Major Offensive 1/3

Alexander and Ragnarok both appeared over the vast Atlantic Ocean 30 meters above the sea. Alexander looked down into the water and connected with his two titans which were resting on the ocean floor.

"Trypticon, Ravage, I have need for you both."

The moment he spoke, the ocean began to turn churn violently. Deep on the ocean floor, the massive titan that was Trypticon began to power up and rise to the surface along with his smaller younger brother, Ravage.

Both mechanical titans lit up the ocean with Purplish Red light as their power lit up the sea for miles around. Alexander looked next to him at Ragnarok who seemingly was not impressed. He sat down on the empty air which became solid for him. His 8 tails swayed behind him showing his majesty as a nearly full grown 9-tailed Wolf.

Alexander ran his hands down the wolf's glorious black mane which covered his neck.

"Soon my friend. Soon we will have the full army we need to conquer not just this world, but all worlds."

Ragnarok looked up at Alexander with pure faith. Alexander would do everything he promised, that much Ragnarok knew. He had no reason to doubt him after all this time. Though, right now both of them focused on the two giant rising silhouettes.

The first to breach the surface was Trypticon, standing almost three miles in height. Since his resurrection, Trypticon had grown absolutely massive, his hull had turned black and purple as Alexander had fed him his special alloy.

All over his body, Od and magic runes hummed with power. Alexander did not even build him directly, but he already wanted to make a third titan. This time, one of his designs, but Trypticon was more than perfect.


Next to Trypticon was Ravage, the former USS Missouri which measured 900 meters in height. He was about a fourth of Trypticon's height which was why Alexander called him Trypticon's apprentice.

Trypticon and Ravage both lowered their heads at the sight of Alexander. Trypticon as the bigger and stronger of the two spoke first.

"Lord Canis, it is an honor to see you once more."

Ravage also gave his praise.

"It is true my lord. We await your commands."

Alexander nodded.

"There is a war starting in the Underworld. I want Ravage to lead the assault. He will be the spearhead into enemy territory along with a large portion of my army."

Alexander suddenly felt two conflicting emotions from both titans. Ravage felt pure pride at being chosen, but he felt Trypticon was not pleased. He was disappointed that he did not get picked. If Alexander could explain it, he was dejected.

Ravage bowed even more while Trypticon looked almost moody.

'Is it that bad?'

"I shall not fail you, Lord Canis."

The younger titan instantly accepted, but Trypticon spoke up.

"My lord, may I make a selfish request?"

Alexander found this a good change of things as he preferred his machines to use their brains. This was more than perfect as it meant he was not using pure automatons.

"I'll allow it. What is it?"

Trypticon made his plea.

"I ask you to reconsider and choose the both of us. My younger brother will not fail, but I believe sending us both shall be a bigger shock than just one of us."

Alexander did not want to send Trypticon out so soon as he wanted to use him later on. Trypticon was his joker, his Trump Card if things went wrong. However, if Trypticon himself wanted it, why not? He would have to send double the troops and maybe even participate himself.

"I see. Change of plans, Trypticon, Ravage, both of you will take part in the offensive, but in different ways. Ravage will lead the offensive, but Trypticon, you will stay back. Also, learn this new form."

Alexander transmitted a design into Trypticon's mind which the titan accepted.

"I will carry out your will."

"Be ready."

Once that was said, Alexander teleported away to his underground manufacturing bay. He was here to wake up his slumbering mechanical army. As he was going to be sending in two of his Titan class troops, he might as well go big.

He pushed a button on his watch which caused the Adamantium flooring to begin to open up. This revealed his army of machines which had been slumbering away waiting for the day their master called on them.

Super Baneblades, Baneblades, Mandators, Heldrakes, and even a few unique machines he had worked on with Azazel. Those would have to be very carefully observed as while they were loyal, they would not hesitate to slaughter all around them.

"It's time for war so wake up."

His order caused the slumbering machines to awaken. They instantly began to transform to show their true forms. Bright Red glowing Od enchantments hummed to life as Dark Energon flowed through their bodies igniting life into these machines.

The souls he had placed into their mechanical bodies worked as intended giving them true sentience.

"It's time for war."


Once Alexander had awakened a portion of his army, he had them stand by. He decided to double the number of troops he was sending as Trypticon would also be involved. He wanted the first offensive to be as staggering as a message.

Though, during that time, he, Azazel, Baraqiel, and Falbium along with the Satans worked on the plan and what they would do with the offensive. Grayfia would be taking place in the assault so that had to be planned out.

Though, to start off the assault would be a long-distance barrage by Trypticon and Ravage to destroy their army. Once that had been taken care off, Ravage followed by Alexander's army and the 20 legions of gathered Devils and Fallen would push into enemy territory.

They would push as far as they could before they no longer could and hold that position. From that spot, they could lead more attacks with Alexander's army and himself leading the assault. As long as Alexander got to collect souls to use in his machines he was more than happy to do so.

Currently, the 10 Legions of Fallen Angels and 10 legions of Devils had gathered together to prepare for the offensive. They had already built a massive camp from where they could prepare to push into the enemy territory.

In the enemy territory, they were being met with a larger force of 25 Legions of Devils. Meaning they were outnumbered, but Falbium saw this as a win. His unique ability, Absolute Defense worked best when he was attacked by many attacks.

As Grayfia and Baraqiel were joining in the attack, weaker troops would not change the outcome. Currently, the important players had met up in the middle of the camp to review their assault which would happen in just a few hours.

Falbium pointed at the large map he was projecting with his Demonic Power.

"Currently, we will be pushing into the Sallos territory. As a border Clan, it is quite wealthy, but it cannot compare to some of the higher rank clans. From what we can gather, their personal army consists of 50 legions.

To meet us, the clan sent out 25 as the rest of their army has probably been sent away to the Bael territory. Meaning, our lower numbered force is perfect for the moment."

Alexander leaned back in his chair as he looked at the map. Standing next to his chair were Ferrus and Lena standing as his advisors and guards. They had their helmets on currently so no one could see their faces.

Laying down on the floor in front of him was Ragnarok, while Isabel, stood behind Alexander as the strongest of his personal troops. Ingrid as his secretary sat nearby with him. As for Grayfia, she sat next to him in a much slimmer suit of power armor that Alexander made for her.

(Image here)

It was skin-tight and highlighted her curves, but she preferred this over the bulky power armor that Ferrus, Lena, and Isabel wore. The number of enchantments that went into this thin Adamantium and Devil Steel mesh was numerous.

Also, some of Alexander's Bone Marrow and Grayfia's own blood had been forged into it. The armor drew Demonic Power from Grayfia and Mana from the air to make itself stronger. The refined mana was then converted to a denser Demonic Power and sent back to Grayfia in a constantly improving cycle.

So, she did not even mind if the armor was a little revealing. However, Alexander asked the question that was bugging him.

"If just a Clan has 50 legions why did you only send out 10 legions? You could send out far more than just this can't we?"

Azazel who sat close by sighed.

"You are right. We just gathered a small force of just 10 legions which becomes 20 with both of them together. We choose a small force for one good reason?"

Falbium pointed at Alexander.

"We choose a smaller force because of you"

Alexander was confused.


Lena and Ferrus looked at each other confused. Why did their master cause a smaller force to be gathered? Grayfia smiled as she held her skull-like mask in her hands. Meanwhile, Isabel had an idea.

"Lord Canis, I belive it is because of Dark Energon and Od. Unlike yourself, Ragnarok my siblings, and I, everyone else can't use either for power. It will only kill them with just exposure."

Azazel nodded.

"Right. The barrage that your army will fire into the enemy will saturate the battlefield in Dark Energon and Od. Both are not very nice to Life Force, so we need fewer troops to keep them safe from both."

Alexander understood.

"I forgot about that. Azazel, I asked you to make a way to protect people from Dark Energon, have you found something?"

Azazel nodded.

"Yes, all the Dark Energon you gave me was hard to work with, but I and Armaros to make this."

He reached into his pocket to pull out a small purple badge. It radiated Dark Energon, but it had many formations on it that did something.

"Each Fallen and Devil in our 20 legions have one of these. As long as they hold on, the Dark Energon and Od will avoid them. Only by having one of these will they be able to fight without worry about the corruption that will spread.

They are not permanent, and they will be drained of their power to protect from Dark Energon. Also, no one will be able to study them so you don't have to worry about someone using them against you.

They will need to be refueled with Dark Energon to work to protect againt Dark Energon."

Alexander grinned.

"Not bad my friend. This way we have a way to protect them from the best weapon we have on hand. Though, this brings up my next question. How far do we plan on pushing with our smaller force? Dark Energon is useful, but when can we give more of these defensive badges to a larger force?"

Azazel rubbed the back of his head.

"Just making 240,000 of them was hard, I had to use up nearly three-fourths of the Dark Energon you gave me."

"I see, seems I will need to give you more. We will need more of them, as sending small forces like this will not work for long. Soon we will be met with more legions, and we will need to meet them with more."

Falbium nodded.

"I had the same idea. Your army is a double-edged sword which we will use for now, but later on, it will keep our armies small. We need more of those defensive badges, or not using your army which will just take away a good weapon for us."

No one did not want to use Alexander's machines as such, they needed more badges. Though, for this beginner battle, they would have to make do."

Alexander stood up which caused Ragnarok, Ferrus, Lena, Grayfia, Ingrid, and Isabel to follow him.

"Well then, let's not keep them waiting for long."

Alexander teleported them all 5 miles away from the camp. The enemy force was situated around 100 miles in their own fortress camp. Grayfia placed on her skull mask which clicked into her place and spoke in a demonic simulated voice.

"What is the plan? Also, why do you always make these dumb simulated voices?"

Alexander was offended.

"It sounds cool. Anyway, It is time to bring in the troops."

Alexander clasped his hands together as he drew in massive amounts of magic from nature. Dark Energon, Od, and Magic fused in his mana pathways causing the very ground for miles to quake and tremble.

Ingrid backed away a little as she once again was reminded of just how monstrous Alexander was. His body began to shift into his real werewolf form causing him to grow massive. When he had 5 tails he was already 15 meters tall.

Now that he had 8 and almost the perfect 9, he was a staggering 24 meters in height. Each tail was worth 3 meters of extra size meaning he had grown 9 whole meters making him truly gigantic.

The Berserker Armor encased him for a moment while the Dark Star Saber appeared on his back growing larger to match his new size. Lena, Ferrus, Grayfia, Ragnarok, Isabel, and Ingrid all backed away to give him space for what he was about to do.

In the distance, the enemy General grit his teeth when he looked at Alexander in the distance. The ground had not stopped shaking which had caused his army to wonder if the enemy had used an Earthquake spell, but this was not a spell.

It was just nature answering Alexander's might.

"By Lucifer, what is that thing doing?"

Alexander opened his now glowing Red and Purple eyes.

"Answer my call and come to me, my army."

Alexander spread his massive arms wide open as a massive teleport circle covered the battleground. From Earth, just as many teleport circles appeared which showed just how much control being related to the goddess of wolves and descended from Fenrir himself gave him.

Alexander activated his spell bringing his army to his location.

100 Super Baneblades which were much bigger than the already giant Baneblade. Each one measures 40 meters in height and they were armed with power powerful weapons, had more armor, and were armed with melee weapons.

200 regular Baneblades which were 20 meters in height, 500 Mandators which stood at 10 meters, and 300 Heldrakes which measured 7 meters. Though none of those mattered when compared to Ravage and Trypticon.

Just the sight of the two towering mechanical beasts brought not just the enemy force panic, but even Alexander's own allies. Alexander exhaled as his army was here and from the looks of it they were barely holding back.

"Trypticon, Ravage, start us off why don't you."

Both titans grinned as they had been waiting for this day.

"Yes, Lord Canis."

Ravage and Trypticon aimed their shoulder-mounted cannons right at the enemy camp ready to begin. Alexander gave the command as he formed a large throne of Dark Energon which he sat on.
