New Deals and New Ideas.

(Isabel's Armor)

Alexander rested his chin on his right knuckle while his left arm wrapped around Shina. He brought her as he knew that Sirzechs would not return on a deal so he did not mind bringing his child here. Plus, he was confident that he could protect her even in the worst case.

While he silently observed, Azazel and Shemhazai sat on either side of him. Baraqiel did not sit and instead stood behind Azazel next to Isabel. She turned her helmet to look at him and he did the same.

They only looked at each other for a moment before they looked forward once more. The silence was broken by Serafall who had a smile on her face.

"So, why did you bring such an adorable kid here?"

Alexander looked down at Shina and she looked back at him.

"I didn't feel comfortable leaving her behind and Sirzechs does not smell of the backstabbing kind. None of you do, but you Serafall, smell of immaturity."

Hearing that left her speechless which made Azazel break out laughing next to him. This made Serafall bright red.

"I am so not immature."

Sirzechs wanted to laugh, but he held in it. Though, Azazel did not hold back.

"HAHAHA, you can smell even that? What can't your nose pick up on?"

Alexander was proud of his senses as he could smell emotions, mental state, and magic.

"Not much. Anyway, Sirzechs, did you bring it?"

Sirzechs nodded.

"Yes, I had my servants replace the real one with a fake. The real one is safely stored in a facility in the Gremory Domain."

Hearing that made Alexander squint his eyes.

"You want the Baneblades first?"

Sirzechs shook his head.

"No, we will simply trade both items at the same time. You will get your warship and we will get our Baneblade."

As Sirzechs had informed his fellow Satans on what they agreed with they already knew what was being traded. Though, Ajuka as a Researcher like Azazel and Alexander wanted to observe the process. However, he would have to offer something if he wanted something like that.

"I see. That is fair. I will personally go to the Underworld and give orders to the Baneblades. Remember, they can only listen to simple commands. If you want them to guard your treasure, they will do a great job. Now, onto the main points we spoke about last time."

Falbium nodded and began to speak as he was the one in charge of military affairs.

"With Sirzechs you two spoke of a military alliance with Satan Faction. The Great King Faction would push against this, but what will this alliance entail?"

Alexander pointed at himself.

"In case of a war, you got my machines to aid you. At the moment I don't have an airforce, but I actually plan to change this very soon. I plan to expand my tank legions to a much larger number. However, each of my tanks takes a large amount of Adamantium and Devil Steel. But the end result makes it worth it.

Buying Adamantium in bulk is not cheap, but I have been doing exactly that from Odin. He and I are friends, so I am planning on expanding what my company sells. Within a year I will take over the human market to bring in far more money.

Of course, I will design my own satellite to oversee this whole thing. And just as Sirzechs said, I can expand to have an Underworld branch. I am sure the Devil Citizens would like what I have to offer which will make me more money."

Ingrid nodded.

"While we won't say what, by the end of this real Canis Tech will spread out its reach into far more business ventures. Now we will be spreading worldwide quite soon and so will our revenue. With this, Lord Canis will be able to build far more powerful and large machines. Just as he wishes."

Azazel picked up from there.

"Thank you miss Ingrid. Now, that is what Alexander is offering. For Grigori, you will have the Fallen Angels would back you up in a war. As I and Alexander are already friends, we can design some really powerful tech in any war. Just like the armor the one behind Alexander. Though even I don't know who it is."

Now, everyone turned to Isabel who was in her 7-foot-tall power armor. She stayed silent as Alexander spoke up.

"This is Project 0-5 designation Reaper. My successful experiment into melding machine, soul, and flesh. As for the Power Armor, it's something I made over the past month. It's not easy to produce, but it's something.

It needs some work, but I think with enough resources I should be able to make enough to armor some elites."

Azazel was a bit bitter. Since he got access to Dark Energon he had been working with it nonstop. However, he still could not get it to work with living beings. He was trying hard to make a Dark Energon stable, but it was troublesome.

"Once again you make more progress than me."

Well, that was because Azazel wanted to make Sacred Gears, and Alexander just loved making technological monstrosities. He already had a giant one swimming in the ocean. Hearing all this, Falbium had to agree that this alliance would benefit them greatly.

"I see your point. We only stand to gain in both technology, firepower, and aid in the form of the two of you. Serafall, you must have something to say on Alexander's business idea?"

Serafall was in charge of foreign affairs which included Alexander.

"Your idea was talked about with Sirzechs, but what kind of taxes will you be paying us? If you plan to spread through out the Satan Factions territory, you would need to pay taxes."

The moment she said that Alexander's ears twitched in an angry manner. Though Serafall thought those large ears were cute.


Serafall smiled.

"Taxes, don't tell me you thought you would not have to pay taxes? What about Canis Tech? Do you not pay taxes?"

Alexander scoffed.

"Of course not. I use magic and power to brainwash, threaten, and firepower to not pay a cent of taxes."

Serafall just giggled.

"Well, that won't work in the Underworld. If you want a branch, you got to pay taxes."

Alexander squinted his eyes as he had long since forgotten the need for taxes. He was so powerful he did not need to do something like that, but now he needed to do it once more.


Hearing that nearly left Serafall speechless.


Alexander pushed his point.

"Your getting things that only I can make. Besides, 1% of a Billion is still ten million."

Serafall did not know that Alexander was so greedy that he was only willing to pay 1% in taxes.

"Come on, we need more than that. At least 12 percent seems fair?"

Alexander was not willing to part with that amount. That was money he could use to build more machines.


Serafall wanted to facepalm at this greedy wolf, so she pushed more and more. In the end, the highest she got Alexander to agree on was a measly 6.5% and nothing more. Though from the look of it, the most unhappy was Alexander of all things.

Now, Azazel asked something of Ajuka.

"So, I earlier had asked if it was possible to study the Evil Piece system. I want to see if I can't make a version that works for Fallen Angels as well. As you know both our people lost many in the Great War and we need to repopulate.

Also, I think programs to get Devils and Fallen to see that they are not totally different. A way to assimilate both people and cultures into one once more. Like my, Vice Governor General has proved."

Shemhazai spoke on what he meant.

"Recently, I became close to a Devil woman and plan to marry her soon. I believe that over time more examples like mine can occur."

Sirzechs found that beutiful.

"Two opposite species becoming one. It seems like such a good idea, but it will be hard to get past the pride of Noble Devils as purebloods are held above those without pure blood."

Alexander shrugged.

"Then push reforms against this. Stop discriminating against hybrids, or common Devils. Be more open."

This made Cleria smile.

"I agree with Alexander. Just like my relationship with Masaomi was looked down upon, I think we should be more accepting. As we all know, we devils are an artificial race created by Lucifer. I believe hybrids are better off than pure bloods."

Hearing this made Ajuka think about it.

"Super Devils like me and Sirzechs are different from normal Devils. Are we what happens when we go past the limitations? This is something to think about. We need to take this to heart. This brings me back to your request Azazel.

"I agree with your research on the Evil Piece system. However, I want to help. I want to see if we both together with Alexander can't improve on the Evil Piece System. Later on, we could possibly even add Heaven to this deal to have a five tuple alliance with Canis Tech."

Alexander nodded.


Azazel also agreed.


For the rest of the meeting, they went back and forth on the intricacies of the contract. Serafall tried to push for a bit more taxes on Alexander, but he did not budge. Falbium wanted Alexander's 'soldiers' to train along size Devils to avoid friendly fire.

If they were that hard to control, before they could be useful they needed to be tested. This could be done, but it would not be instantly as Alexander still had to animate the rest of his army with souls. Plus, Alexader needed to expand his ground force and his nonexistent air force.

However, Alexander began to plan on making a living infantry. Machines were useful, but the living still had value. However, nearing the end of the meeting they all signed the contract which effectively ended the Great War between Grigori and the Satan Faction.

How the Great King's Faction would react was a different story. Though Alexander was not going to care as he hoped that things went wrong. He needed a good war to show off his army of machines and how machines were better than flesh.

Who knows, his title in the future might be the Lord of Iron rather than the Berserk Werewolf. After the meeting, everyone returned home. Once everything had been signed and agreed on, everyone stood up and prepared to leave. Grayfia looked at Sirzechs and bowed.

"May I return with Alexander?"

He paused and nodded.

"Of course, you are my Queen, but you are still free. Go if you see fit."

"I thank you."

Grayfia walked next to Alexander, who had gathered with Isabel, Kaldadormi, Ingrid, and Ragnarok. Before he left he turned to Azazel.

"Come meet me later on so I can explain what is so special about Reaper."

He did not want to say her real name as that would take away the surprise factor. Hearing that made Azazel nod.

"You got it. When I got free time I will come over. We need to begin to work on some projects together. Let's see what we can make."

Alexander shook Azazel's hand before he opened a massive teleport circle under him. In a flash of purple, they all returned to his home in Tokyo. Once they all appeared in his home, Alexander sat down in his chair with a smile.

"Ingrid, start getting things ready for the end of the year. I need to begin working on a powerful satellite that can manage all of this. I will need to speak with Odin soon to get a resupply. Oh, I need to design a new flying vehicle that I can use for my airforce.

Not to mention I will need to b-"

Ingrid stopped him with a kiss on his lips as when he got like this he would not stop. She held his face and looked into his eyes.

"Slow down my big puppy. Rushing never is the answer. You got time for all your plans and schemes."

Alexander was not expecting the kiss actually. They were close and were practically dating, but they had never kissed before.

"Oh, right."

He cleared his voice when he saw the cheeky look on Ingrid's face. Grayfia acted like she saw nothing while Isabel merely focused on her armor. The large Power Armor shrunk down into a necklace similar to how Alexander wore his Berserker Armor.

"Master, do you plan to make more like myself?"

Alexander nodded.

"Yes, I will need a team of elites to lead my forces. I have so many ideas that it's overwhelming. So much to do and so much time to do it. I love my life."

He stood up and handed Shina to Kaldadormi who asked a question.

"So, where does Trypticon come into all this?"

Alexander smiled.

"Trypticon will be my flagship and main weapon when he gets larger. He will need a bit of an overhaul, but he will be truly great once he is complete. Especially when I take over Japan."

Kaldadormi was curious.

"What about the innocent people?"

"I don't plan to oppress them. If anything I plan to improve their lives in the long run. But, I agree that it will be impossible to do so without some calling me a Bloody Tyrant. It's inevitable, but that means the Shinto Gods will have to go.

If they die, they die, or they can surrender and join me."

Grayfia was not going to stop Alexander, but this would have to be his own war. The Devils were going to stay out of it though.

"Remember, this war you plan to start will have to be your own. Dragging the Devils in after the alliance is not a good idea."

Alexander nodded.

"I did not intend to. As long as I and Ragnarok can get our full 9 tails, fighting gods will be easy."

That was when his divinity come into play. If his blood came from the goddess of Wolves who was the daughter of Fenrir then he must have divine blood somewhere. He just had to wake it up which would possibly happen when he became a true adult 9 tailed Wolf.

He did not elaborate more as he began to leave.

"Let's get ready."

Ingrid, Isabel, Kaldadormi, Grayfia, and Ragnarok followed him to begin his plans.