Dinner Meeting 2/2

Sirzechs then brought up what he wanted besides opening branches of Canis Tech in the Devil territory. At the very least, in the Satan Faction territories. The Great King Faction on the other hand would not get to enjoy this luxury.

"I would need to see how your inventions work, but I am interested in them. How do they measure up to a regular Devil?"

Cleria spoke and gave her own take on them. With Alexander's permission of course.

"My lord, during the attack on my life, Alexander deployed 2 different models of machine. The first is called the Baneblade a massive fortress-like tank that killed hundreds of Devils on its own. Then you have the smaller variant named the Mandator, they still took out a fair share, with the rest being killed by Alexander."

Sirzechs nodded as he looked at Alexander who was eating.

"Who operated these weapons?"

At that Azazel and Alexander smiled. Azazel reached into his pocket and pulled out the little phone machine he had been gifted. Over the last three years, he had used many spells to get the little guy under control. However, Alexander still has true control over him.

The phone transformed into its tiny bot form and ran up to Sirzechs. Grayfia and Sirzechs looked at the little machine with interest. Alexander called out to it.

"Come here."

The little machine ran back to his hand and turned back into a phone. Alexander raised the phone and tossed it to Azazel who caught it. That was Azazel's gift so Alexander would not be taking it back.

"I can bring any machines to life. I did the same to my magical war machines which are much bigger and meaner. Not to mention that they have a high resistance to magic. So, no one operates them as they are now living beings."

Sirzechs and Grayfia both saw the utility in such a force. As they were alive, they did not need anyone to man them and it gave them a certain autonomy. Sirzechs wanted to know more.

"You say you can bring these machines to life. How sentient are they?"

Alexander was honest and spoke of the downsides of his method.

"Now that brings up the biggest problem. The way I animate them leaves them with one big glaring flaw. A total hatred of anything living, besides me of course. That and anyone I order them to not touch. Meaning once unleashed, they can only follow certain directives.

They are alive, but they are currently too dangerous to be unsupervised."

Sirzechs looked at Grayfia and she looked back at him. If they were that hard to control, it meant they could only be used in war situations. Grayfia brought up this point first.

"If they are that hard to control, why would we use them instead of our own soldiers."

Alexander raised his hand to the air and projected his memories of the attack on Cleria.

"Here is why."

Everyone in the room watched the projection which had some things taken out of it. Sirzechs and Grayfia watched as the Baneblade faced the gathered devils. They even watched as the devils and Luther blasted the Baneblade with a massive barrage of magic.

They both could do the same, but they would not take those attacks directly. However, when the smoke cleared, in the projection the Baneblade took minimal damage. And it was already repairing its damage at a visible pace.

They watched how the 5 Mandators joined in and reduced the devil's numbers even further. Alexander closed his hand and stoped the recording watching how Sirzechs and Grayfia were deep in thought. Grayfia even asked her own questions.

"How many do you have on hand?"

Alexander smiled as he gave her an honest answer.

"250 Baneblades, which is the giant one you saw. I have 600 of the Mandators which are currently held in a safe location. Of course, at any time I can bring them all to life and unleash them whenever I see fit. Though, I won't."

Hearing about the number of the Sirzechs began to see the use of such a force. As long as Alexander was a friend of the Satan Faction, his creations could clear out large waves of troops.

Now, Sirzechs had one important question.

"Alexander, how long were you working on this project?"

Alexander looked at Ingrid who straightened her back and took her secretive mindset.

"Sir Canis has been working on this project for just three years. At the current moment, we have enough of a ground force and he plans on focusing on an air force. Permission to speak on Project 0-10."


Ingrid then went on to speak on the shelved project he had in mind.

"Sir Canis plans to harvest a number of sunken battleships. They include the Bismark and its brother ship, along with the Yamato and the Musashi of Imperial Japan. He plans to use them for parts for projects 0-10, also called Project Nemesis."

Hearing of Alexander's plan, Azazel planned to help him as that was such a cool idea. Sirzechs remembered the footage and thought of a giant mechanical machine like the animated Baneblade.

"So, what is project Nemesis?"

Alexander smiled a bit.

"My flagship. I don't plan to stay on this planet forever, I want to explore the rest of Space. For that, I need a flagship, which I plan to build in the next 20 years. I rather make it out of Adamantium, but I will make do with what I have."

Hearing of this, Azazel's eyes were shining.

"Man you got to let me help you with that."

"I planned on it, so, can I expect your help Sirzechs? Once complete, you will be the second to be offered such technology."

Sirzechs was not an inventor or researcher like Alexander or Azazel, but he did see the use in such a thing Getting allied to someone who had such an ambition would let his faction use such machines when the time came.

"Alright, you convinced me. As long as we get access to such machines then alright. Now, for the use of your current force. When can we expect to be given access to them?"

Alexander shrugged.

"Anytime if you want. I just need to order them to obey whoever they want and they shall. Of course, their main loyalty will be to me. And they won't help you against any Grigori members, so keep that in mind."

Sirzechs wanted to request something.

"Can they work as guards or centuries?"

Alexander nodded.

"I don't see why not, but remember that my machines hate anything living. They can guard something, but what?"

Sirzechs honestly told him.

"I believe they would work wonderfully as guards for the Gremory vaults and business. They could act as statues and only move when they sense an intruder."

Alexander actually planned to do that and use two Baneblades as statues infront of his building.

"That can work. How many would you want?"

"Just 10."

Alexander decided to agree to the deal, but he wanted something in return.

"I will allow this, but I need you to get me something that can't be bought."

Sirzechs got serious as he expected it to be something big.

"What is it you want?"

"I need you Devils to steal the USS Missouri for me."

Grayfia leaned in and told Sirzechs what he meant.

"One of the most famous Battleships used by the US in WW2. It is docked in Pearl Harbor."

Hearing that made Sirzechs think about it.

"I will get someone on the job."

Alexander nodded.

"Great, once I get the ship, you will get your Baneblades. Now, is your turn Azazel? What is it you want from the Devils?"

Azazel only had a few requests.

"Well, I would like guaranteed peace between our people. A way so that Devils and Fallen Angels will not fight and a way so we can work together. This would also go into a military alliance. A way so that we both can defend our faction from foreign ones. Of course, the Great King faction will push against this, but if all 4 Satans agree they will be forced to accept."

Sirzechs thought of his little sister and all young children of the Underworld. They were the next generation of Devils and he rather keep them out of war If making peace would make it so that they could live in peace instead of dying in war, why not take it?

"I accept, you have my word that the rest of the Satans will agree to this once we have an official meeting."

Azazel went on to ask for something else he had in mind.

"Also, I would like to research the Evil Piece system so that I can make a variant for Fallen Angels. We too are lacking in numbers after the Great War. Though this is not a deal breaker if you say no."

This was more serious which made him think about it.

"What do you offer in exchange for such knowledge?"

"Simple, my Sacred Gear research. I am in the early stages, but I have been making my own Artificial ones. We Supernatural races can't have them naturally, so I have been planning on making them."

Sirzechs did see the benefit of such a power.

"Ajuka can decide on this, but I don't see why he would say no. I believe we have talked on all we should at the moment, but when we meet with the other three satans we will sign a permanent contract."

Alexander nodded.

"Thank you, Sirzechs."

Alexander looked over at Shina who was sitting next to Akeno at the table eating. Both girls were currently just happy to see each other. However it was time to go.

"Shina honey, it's time to-"

Ingrid held his hand making him look at her.

"Give her some time, please. Akeno is her only friend."

"Fine, just a bit longer."

Seeing that made Sirzechs smile as Shina and Akeno reminded him of Rias.

"Next time I can bring my sister so that your daughter can get another friend."

Alexander squinted his eyes as he looked at Sirzechs. The hair on his tail stood on end as his ears twitched.

"This is not a scheme to get her to join her peerage right?"

Sirzechs shook his head.

"No, I was serious. My sister also needs a friend as her age is the same as both Akeno and Shina. It is a good way to show that our people can be friends."

Alexander relaced and nodded.

"That is fine with me. Shina is nearing an age where I will begin to train her. Maybe your sister and Akeno join her when they become of age."

Sirzechs nodded as Grayfia followed behind him.

"I do see such a thing in the future. Grayfia, I have a job for you."

She bowed.

"What is your command?"

"Stay with Alexander for now. Your knoledge on Devil Magic would be of good help to him. Who knows, he might find a way to make a machine that can use ice magic."

Alexander nodded.

"It would be good to reaserch how to make a machine resistent to the cold.The vacume of space is a chilling place and many planets are known to be freezing. I would appreciate the help."

Grayfia nodded.

"I will offer any help that I can."

Alexander stood up with Ingrid. Ragnarok walked to his side the moment he stood up.

"Shina, it's time to go."

Shina looked down as she looked at Akeno.

"Bye, bye."

Akeno also sadly said goodbye as Shina ran to Ingrid who picked her up. Azazel also prepared to leave.

"We did not even get to crack this open."

He refered to the dwarven spirits he brought over which they did not get to open. Alexander smiled.

"We can share a drink once the contract is signed. Anyway, Grayfia, how good are you at being an assistant."

"That is my main job."

Alexander nodded.

"Good, you can help me as a second secretery. Ingrid usually does a good job, but she could use the help. Plus, your expertise in ice magic would be a good help. Are you ready to go now, or would you need time to get your affairs in order?"

She shook her head and stood next to Ingrid.

"I have everything I need."

"Well, ok then. Let's leave."

Alexander opened a large teleport circle and in a flash of purple they appeared in Alexander's underground manufacturing bay. He wanted to get started on his next project the moment he got Kokabiel.

When Grayfia saw the massive bay, she was awed such a thin was underground.

"So, is this where you create your machines?"

Alexander nodded as he handed off Shina to Ingrid. She needed to get to bed as he explained some of the process to Grayfia.

"Correct, my Baneblades and Mandators are currently behind several inches of Adamantium to protect them. At the moment, I don't plan to make any more, as I am currentlu about to work on, some cybernetic and biological reaserch.

For this I need a test subject which I will get once I get access to Kokabiel. Who should be arrived quite soon."

Grayfia nodded.

"If this is a secret, you don't need to tell me."

He shook his head.

"Don't worry about it. I will be working with you and the Satan Faction for the forceeable future. Sharing one of my projects with you is a means of getting some publicity. Now, are you ok with me working with souls."

"My job is not to judge you, just to help you."

"Just the answer I was looking for."

"Now, we just need to get my test subject."

Alexander did not have to wait very long, before Armaros, Shemhazai, and Penemune arrived at Alexander's building with a restrained and wounded Kokabiel. Just who Alexander needed for project 0-5, also known as Project Reaper.