into those rumors as carefuly as I could, but it seems that I was not as sneaky as I thought I was. I began to notice more and more Devils from their faction in my town in the past couple of weeks. I think they plan to kill me and soon to silence me.

That is the reason I came to you. I am strong, but I am not in the Ultimate Class, not even close. The Great King Faction on the other hand has many."

Azazel would not get involved directly, but he did have an opinion on it.

"I see. So, Alexander promised to protect you if you were ever caught?"

Cleria nodded.

"It was part of the contract we signed when we met. I helped him start up his buissness, he helped me in finding out the truth. If I was every caught, I asked he would protect me. And he agreed."

Masaomi sighed.

"You should't have to worry for your life. I am sorry that I am such a weakling. To make matters worse, she is in a relationship with her enemy so they can treat her like a traitor. I even think my higher-ups plan to work with the Great King Faction to kill me along with her. Now, more than ever we need the help. Alexander, please."

After hearing all this, Azazel looked at Alexander.

"Let's say she proves the King Piece exists. Why would you want it?"

Alexander first stud up followed by Ragnarok and Ingrid.

"I want to study it and see if I can't use it in one of my creations. But this just gave me an excuse to field test my new weapons. You are going to want to stick around to watch."

Azazel now wanted to see what Alexander had been cooking up for the past three years. They worked together on a few projects, but for the most part they were in friendly compition with each other.

"I won't miss this for the world.

Cleria felt a weight cme off her shoulders.

"Thank you."

Alexander gave his word and he would keep it.

"No problem. Ingrid, should I go, or you?"

Ingrid shook her head as she prepared to teleport.

"Leave it to me. I shall bring them over. Though, will you let Shina watch?"

Alexander handed her Shina and shook his head. Shina did not look too happy. She reached out for him and began to fuss.

"Daddy. No."

Alexander shook his head.

"Sorry, you are too young. Ingrid, bring her away. This is something she better not see at least for another 5 years."

Shina began to cry, as she did not want to leave his side. However, Alexander did not take her back. Ingrid bowed and she teleported away to get collect the tanks in question. As for Alexander, he walked out of the meeting room with Ragnarok following close behind. He did not say anything else as he left.

He expected the attack on Cleria would happen very soon. His insticts were telling him of that as that was what he would have done in his past life. In truth, he really wanted to field test his creations to see how they held up. He had to say, meeting Odin was one of the best things he could have done.

He got him in contact with the Dwarves and they had sold him Adamantium in bulk. Of course it had not been cheap and it even hurt him to spend so much, but it had been worth it. Soon he would release more of his mortal inventions and bring in even more money.

The more he had the more material he had to use u his inventions.

'I need far more if I want project Nemesis, to come to fruition.'

He stoped day dreaming once he and Ragnarok stood outside. He turned next to him to look at the wolf.

"One good thing about her house is that it is outside Kuoh Town. She always wanted her privacy, so she had it built far from the humans. Now, let's get ready."

Ragnarok was excited, as they had not had a true fight in this world. They had only fought each other, which was fun, but he was itching to test himself. Seeing that, made Alexander run his hand down the wolf's back.

"Soon, just not today. Now, time to do this."

Alexander focused as the Berserker Armor began to spread out starting from the medallion around his neck. He closed his eyes as he felt the warm feeling of the living metal began to cover his whole body.

In no time at all his whole body was covered by the armor except the for the wolf like helmet. He reached his hand forward and pulled out the giant Dark Star Saber from out of thin air. Once the blade and his armor were in his hands, he felt the Od and Dark Energon flow through him giving him a comfortable feeling.

Only he could stay this calm while under the influince of such corrupting and dark energies. His 5 tails and bloodline allowed him to have perfect control over both. Just as he was enjoying the feeling he heard a voice.

"So, what do you plan to do?"

Alexander opened his now hetocromatic eyes. His left one was a bright red while the right one glowed an amonyous Dark Purple. He looked over to Azazel who was observing and abalyzing him in full war gear.

"Over the past 3 years I have been making a small army of machines I plan to use as a standing army. I have no need for mortal soldires when I can make living machines."

Azazel wanted to see what else Dark Energon could do.

"Now, why would you want that?"

"Because I plan to stake out a claim to the Earth and the Underworld. I am not happy to just live in the terf of someone else. I need my own space and why not start with my base, Tokyo."

Azazel had a condition.

"Do as you please, but try to not drag me into your war. I took us out of one, I do not want to go straight into another one.

"I won't. This is my war."

Suddently Ragnarok nuddged his leg with his head. The wolf growled so, Alexander corrected himself.

"Our war."

At that moment Ingrid returned from Tokyo with out Shina. When she saw Alexander armed and ready she was sure that this was going to be good.

"Are you going to do it right now?"

Alexander nodded.

"Place them out."

She nodded and placed her hand down on the grass. The Spatial Ring on her finger shimmered and from it emerged the titanic body of the first Baneblade. Azazel was left slack-jawed as he looked at the fortress-like tank that Alexander had made.

"How big is that thing?"

Alexander smiled as he gave the specs.

"It weighs 350 Tonnes. It is 13.5 metres long, 8.4 metres wide, and 6.3 meters tall. A true fortress on tracks." ]

Azazel as an inventor himself, he could see that the hull was made from enchanted Adamantium mixed in with something. He could feel the magic flowing through the metal and the freakish amount of guns.

"How many of these things do you have on hand?"

Alexander just smiled Ingrid continued and placed down the 5 Mandators next to the massive Baneblade.

"Of the Baneblade, I have 250, and of the Mandator class, I have 600. For now, this will be enough."

From the house, Ingrid and Masaomi walked out to watch what Ingird had brought over. Cleria walked to the side of the Black Baneblade and saw how Alexander's logo was on it. She ran her hand through the smooth metal hull before she looked at the massive armaments on it.

"So this is what you make in your spare time? Weapons of war."

Alexander nodded and saw that Ingrid had gotten done.

"Thanks for the help, Ingrid."

"No problem. Now, I suggest everyone back away. Things might be a little get a little wild soon."

Cleria, Masaomi, and Azazel backed away, but she stood with Ragnarok and Alexander. Alexander extended his left free hand and began to gather Dark Energon and Od. Both energies began to fuse in his hands, but he was not done. He added in his own powerful mana and watched as the energy condensed and became stronger.

He kept adding more until the orb in his hands looked almost liquid. He looked up with a cold look on his face.

"I, Alexander Canis, give you life. Now serve."

He aimed his hand forward and watched as the orb split into 6 and entered each tank. The Baneblade took almost half while the Mandators took the rest into an even split. Azazel, Masaomi, and Cleria silently watched as Alexander finished.

The 6 tanks began to glow ominously as Dark Energon and Od ran through them. The powerful enegies ran through the metal, the wiring, and most importantly the weapons. Bringing dark life to the machines and with it came the most important part.

Starting with the Baneblade the sound of moving parts began, before the tank itself began to transform. An enraged roar emerged from the transforming tank which began to rise up from the ground followed by the 5 smaller tanks.

Alexander walked forward as the Baneblade many moving parts formed into a 15-meter-tall creature of metal. The head of the living machine was shaped like a wolf while the many armaments took their positions across the body.

The runes on the machine began to glow all across it like dark tattoos which just made it much more ominous. As for the 5 Mandators, each was smaller at around 10 meters, but more than big enough.

The 5 now transformed Mandators stood behind the Baneblade as it walked forward. It looked past Alexander at Azazel, Cleria and Masaomi. Before it got any ideas Alexander called out to him.


The machine paused and looked directly at Alexander. The one who had given it life. Alexander squinted his eyes which made it take the knee followed by the 5 smaller Mandators behind it.

Alexander walked forward and placed his hand on its arm.

"Good. Your orders are to protect everything and everyone inside this barrier."

Alexander raised his hand and opened up a powerful bounded field. It covered all of Cleria's mansion and the surroundings. With that order given the Machines rose to their feet and split up. As for the Baneblade it did not move from it's spot and stared off into the barrier.

Compared to the rest of Alexander's dark energon animated machines, this one was stangely calm. However, now that it was alive, he turned around to look at the three observers. Cleria was looking on with awe as she could feel the magic running through each machine. They were drawing it in from nature and she felt they were truly living and not just animated.

At the same time she felt that familiar feel of Dark Energon. She had felt it run through her body once, so she had picked up a small fear of the stuff. That stuff was so againt life, simply being around it would kill a normal human.

"Alexander, how long have you been working on this project?"

Alexander looked at Ingrid who helped him set it up. She answered the question for him.

"We have been working on this since three years ago. Not long after the release of Alexander's first creation."

Cleria wanted to smile as Alexander could always come up with something shocking.

"So, what do you plan to do with your new army? That is what you have. An army of loyal, powerful mechanical beings."

Azazel wanted nothing more than to study the Baneblade as his curiosity was going wild. He walked forward and looked at how the armaments moved. The Baneblades massive main gun was turned into an arm-mounted cannon.

It had 3 shoulder-mounted guns on each shoulder, double wrist-mounted guns, and more were placed across it's legs and chest.

"What kind of guns are those anyway?"

Alexander did not want to give away the surpice so soon.

"You will have to find out."

Azazel rolled his eyes and just looked over the Baneblade. He looked at how its guns were placed, how it moved, and how the runes all over its body glowed. A perfect meld of machine and magic. He focused on Sacred Gears but could appreciate another inventor's work.

However, now he truly felt he needed to get his hands on Dark Energon. So far, Alexander had not let him have any of it. He really was considering gifting Fafnir over to gain access to that seemingly magical energy.

As for Masaomi, he felt that Alexander was a dangerous individual, as who was to say he would not sick his monsters on the church? Or innocent people. He did not say anything they simply waited.


(20 Hours Later)

In Kuoh Town, a large gathering of Devils began to gather. They dressed in all black and they easily numbered over 600. Cleria was a High-Class Devil, and she possesed the Worthless ability. This was still overkill, but they wanted everyone who associated with her dead.

They sent more than they would honestly need to ensure she did not escape. At the front was a Devil dressed the same way as the others. However, his violet eyes gave away what clan he belonged to.

He was a member of the Bael clan who was put in charge of this attack by his father. His name was Luther Bael. He was releatively young at 80 years old, but his talent was rather high. His father was one of the advisors to Lord Bael so he had been entrusted to silence Cleria.

He turned around and addressed the gathered servants. Most were Mid Class Devils with some being led by High Class. He was the only Ultimate Class Devil of the bunch as the leader.

"Today, we silence Cleria Bellia and every one of her servants. We must make sure that not one of them makes it out alive."


"Now, let's move."

The gathered force of Devils flew over Kuoh Town until they arrived at the barrier of the Bounded Field. This made Luther raise his hand.

"Hold on."

The devils all stoped mid-air as he looked at the bounded field.

'Did she see this coming?'

Even if she did, he would ensure she did not see the end of this day.

"Change of plans, I will bring down the Bounded Field, and you storm the grounds. Prepare for a fight."


He raised his right hand and aimed it at the Bounded Field. Energy of Destruction gathered before it shot forward in a massive wave that hit Alexander's bounded field. He expected to bring it down in one go, but that did not happen.

The blast shimmered across the field and seemingly did no damage. Luther was shocked as that much should have been enough to destroy the bounded field of a High-Class Devil. And he felt insulted as since he was young he had been called a talented Bael.

Even by Lord Bael himself so him not being able to bring a Bounded Field of a High Class Devil irked him.


"I will not stand for this."

This time he raised both his hands in front of his chest and began to condense his attack in his hands. The large overwhelming energy turned as small as a baseball which he threw at the bounded field.

Just as the Orb was going to hit the Bounded Field, Alexander opened his eyes and expanded the field to cover each and every Devil. As for the Orb of Energy of Destruction, Alexander reached out and drew it toward his left hand.

Azazel had hidden inside the Mansion as he being there would not be good for anyone. Masaomi and Cleria also hid inside the Mansion while Ingrid stuck around outside. The Leader of the attack looked in shock at Alexander who was holding his strongest attack in his hands seemingly with out trouble.

"So, this is the famous Energy of Destruction of the Bael Clan. I can see why you are the highest ranked clan."

Luther looked at Alexander but had his attention taken by the giant metal thing standing next to Alexander. It was massive, and from the look of it was armed to the teeth. He was not afraid of some invention, but it gave him a bad vibe.

As for the 5 smaller ones behind it, they also did not feel right. Like they should not exist, but they seemingly did not move. They just glared, but he noticed how they were shivering. Like they could not stand the very sight of him.

"Where is Cleria Bellia?"

Alexander clenched his hand and destroyed the orb.

"She is fine, but you won't be. Permission to kill granted. Now."

The moment he spoke, the Devils gathered were instantly fired upon by the Baneblade's 6 shoulder-mounted dark Energon fuled Lascannons. The 6 rapid fire cannons shot dark purple beams of death toward the Devils and any that were hit were instantly turned to dust.

The cannons fired endless streams of hate toward the Devils erasing many from this world. The Bael was shocked and ordered his troops to attack.


The Baneblade roared and it raised its giant arms. Its wrist-mounted guns began to fire automatically rocket-propelled rounds into the already shocked Devils. When one of the rounds pierced a devil it detonated inside the body unleashing Dark Energon through out the victim.

If the explosion did not kill you, the Energon Corruption definitely would. However, the Devils did not stay idle and began to return fire with their Demonic Power. They unleashed magic attacks and some even used their bloodline abilities to try to destroy the Baneblade.

Their attacks exploded violently againt the Baneblade which was at the front. For some reason the 5 Mandators had not attacked. They had just stayed back and allowed the larger Baneblade attack. Alexander, Ingird and Ragnarok watched as explosions hit the Baneblade endlessly.

Lightning, fire, water, wind, lava, ice and all number of spells hit the machine with out end. However, for every hit the Baneblade endured, it killed more and more as a price.

'The alloy is doing as promised.'

The main benefit of Adamantium was that it was highly resistant to magic. That made enchanting it a nightmare, but once it was done, it was the best material to use. From the original 650, Luther came with, 60 had already fallen in seconds.


Luther raised his hand and a barrage of blasts of Energy of Destruction landed on the Baneblade. Even then, the Mandatos did not move. They just watche on, but Luther cursed with out end. Even while under attack, the creature kept firing it's weapons.

Meaning it had not been destroyed. What the hell was going on? However, it stoped it's attack which caused the Devils to also stop. The Bael looked at its group of Devils and saw that the loses now numbered around 90.

He grit his teeth as he looked at Alexander.

"You bastard. Just you w-"

Just as he was going to speak, the smoke was cleared as a massive shockwave hit him and the Devils with him. The smoke cleared instalty to reveal the Baneblade on it's knee. It had used it's massive main cannon under the smoke screan.

The giant shell instatly flew into the group of Devils and exploded in a massife eruption of Dark Energon, Od and shrapnel. The explosion itself killed 80 in one go, the Dark Energon took out another 30 and the sharpnel killed 20.

In one shot the Baneblade took out 130 Devils which impressed Alexander. Cleria who watched the whole thing covered her mouth as in one shot it had done that. Azazel was equally shocked, but now that the smoke had cleared he saw the Baneblade was actually damaged.

It had some damage to many parts of it's body, it's right shoulder mounted cannons were fried and it was even missing small chunks of it's chest. It's wolf like head had been hit by many of Luther Bael's attacks.

Seeing that made Alexander impressed. Adamantium was just as strong as promised, but Luther was strong for being able to damage it.

"Not bad. You managed to harm him, but he is far from down."

Dark Energon and Od flowed through the damaged parts which began to heal and close. Seeing that left the surviving Devils and Luther Bael shocked. Just how durable was this thing and why was it so strong.

Now that the test had gone well, it was time for the Mandators.

"I have seen enough. Join in."

The moment he gave the word, the still 5 Mandators opened fire. Just the Baneblade was dangarous, now they were fucked.