Battleship Acquired and Time Skip.

A few days after the meeting, Alexander's first order of business was to get his Battleship. As such, he collected 10 of his 250 Baneblades which he would have to temporarily give up. They were still his, but he would not have access to them for the foreseeable future.

He did not mind this slight setback as in exchange he would be getting access to one of the 4 Iowa classes of Battleship. He would be able to get something similar to Trypticon and once he got all 4, something truly special.

Though, he would have to get all 4 before that happened so that was a plan for the future. Currently, he, Ragnarok, and Isabel were currently in the Gremory domain. More importantly the home of Sirzechs' parents.

They were the ones who were going to use the Baneblades as guards so Alexander came here with his two bodyguards. He was currently sitting on a comfortable couch with Ragnarok laying down at his feet.

Isabel stood behind him in her Power Armor silent as a ghost. In front of him were Sirzechs, Zeoticus, and Venelana. Currently, a maid was placing down some tea for the 4 of them. Sirzechs broke the silence.

"Alexander, welcome to my childhood home."

Alexander nodded.

"Yes, I brought the Baneblades you needed. They are in my Spatial Ring at the moment already animated. Just tell me where to place them and I shall do so. Though, where is my Battleship?"

Alexander leaned forward as he truly wanted that Battleship. Sirzechs reached into his pocket to pull out a spatial ring of his own.

"Here it is. Ajuka built this ring just for it."

Alexander stood up as he did not want to spend a lot of time on this.

"Alright, let's get this over with."

Zeoticus spoke up a bit as he could see that Alexander wanted to hurry up. He wanted that ship more than anything.

"That can wait a bit. Come, let's talk before that. We can probably come up with some agreements of our own."

Isabel spoke up through her voice modulator which made her voice sound robotic.

"Please keep to the agreed upon trade. Lord Canis is busy and wishes to return to his workshop."

Venelana smiled politely.

"I see you are impatient, but we Gremory are known for our many businesses. We could benefit Canis Tech with some of our companies in the human world."

Alexander wanted to grit his teeth as he was currently super busy. He just wanted his Battleship which caused his eyes to squint.

"It can wait."

He stood up with Ragnarok as he did not want to delay any more than he needed. Sirzechs sighed as he tossed the Spatial Ring to Alexander. He caught it and sent his mana into the ring to look at his prize.

He placed the ring into his pocket and looked at Venelana and Zeoticus who looked disappointed. Zeoticus stood up to take Alexander to their treasury.

"I will take you."

Of course, Sirzechs, Isabel, and Ragnarok were coming as well. Venelana decided to stay behind as Zeoticus transferred them all to the secret location of the treasury. When they reappeared, Alexander noticed they were somewhere underground.

Zeoticus spoke on the vaults a bit.

"We keep our treasure is hidden as only the clan head and a few others are supposed to know."

Alexander glanced up at the giant magical door in front of him. It was at least 20 meters tall and who knows how thick. Zeoticus looked at Alexander.

"This is a good spot."

Alexander nodded and focused on his ring. He brought out a Baneblade which appeared on the left side of the door. The machine instantly locked on Sirzechs and Zeoticus, but Alexander caused it to stop.

"Don't attack them for now. Zeoticus, think of a password. That will allow the Baneblades to not kill whoever knows it"

Zeoticus nodded as he thought of one.

"The password will be Runeas."

Alexander shrugged.

"Give whoever comes here, 1 minute before you kill them if they do not say the word Runeas. Do not let them advance past this line until they say the password. Guard that door with your life."

Alexander marked the floor with magic about 5 meters from the Baneblade. Once it got the order, the Baneblade looked forward and got ready to do its job. Alexander walked next to it and placed a second with the same set of instructions.

Alexander did this several more times in several places until all 10 Baneblades were placed down and doing their jobs. They each guarded a certain section, had their own passwords, and would give only a minute before they killed intruders who did not know the password.

Once that was done, Zeoticus thanked Alexander.

"Your golems will certainly make it harder to steal or break in."

Alexander did not correct him calling them golems, though it was not accurate. Alexander shook his head.

"It's fine, I got my payment. Though remember, the Baneblades will not accept any other order besides guarding this place and taking the password. Don't expect more."

Sirzechs nodded.

"That is fine. Now, I will take you back."

Sirzechs teleported Alexander, Isabel, and Ragnarok back to the Gremory mansion. He left Zeoticus who wanted to appreciate the new guards of the treasury. Of course, now Alexander knew where the treasure was as he knew the location of all his creations.

Though he did not let this slip as it could be useful if he was betrayed. When he returned to the Gremory Estate he did not stay long.

"Sirzechs good doing business with you."

Sirzechs nodded.


Following this, Alexander teleported his group back to his building on earth. More importantly the Underground manufacturing bay. His workers were already hard at work to prepare for the grand expansion at the end of the year.

Overseeing the whole thing were Ingrid and Grayfia who had begun to help Ingrid. As for Kaldadormi, she was just left to look after Shina. When Alexander teleported behind them, Ingrid turned around with a smile.

"I followed your order and began production on the new phone, game console, new tv, 5 video games you ordered, wireless headphones, and controls. Though, you still have to make your satellite."

Alexander nodded.

"That is great. This just means that I have my work cut out for me. Now, the good news. I got my Battleship at last. Once I animate this, I will have a second giant machine I can call on. For now, it will stay with me. Though, for the moment when Adamantium will be limited, I think it is time to start on a project that won't need much of it."

Ingrid and Grayfia wondered what he meant so he explained when he saw their confused faces.

"Orphans. I plan to start a school for them where I can turn them into true soldiers. They will be turned into 9 tailed wolves and trained to become my infantry to fight alongside my robot legions. This project will take a while, so it will be on the back burner for the most part. However, once it bears fruit it will be worth it."

Ingrid smiled at how many plans could go through Alexander's head.

"What are you going to call your soldiers?"

"I have a few names in mind so your just going to have to wait."

Alexander smiled as he observed his workers who managed the machines he had built. He turned around with a grin. As long as the Great King Faction reacted how he wanted, he would gain the souls he needed.


Once Sirzechs and the Satans were informed of the deal they made with Grigori and Canis Tech it spread throughout the Underworld. The Great King Faction was in no way on board as Sirzechs was digging into their corruption of the Rating Games.

This already pushed the bottom line of Lord Bael, who did not get a choice in the matter. Not to mention all the clan heads of his faction who also did not agree with an alliance with Grigori, much less a military alliance.

Currently, he was meeting with the rest of the Clan Heads to come up with what to do. They had agreed with his point of pushing back. The Bael Clan was the highest rank among the surviving Devil Clans. Their authority was being pushed against as they were not consulted beforehand.

Many began to push for replacing the Sarans with their own. Others even pushed for seceding from the Satan Faction to form their own country. Lord Bael was actually agreeing with the latter option, but he had to play it smart.

"Yes. The Satan Faction is beginning to push too far, we must take back our control. We might have to separate from them entirely. Though their new alliance with Grigori and Canis Tech might make it hard, but we do not fear them. All in favor?"

Every head rose from their table with vigorous yells of agreement. Tradition, pride, and foolishness were pushing them to declare independence. Though, Alexander who saw this coming was ready for when things turned south.

Though things would not happen instantly as the Great King Faction needed to avoid a war for as long as possible. Which would be just what Alexander needed.


Soon, over three whole years passed by for Alexander and his small team. During that time many things had gone just the way Alexander wanted. The release of his new inventions often brought him massive revenue. He released a brand new phone, with far more options than before, wireless headphones, a flatscreen TV, two consoles, and many games.

Every time any competitor thought they caught up he released something surpassing them all. In over 100 countries the name Canis Tech spread like wildfire and with it came money. Over 900 Billion Dollars over those three years from Earth alone.

In the Underworld, he gained another 250 billion from which he lost 5%, but it was still bearable. What he profited from went back into expanding his business. First was buying more Adamantium which went into building his own unique fighter jets and even building new Baneblades along with something new stuff.

Azazel wanted to help so he let the man offer his magic knowledge to better the runes used on his machines. As for Trypticon, he had grown massive in size and now measured 2.8 miles in height.

Alexander ordered him to stop consuming any more ships as he had grown more than big enough for what he had in mind. He just ordered him to refine himself and perfect his own design. On top of this Alexander released his Private Satalite which worked as both a satellite and a weapon.

The soul he used on it was a mesh of Stray Devil souls refined into one through the same process as Isabel and Trypticon. The last thing he worked on was his Academy, the Schola Progenium. Here, orphans, runaways, homeless youth, criminal delinquents, and even the suicidal or depressed were taken in.

At this Academy, Alexander began to create a loyal fighting force loyal to himself. Alexander already had around 3,500 students who were already undergoing harsh training. Alexander had turned many of his workers into 9 tailed wolves and they were in charge of the academy.

Here they were going to be conditioned into fearless, cold killing machines with loyalty to Alexander. From dusk to dawn they went through harsh education programs, physical training that left them in pain, and taught how to use mana.

Any with Sacred Gears, skilled mages, and unique individuals were considered for transformation into 9-tailed wolves. Of course, the school was still only 3 years in and the process would take much longer, but things were looking good.

Currently, Alexander looked out to his massive underground construction bay. With him were Ingrid, Isabel, Grayfia, and Kaldadormi. Shina was not here as she was currently home. This place had changed greatly as Alexander truly went into his projects.

All his workers were turned into 9-tailed wolves, but with lower concentrations so they were weaker than Isabel or himself. However, they worked better in harsher conditions like the ones below in the massive construction bay.

In one location, Adamantium and Devil Steel were melted and fused by Dark Energon forges. The liquid metal was cooled into usable material which was then turned into parts. The corrupted metal was then shaped into parts to create Alexander's machines.

The finished machines would then be enchanted by magic-talented workers who would etch runes onto the metal with Od and Magic making the machines enchanted. This was how his new machines were made like his new creation. Like his air force that took the form of drake-like machines. Alexander called them Heldrakes which would soon become apparent.


When a new Heldrake was animated to life once a soul was implanted into its metal frame it roared out to announce itself. The workers were safe as they had Alexander's blood, the master of the machine. It was safely led away to be safely stored away until needed.

"Things are going well."

Ingrid who stood next to him looked up at him. Something new about her was the black ears and 3 tails that wagged behind her.

"I will say, now we have 500 Baneblades and 1000 Mandators. As for Heldrakes we have 850 and Adamantium is not running out. As for our little Alpha Heldrake, it is operational. As for our income, it is enough to keep buying more and Odin is more than happy to sell as we are making him richer."

Alexander nodded.

"Grayfia how is the state between the Devil Factions?"

Grayfia sighed.

"Bad. Both factions are on the brink of falling apart. Sirzechs and the Satans are constantly meeting to come up with an agreement. Lord Bael wants to replace Sirzechs as Lucifer and undo the alliance with Grigori.

He also wants to get rid of all Canis Tech creations saying they go against Devil culture. Of course, the Satans refuse, but this just causes relations to worsen. A civil war could break out at any time."

Alexander held back a grin as his tails twitched behind him. A grand total of 8, just one more from completing his full set. Not to mention that his height had exploded as he now stood 6'11 making him a physically imposing figure.

"I see. Tell Sirzechs if he asks that my army will back him up in the outbreak of war. I will even call in Trypticon if needed. Of course, I will even send in the Alpha Heldrake and my secret project."

Grayfia nodded.

"We will appreciate it."

Alexander looked next to Isabel who was currently the only one of her kind. Alexander had not created more as he did not have perfect bodies, but now he had enough to make a few extras.

"Well then, let's get ready for this war yes?"

Grayfia, Isabel, Ingrid, Kaldadormi and Ragnarok all nodded. War was about to start and Alexander was excited for when Trypticon would be unleashed.