Dinner Meeting 1/2

Following the Field Test of his machines, Alexander returned home. First, he told his 6 machines to power down and not cause trouble which they did. They were too violent to be left unsupervised so until he was ready to use them they would go unused.

However, whenever he needed he had an army right under his feet that he could use at any time. For the next two weeks, Cleria spoke to him many times as she had been busy at that time. First, Masaomi did not return to the church. Cleria turned him into her first Knight which meant Masaomi was a traitor.

However he was a traitor either way as he was dating her, but that just made it official now. Alexander just gave him the last push which saved his life in the end as he would have been killed either way. However, with that out of the way, Cleria hurried up and got in contact with Sirzechs before the Great King Faction could react.

She gave him a detailed report on everything she had learned which informed him of the corruption of the Rating Games. This was not definitive proof, but it did give rise to many questions and how the Bael clan tried to kill Cleria.

She even told him about her working with Alexander and Azazel over the past three years. She was prepared to be punished, but Sirzechs just asked to meet with both of them. Cleria got in contact with Alexander and Azazel to find a meeting spot which turned out to be Tokyo.

All three men agreed to meet up in Tokyo in two weeks' time as they would not cause trouble there. However, they were not going to be meeting at Alexander's building which Alexander understood. It was his home ground and he had spent the last three years filling it up with defenses. It was no longer the same as when he met Azazel.

Instead, they had decided to meet at Baraqiel's house which was on the outskirts of Tokyo. Alexander had threatened, bribed, and extorted a large area to give Baraqiel and his family some safety.

No one would dare cause trouble on his turf as he had been spreading his influence throughout Tokyo. He was quickly becoming a sort of shadow ruler in Tokyo which he planned to consolidate for the coming decade.

However, that could wait as right now he was going to be meeting with Sirzechs and Azazel over dinner. All of it was prepared by Baraqiel's wife Shuri. She insisted so Alexander had no reason to agree.

The dinner would be in three hours, but he was currently in his living quarters at the top of his building. He was currently putting on one of his nicer suits as he wanted to look good. With him was Ingrid who was helping him get dressed not because she had to, but because she wanted to.

She was currently dressed in a very beautiful casual dress. As for Shina, she was currently running around chasing Ragnarok who teased her with his 5 tails. The wolf pretended to trip which caused Shina to catch his tail.


She loved to play with Ragnarok and Alexander's tails. Ingrid smiled as she looked at Shina who happily laughed as she played with the wolf.

"Isn't she just precious?"

Alexander fixed his cuffs as he walked to his daughter and picked her up.

"Ready to see Akeno again my wolfling?"

He nuzzled her face which made her laugh as she hugged him.


He stopped bothering her as he looked over at Ingrid. Her short black hair made her look younger which matched the light makeup on her face. When she noticed him looking at her she smiled.

"Do I look nice?"

Alexander nodded with a smile. Smiling showed his wolf-like teeth which she had begun to like. His natural eyes looked piercing blue which made him look enchanting when he wore his black suit.

"You look beautiful."

She smiled as she fixed a strand of her hair.

"Thank you, sir."

He shook his head.

"Only call me sir when we are in a business situation. Just call me Alexander when it's just us."

(Ingrid Image)

She smiled and walked over to him and held his right arm. He used his left to carry Shina as she looked up at him. She was only 5'5 while Alexander was 6'6. What was impressive was that he was in reality 16, but he looked like a young man in his early 20s.

Ragnarok walked next to Alexander and sat down next to him.

"Let's get going then."

Alexander opened a teleport circle under their feet and teleported to Baraqiel's house. The house in question looked traditionally Japanese which was how Baraqiel and his wife liked it. Now that they had arrived, Alexander walked to the door and knocked on the door.

He did not have to wait long before Baraqiel opened the door for him. He was also dressed in a black suit as this was both a dinner and a meeting. Not to mention that in his free arm, he was holding Akeno. When Shina and Akeno saw each other they called out each other's names.



Both fathers smiled as they put down their children. Both girls hugged each other as they did not get to see each other often. Alexander smiled as he looked down.

"You can go play Shina."

She let go of Akeno and hugged his leg before she ran off with Akeno. Once the kids left Baraqiel let Ingrid and Alexander inside. Shuri walked from the kitchen dressed in a black dress.

"Alexander, Ingrid, I am glad you two could make it. When Baraqiel told me I insisted you should come here, but he tried to say you would just go somewhere else. I was not having it let me tell you."

Baraqiel nodded.

"She would not take a no, no matter what."

Alexander did not mind it as he saw Akeno and Shina running around.

"It's fine, I am glad Shina could see Akeno once more. Anyway, when is Azazel coming?"

Baraqiel looked at the watch that Alexander had gifted him. This one was not alive and just something he made in his spare time.

"He shouldn't take much longer."

At that moment there was a knock on the door which Baraqiel opened. Standing there was Azazel dressed in a dark brown suit. He was holding a bottle of dwarven spirits which he had bought from the dwarves for this occasion.

Shuri greeted him with a smile.

"Welcome, Azazel. I am happy you all accepted my selfish request."

Azazel shook his head.

"It's fine. You are the wife of one of my closest friends. Listening to one of your requests is nothing out of the line. Alexander, Ingrid, Ragnarok good to see you three."

Alexander shook his hand and asked his question.

"Have you decided?"

Azazel paused and nodded.

"Yes, I will discuss this when Sirzechs arrives."

Alexander accepted that and just smiled.

"Alright. Now, we just need to wait for the Cleria, Masaomi, and Sirzechs."

Azazel nodded.

"They are coming together. Last I heard Cleria and Masaomi are under Sirzech's protection for the moment. I think she even plans to give Kuoh Town over to the Gremory clan. But I think all of this will be discussed during our meeting."

Alexander nodded as he walked over and sat at the table. Ragnarok sat down at his side as Ingrid took her seat next to his chair. They were not going to eat yet, but they could just have some small talk until all the guests arrived. Azazel took his own seat facing Alexander.

Baraqiel and Shuri took their seats next to him while Akeno and Shina were allowed to play. Shuri started their small talk by looking at Ingrid.

"Are you two a thing?"

Alexander looked at Ingrid and she looked up at him. They had not gone on that date just yet, but Alexander was not blind. He could smell how her feelings grew over time and he at times appreciated her company.

He reached out and held her hand with his.

"Something like that."

She squeezed his hand tighter which just made Azazel roll his eyes.

"Borring. When are you getting your harem?"

Alexander knew supernatural men often took large harems, but he could take it or leave it.

"I am not trying to gather a giant harem, but I would not be opposed to the idea I guess. Though, I need more than looks. Trust me."

Ingrid as a Devil was fine with that. It was in her culture and a man like Alexander would draw in women like a light. However, she was glad he considered her special enough to be considered like that.

At that moment Alexander smelled 4 particular scents. Two were male and two were female.

"Sirzechs, Cleria, Masaomi, and a 4th female I do not recognize have arrived."

Baraqiel walked up to the door and opened it. Sirzechs was about to knock so his hand was raised. With him, as Alexander said were Cleria, Masaomi, and Grayfia. His maid and queen piece came to accompany her boss to this dinner/meeting.

While Sirzechs was dressed in a red suit, she still wore her maid outfit. Cleria dressed in a white dress while Masaomi wore a suit that followed Devil's fashion making him feel weird. Sirzechs paused when he saw Baraqiel who extended his hand.

"Sirzechs, it's nice to see you here. Welcome."

Sirzechs shook Baraqiel's hand and nodded.

"I am glad I could make it. I hope it's not rude of me to bring my Queen?"

Baraqiel shook his head and moved out of the way.

"Not at all, please come in."

Once they entered, Alexander locked eyes with Sirzechs. At that moment a silent fight occurred as both men felt each other's power. Alexander felt that he would have to use his armor, and his sword and transform to face Sirzechs.

Meanwhile, Sirzechs felt that while he could beat Alexander it would not be easy. However, Alexander stood up and walked over to Sirzechs.

"Greetings, I am Alexander Canis. The one that has been working with Cleria for the past three years."

Sirzechs introduced himself as well as they both shook hands.

"I am Sirzechs Lucifer, I have heard all of it through Cleria. Now, I am here to speak on what you three have been doing. Azazel."

Azazel smiled from the chair.

"Sirzechs. Yes, let's."

Cleria, Masaomi, and Sirzechs all sat down, but Grayfia stayed standing. Shuri was going to say something, but Baraqiel held her hand. Grayfia took her duty seriously so it was best to respect her wishes.

Shuri stood up and bowed.

"I will serve the food."

Grayfia followed her.

"Can I offer my help?"

Shuri nodded.

"Sure, let's let the men talk over the meal."

Now, Azazel, Alexander, Baraqiel, and Sirzechs looked at each other. Cleria and Masaomi stayed silent as this was in reality a meeting with Sirzechs as Azazel, Baraqel, and Alexander were working together.

The first to talk was Sirzechs as he looked at Alexander.

"Alexander Canis, you are the Berserker Werewolf that showed up in Kuoh Town correct?"

Alexander nodded.

"It is not my best moment as I lost control over my instincts. I have now controlled myself and something like that won't be happening again. I am also not a werewolf, I am a 9-tailed Wolf."

Sirzechs had counted and only counted 5 tails on Alexander. Seeing his confusion, Alexander explained.

"I still have not grown my complete set. Consider tails for me to be the same as pairs of wings for a Fallen Angel. But enough about that, let's talk about what we have been doing over the past years."

Sirzechs nodded.


The first thing he wanted to bring up was why Cleria worked with Alexander.

"So, Cleria told me how she almost died to you in your rage, but why did she start working with you after that?"

Alexander looked at Cleria and explained.

"To be frank, I looked for her to apologize and help her. My energies are terrible against living beings so I offered my aid and asked her if she would be willing to work with me. We came to an agreement that I would use my knowledge of machines to bring in massive earnings. She helped me set up my company Canis Tech and I paid her back and more for her help."

Sirzechs looked at Cleria who nodded.

"We did not meet on the best of sides, but it worked out in the end. Though he took the initiative to work with Azazel and I just followed along as I did not want my relationship with Masaomi to be found out."

Azazel took over this part as he came into play here.

"Alexander contacted me three years ago and offered me a working relationship with Canis Tech. He wanted some of the knowledge of Grigori and to work with me. What we exchanged I will leave that secret, but I began to work with him not long after that.

For three years things were peaceful, but two weeks ago things changed. Cleria was attacked by Devils as she searched for answers about the King Piece. I did not care about this, so I stayed out of it, but Alexander offered his help."

Alexander nodded.

"I was there when Cleria was attacked. I massacred the Devils that were after her life including a Bael. He went by the name Luther Bael, I only found that out by interrogating his soul."

Sirzechs nodded.

"I heard that Luther vanished mysteriously two weeks ago. So that is what happened to him? Do you still have his soul?"

Alexander pointed at his medallion.

"No, my two Soul Weapons are cursed and feed on souls. After I interrogated it, I fed it to my armor."

Sirzechs felt it was unfortunate, but that that moment Shuri and Grayfia began to serve the meal. Shina and Akeno sat down after washing their hands, but the meeting would still go on as they ate.

Sirzechs took that in and accepted it.

"I see, then Cleria contacted me and told me all she had discovered. Even the attack on her life was covered up by the Bael clan. Now here we are talking."

Azazel nodded.

"Correct. We came up with this idea so we can pressure the Great King Faction. Grigori can ally with the Satan Faction and through the 4 Satans. It will give some push back to the Great King Faction and Alexander's company can do the same.

With our small alliance, the Great King Faction would have to think twice about starting trouble. Not to mention, it is a step in the right direction to avoid another Great War."

Sirzechs understood this well.

"I would be willing to agree to this, but do all in Grigori feel the same."

Azazel shook his head.

"I, Baraqiel, Shemhazai, and most of the higher-ups do. Only Kokabiel and Satanael would cause a fuss. But, one of those is about to be taken care of."

Alexander smiled.

"You are giving him to me as I asked?"

Azazel nodded.

"As we speak he is probably being ganged up by my friends. By the end of the day you shall get him."

Alexander wanted to laugh, but he did not.

"You will get what we agreed on. Now, that Kokabiel will be a nonissue what do you want out of this Sirzechs?"

Sirzechs did want something out of all of this.

"I can agree with all you have said. An agreement with Grigori, Canis Tech, I will search into the King Piece and everything. But, would you be willing to have a branch of your company in the Underworld?"

Alexander decided to speak of his plan.

"I did plan to get some turf out in the unclaimed territories."

Sirzechs decided to offer his aid.

"I can help you get some territory in the Gremory Domain."

Alexander thought about it.

"Would you want exclusive access to my tech?"

Sirzechs shook his head.

"No, I would like to have access ahead of others. We Gremory own many businesses, and those can help you gain more resources. Though Cleria did not tell me what you make?"

"For the human customers, electronics, I plan to make vehicles and appliances, but all that money goes into my magical war machines. Which I am more than willing to rent out. You will see what they can do when we meet with the other Satans as a demonstration."

Sirzechs was now intrigued.

"Now I am interested."

Azazel, Sirzechs, and Alexander spoke at length speaking of what Alexander could do and had done. All the while they enjoyed Shuri's cooking which made the meeting feel more relaxed. But they still needed to actually sign this through a contract.

So they had more agreements to come to terms with. But things were going well.