Project 0-5, Reaper.

When Alexander felt the presence of 4 Fallen Angels, he teleported himself, Grayfia, and Ragnarok to meet them. They first teleported to the roof of his building. Armaros, Shemhazai, and Penemune, stood around a bloodied and restrained Kokabiel.

His limbs were bound in Anti Magic bindings while his whole body was riddled with wounds. The three of them worked together to defeat and restrain him with minimal damage, but Kokabiel still fought back.

This was the result of his resistance, but it did make it so they had to hurt him. He was currently unconscious from the blood loss, but he would not die. That was certain as his Cadre body would ensure he did not die.

They stopped looking at him as Alexander, Grayfia, and Ragnarok appeared. The moment Alexander saw the state of Kokabiel he walked over and kneeled and looked at the state he was in. He had a series of axe slashes over his body, several light spear burns, and his right arm was currently mission.

Even his right eye was smashed which was the handy work of Armaros fists.

"So, he resisted?"

Armaros nodded while his heavy helmet was off.

"Sure did, Fought like a villain while we the heroes fought him to our dying breath."

Everyone ignored him as Armaros was an otaku for Japanese hero shows. He was, however, a very good anti-magic user as he researched it enough to make an axe and armor resistant to magic.

Penemune looked at Alexander with a smile. She touched her face and complained.

"How to mean making a lady do this kind of work? How about you compensate me?"

Alexander looked at the purple-haired Fallen Angel.

"You have my thanks for bringing him to me. I am sure now without him you will be better off. For compensation, I can send you a check if that is what you want?"

Penemune shook her head.

"No, not what I meant. Forget it, I was trying to tease you."

Shemhazai gave Alexander some advice.

"Ignore her. Now, that we have delivered, him to you, when will Azazel get the Dark Energon you promised?"

Alexander looked up and gave his honest answer.

"By next week I will get him 50 barrels of Dark Energon. But I expected more questions on why Grayfia was with me."

Shemhazai shook his head.

"Azazel informed us the moment he left the meeting that you would be accompanied by Grayfia. Hello by the way."

Grayfia gave a polite bow.

"Greetings. As you said, I am currently acting as an assistant to Alexander on orders of Sirzechs."

Penemune whistled.

"Assistant, under his desk?"

Grayfia did not react to the joke.

"No, merely on assisting him with my expertise in Ice magic. Sirzechs wants me to help him in increasing the resistance of his inventions to ice and Demonic Power."

Alexander nodded.

"And she has only been my assistant for the better part of an hour. That would just be weird."

Penemune sighed.

"You two are as boring as Azazel."

Alexander reached out and grabbed Kokabiel by his hair. He even picked up the missing arm that was currently on the floor.

"Thank you for bringing him. Grayfia, let's prepare."

She did not know what he wanted to do, but she was curious.


He teleported the three of them to the underground lab he had built for such experiments. The moment he arrived at the lab he tossed Kokabiel onto the table.

"Grayfia, if you would restrain him."


She began to tie the traps from the table to his limbs. Of course, she had to undo the Anti-Magic ones that Armaros used, but Kokabiel was too out of it to notice. As she did that, Alexander removed his suit jacket. He tossed it onto a chair as he looked at Kokabiel.

He got in contact with Ingrid who had put Shina to sleep.

"Meet me in the lab right away. We are starting."

"Right away."

She teleported to his side after he called her as Shina was already asleep. Once she arrived she walked over and helped Grayfia finish strapping Kokabiel down. Alexander walked over and looked over his test subject.

"Alright, Cadre level Fallen Angel, all 10 wings must be removed to prepare for transmutation.

Alexander grabbed his face and looked at the missing eye.

"Missing eye won't be an issue and neither will the arm. His internal organs will have to be removed to make use of them for the end product."

At that moment, Kokabiel's left eye opened up. As his mouth was gagged he just started to scream in anger. Alexander ignored him as he looked him over as if he was not even alive.

"I could probably fuse his soul with Luther's to make a new soul. Some of his body parts would be useful, but most can be discarded for other projects."

Hearing the way he spoke, Kokabiel began to actually feel fear. Alexander walked away from Kokabiel who currently could not use his magic or strength. Alexander first placed his hand on Kokabiel's head. He reached in with his magic and began to pull out Kokabiel's soul.

He had to work slowly to not damage it, but neither Grayfia nor Ingrid flinched as Kokabiel screamed in pain. The process took around a minute which lasted hours in Kokabiel's mind. Once his soul was out, his still-breathing body went limp as Alexander held his soul in his right hand.

"Soul extracted."

He reached out and brought out the Dark Star Saber.

"Hold this for me."

He brought Kokabiel's soul close to the blade which dragged it in. Once his soul was safe, he stored his sword away once more.

"We can begin without being interrupted. Ingrid, bring me those surgical knives. Grayfia, you can untie him."

Both of them got to work as Grayfia released him while Ingrid got the Adamantium surgical knives. As for Alexander he walked up to Kokabiel and dragged his fingers around Kokabiel's head.

Ingrid set the knives next to him as Grayfia got done. The first thing Alexander did was to remove Kokabiel's shirt. Once his upper body was bare, Alexander started with the head.


"Here you go."

Ingrid handed him the blade which he used on Kokabiel's head. Ingrid was ready and used her magic to draw the blood that leaked from the incision. Fallen Angel blood of a cadre was too valuable to lose.

Grayfia also prepared to help in any way that Alexander needed. Alexander worked carefully and fully removed the skull cap from Kokabiel while Ingrid collected the blood.


He placed the removed part of the head down on the surgical table which Grayfia used her ice magic to preserve.

"Thank you Grayfia."

"No problem."

Alexander carefully removed the fully intact brain including the brainstem. This was going to be important.

"This is important, Grayfia make sure this does not rot."

She used a spell to keep it both below freezing, and not frozen to ice. Once that was done, Alexander placed it down on the table. Alexander was far from done as he went on to fully remove every organ from Kokabiel's body.

From his heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, stomach, and all of his blood. Alexander even carefully harvested every one of his bones taking Kobiel apart piece by piece. Even his 10 wings were carefully removed which emerged once Kokabiel died.

Thanks to Grayfia all of his body parts were preserved which allowed Alexander to begin the process.

"Ingrid, I need one ton of Adamantium."

"Right away."

She teleported out of the lab to get just what Alexander ordered. While she did that, Alexander looked at the assortment of body parts. He used magic to remove all the flesh from Kokabiel's skeleton leaving it bare.

He set it down on the table carefully as Grayfia watched.

"What do you plan to do?"

"Project 0-5, is my attempt to make a perfect blend of machine and flesh. I needed a powerful, body and I just got access to it. This is a way to fix the issue of my machine's hatred of the living. I need a leader to command them when I can't do it. Now the first step is this."

Alexander pulled out a vial of a glowing purplish-red liquid. It looked semi-solid and was flowing with a strange energy.

"This is my bone marrow. Watch."

Alexander cut open the right femur which still had intact bone marrow. He opened the small vial which he dropped on the open bone. Once his bone marrow got in contact with Kokabiel's it was absorbed and spread out through the skeletal structure.

The empty eye sockets glowed as Alexander reanimated the skeleton.

"Don't move and don't heal."

The undead did just as he ordered as Ingrid arrived at the lab.

"Sir, I got what you requested."

She handed them a spatial ring into his hand which contained the Adamantium he needed. Alexander brought it out which took the form of a solid shiny black block of metal. He held it easily and placed it down on the floor.

Alexander reached out and drew the brain and placed it into the still-cut-open skull.

"Seal this in."

The undead did as ordered as Od and Dark Energon sealed the brain within. Once the brain was back in the body, Alexander drew out 2 gallons of his own blood from his own spatial ring. He placed the container around the skeleton, but he was not done.

He drew out a gallon of liquid Dark Energon and a gallon of liquid Od.

"Ingrid, I need Kokabiel's organs and his blood. Grayfia, place the wings around the undead."

She brought over each removed organ and placed the around the skeleton. Grayfia did as Alexander ordered and now, the undead that was Kokabiel's skeleton was surrounded by its former organs, wings, and some extra material.

Once this was ready, Alexander picked up the Adamantium he would need and got ready for the spell. He carefully placed the block of Adamantium over the undead and prepared the ritual.

He placed his hands down and created a transmutation magic circle around the undead and material. Grayfia was curious about the result, but Alexander did something that surprised her.

He reached over and plucked one of her long silver hairs and one from Ingrid. Both of them saw him place them over the undead. He did not explain, but he first dragged out the souls of Kokabiel and Luther.

The two souls knew something bad would happen, but they did not get a chance to even beg.

"Thank you both for your sacrifice now watch."

Alexander's powerful magic, Od and Dark Energon began to flow through both souls which caused unimaginable pain. Alexander pushed them together and began to wipe all of their memories and desires as he mixed them together perfectly.

Not long afterward, both souls fused into one larger purplish red soul. With the soul ready, Alexander could begin the process. He walked over and placed the soul over the skeleton which he controlled perfectly.

Alexander's dense magic filled the transmutation circle which he took control over. Grayfia, Ingrid, and Ragnarok watched as the Dark Energon, Od, Alexander's blood and Kokabiel's began to flow over and into the skeleton.

The soul was dragged into the skull and fused with the brain as the rest of the body parts began to shift. The organs and the Fallen Angel wings around it were dragged to their rightful place while the Adamantium turned liquid and mixed with the body. Not to mention Alexander's dense magic was used as a catalyst.

Now the main reason Alexander got the two hairs from Grayfia and Ingrid was going to be shown, The whole purpose lasted maybe, 20 minutes, but when it finished the end result left both Grayfia and Ingrid shocked.

Lying on the surgical table looked nothing like Kokabiel or Luther. It looked like a woman with black and silver hair just like both of them. It had smooth skin that looked alive, a pair of rather large breasts, and nice legs.

Alexander reached into his spatial ring and dropped a blanket over his creation.

(Image here)

"You can move now."

The woman's eyes opened up which were just like his own when he used both Dark Energon and Od. Her left was Dark Red and her left was Dark Purple. She grabbed the blanket on her and stood up before kneeling in front of Alexander like he was a king.

"My lord and master, I live to serve."

Alexander nodded.

"Good, tell me, do you have any memories?"

She shook her head.

"None, only that you are my creator and master."

Alexander nodded as he ordered her to stand.



She stood up but kept the blanket around her body.

"Master, give me a name."

Alexander thought about it before he came up with one.

"Your code name shall be Reaper, but your name shall be Isabel. Stay here for the moment, Ingrid get her something to wear.

"Yes sir."

She went off to do just that while Alexander looked at Grayfia.

"You can tell Sirzechs about this, I don't mind. But, I want to test out your capabilities Isabel. First I want to make sure there is nothing wrong with our body Isabel."

Grayfia nodded.

"I will report this during the meeting with the Satans."

As for Isabel, she nodded.

"Your order is my command."

Alexander wanted to know just how strong she would be once he got her armaments finished. How much he loved this world. He could make all the inventions and creations he could only dream of. He had so many ideas for the USS Missouri once it was in his hands.