Strength Test.

While Ingrid got some clothes for Isabel, Alexander began his examination of her. He currently sat her on the table while she was still nude. Alexander placed both of his hands under her chin and moved her head from side to side.

"Any trouble?"

"No, none."

Seeing that her mobility was no issue he went to the next test.

"Open your mouth."

She opened her mouth as Alexander ran his finger through her teeth. They looked like regular teeth, but they were as hard as Adamantium. No, even stronger.

'Her teeth look normal, but they have been replaced with living adamantium.'

Following this, he ran his hand on her tongue which felt warm and living. She began to lick his finger which she thought he wanted. He did not stop her as he felt her produce saliva.

'She seems like a living being made of living metal. Is she still even made of Adamantium?'

He pulled his finger out of her mouth which she closed. Alexander walked behind her and ran his hands through her arms and shoulders.

"Flex for me."

She did just as he ordered which caused her muscles to feel just as tough as her teeth. She would definitely find it hard to be injured except by very strong opponents.

"I see."

Alexander placed his hands over her breasts which he was actually not groping for fun. Isabel flushed red and closed her eyes as her master fondled her. Grayfia looked away as she thought that Alexander was just being a big pervert.

In reality, he was using his hands to push magic into her chest to look at her organs. The first thing he looked at was her heart, which did not look like it belonged to a living being. It had the overall shape of a human heart, but it was the same black color as Adamantium, and the blood under her white skin was actually the same color as Alexander's.

A reddish dark purple showed that she had taken in the properties of Alexander's blood and bone marrow. The rest of her organs followed the same process and seemed to be made of adamantium. He ran his hands from her breasts to where a woman's womb should be. He noticed that she, in fact, had one which just left him confused.

"Alright, how in the hell did you take the form of a woman? I expected you to look like a man or even like Kokabiel for that matter. What the hell happened?"

Isabel shook her head.

"I have no idea master. I also have no idea who Kokabiel is?"

Alexander pulled his hands off her as he looked at Grayfia. When she noticed him looking at her she answered honestly.

"My ancestor was a Succubus Queen. Maybe that had something to do with it?"

Alexander nodded as he ran his hands through Isabel's hair. It was a mix of Ingrid's, Grayfia's, and his own as she had some purple shades in it.

"I used my bone marrow in your skeleton and a lot of my blood in you. Did you get nothing out of it?"

The moment he said that a pair of fluffy ears and a fluffy tail popped out of her back. It moved from side to side, but it was actually a little smaller than Alexander's. She looked back and smiled at him.

"Here they are."

The left one was silver with purple tips while the right one was black with red tips. Her tail was a mix of colors which made him smile. He ran his hand through both of her ears feeling how the fur felt. It felt soft and fluffy to the touch, but so did his and Ragnarok's.

He ran his hand through her tail and felt that just like his own, it acted as an amp for her magic. It also drew it in to fule her in a fight which just meant that his first biomechanical experiment had ended a great success.

"Isabel, you are perfect."

She lowered her head a little accepting the praise.

"Thank you for your praise master."

"There is just one last test."

He placed his hands on her hips and picked her up over his head. One thing about her was that she had not gotten shorter she was still 6 feet tall and her weight matched the material used in her.

"You weigh a little over a ton. So, be careful about who you step on or fall on."

He put her down allowing her to cover herself with the blanket.

"Alright, I got all my questions. Your blood is a perfect fusion of my blood, Fallen Angel, Dark Energon, Od, and my magic. My bone marrow is running through your bones acting as a dominant stabilizer. Now, I just need to test the full scope of what you can do."

At that moment, Ingrid arrived with a change of clothes. They belonged to her which she handed over.


Isabel took them and began to get dressed. Alexander walked away as he sat down in his chair deep in thought.

'If my blood and bone marrow turned her into a hybrid of a 9-tailed wolf, would it also work on Shina? I need to experiment further, I don't want to risk her so I should get some test subjects to test out my theory. If it works, Shina will be much stronger and won't ask as many questions later in life. And she will be my real daughter.'

Just then, Ingrid gently shook him snapping him out of his thoughts.

"You say something?"

"Alexander, she is dressed."

He looked up and saw that Isabel was wearing clothes that Ingrid normally wore. They were a little tight as Isabel was taller than Ingrid, but they would do. They looked nice on her which meant that it was time to test her.

"Are you ready for a test?"

Her eyes glowed brightly as she nodded.


"Good, let's test you."

Alexander opened a teleport circle and teleported, Ingrid, Isabel, Ragnarok, and Grayfia to his usual training spot. It was a mess of destruction as he and Ragnarok came here nearly every day to train against each other.

He waved his hand and formed a giant bounded field to hide everything that would occur.

"Isabel, you will fight against me. Get ready."

This time around he would fight her just with his body and magic. His skin burst apart as his muscles and bones grew larger. His snout grew while black, purple, and red fur began to cover his whole body. In an instant, he stood 15 meters in height. Behind him, his 5 long tails swung behind her.

He spoke in a deep voice that sounded like a beast was trying to speak.

"I won't go easy on you."

Standing against him, from her back, Isabel sprouted 10 black glowing mechanical wings. They looked a lot like Fallen Angel wings, only augmented. Her body began to flow with the power of Dark Energon and Od. All Alexander needed to stop the fight was to cancel her use of either, but he did not. He allowed her to use his energies as he wanted to test her power.

Neither waited for a start signal, Alexander just rushed her on all 4s. He moved like a blur of black fur, but Isabel accelerated away from his giant claws. She flew toward him as Power of Destruction and Od fused together which she blasted toward Alexander.

The attack carried enough power to level a city, but Alexander opened his mouth and blasted it apart with a roar infused with magic. He was not even using Od or Dark Energon which were his main abilities. His attack rushed at her, but she merely flew out of the way elegantly.

'She is fast, but not enough.'

His massive body seemed to vanish before he appeared in front of her. Isabel was forced to raise her arms above her to block the giant fist that hit her at full force. She tensed her muscles using her durable body to endure Alexander's strength.

He blasted her away for several miles which caused huge shockwaves to blast in all directions. Grayfia raised her hand and formed a barrier around her and Ingrid which Ragnarok reinformed with his own magic not even bothering to protect himself.

He and Alexander fought like this all the time so they were used to each other. As for Ingrid, she only knew a bit about Alexander's strength and that was when he only had two tails. Now he had 5 and had had a few years to learn to harness his power. Now he was really beginning to understand himself and just barely.

"Just how strong are you Alexander?"

Grayfia looked at Alexander as if she could see under his skin. She could feel just how much magic he was drawing into himself.

'No, the magic is drawn to his tails making it so he never runs out. Plus the magic around him seems to follow his will. Incredible.'

Alexander watched how Isabel rose out of the ground bruised, but not bloody She began to heal rapidly leaving her in a perfect state. Her clothes though were not so lucky which were full of tears and rips.

"You truly are amazing my great master. Forgive me for imitating even a fragment of your greatness."

She instantly began to follow Alexander's example and shift. Alexander did not stop her and watched as her transformation was very similar to his own. The process went by rapidly and what took its place was a three-meter tall-werewolf with black and silver fur.

However, just like Alexander, she also had some purple and red shades. Her wings actually grew with her, as her tail began to draw in magic from the air. She took off into the sky toward the much larger Alexander.

He was a whole 12 meters taller than her. Alexander dodged out of the way and lept in the air the massive crystal spike that tried to impale him. Alexander's 5 tails spread out and began to draw in far more magic than Isabel could with just a single one.

The magic flowed through his body causing him to appear far larger than before. He vanished and appeared above Isabel with both his hands locked above his head. He smashed down with an axe blow which blasted her to the ground.

This blow was even stronger than the punch that sent her flying. She was smashed underground, but she began to claw her way out instantly. She smashed through the ground and flew toward Alexander's face.

More importantly his right eye, but he just blinked and let her hit him. He moved his head with her blow before headbutting her to the ground once more.

"I have seen enough."

Isabel returned to her base form, but this time her clothes were actually fixed. One perk of 9 tailed wolves. She bowed as Alexander shrunk back down into his human form. His suit seemed to appear from his body before settling down perfectly.

"You are strong for a being just being created. However, you need more training before you will be truly battle ready. For the moment, when I and Ragnarok come to train follow us."

"As you command."

He looked over and walked over to where Grayfia, Ingrid, and Ragnarok were watching.

"She is really something insn't she?"

Grayfia had to admit it.

"She is incredible. And you created her in your first try, will you be doing this more often?"

Alexander wanted to say yes, but Isabel was a special case.

"Isabel only came out so well, because I had perfect material to make use of. Two strong souls, a good host body, and materials. If I do make more, they will be far weaker than hers as the material I make them with won't match. Though, I won't need many.

Just enough to command my unruly army."

Ingrid looked at Isabel who stood next to Alexander with an odd look. For a second Isabel got a dangerous look on her face before she perfectly hid it. Alexander felt it as well, which was just the natural hatred of the living, but controlled.

"Isabel, what do you think of Grayfia and Ingrid? Tell me your true thoughts."

Isabel took a breath before she spoke.

"Being around them makes me feel the urge to kill them. Their being alive simply disgusts me, but I will never act on it. Not unless you give me the order. As for the wolf, I will never hate my master's kin."

Ingrid rubbed the back of her head.

"Alexander, why does anything with Dark Energon want to kill the living so damn much. Can you explain it, Isabel?"

"It's simple. Dark Energon which flows through my blood, destroys life force. It acts as a destructive agent and it seeks to rid its surroundings of life force. As for the secondary energy, Od, it is a corruption of Life Force. Instead of being for life, it is against it.

It is why Dark Energon and Od mix so well. Which is an explanation for our hatred of the living. Like an undead."

Alexander reached down and ruffled her ears making her close her eyes.

"Everything she just said is true. Now, that we tested her strength, I want to get back to some more experimentation. I need to begin planning to bring up ship wreaks. Ingrid, look up as many WW2 battleships that sunk and the general area.

I will need a lot of material to begin my Flagship. For now."

He planned to make a better, stronger ship in the future when he could get more magical metals. For now, he would make do with steel, mixed in with some Adamantium. It would have to do for now.

"I will get right on it."

"Grayfia, can you help Ingrid with that? For now, I will be heading off to Abyssal Porcupine Plain."

Neither Grayfia or Ingrid knew what that was. Seeing their confused faces he explained.

"It's the resting place of the Bismark. I am getting that one first, as it is in one piece. I can probably use my magic to force it to the surface and then infuse it with Dark Energon to begin the repairs. Ragnarok, you and I will dive down to get it.

Isabel, go back with both Grayfia and Ingrid. Don't cause trouble either."

Ragnarok barked in agreement as they could use magic to breathe under the water, and the pressure would be a nonissue. Once everyone got their orders, Alexander teleported back to earth.

It was time to begin harvesting all those ships that were waiting for the taking. Who knows, he might keep one or two of them.