Major Offensive 2/3

(Changing the number of chapters of this battle.)

The sight of Alexander's army alone was already enough to give the enemy general goosebumps. Each and every one of Alexander's living machines could match and defeat Ultimate Class Devils. Their alloys alone made them impossible tough against magic and the runes only improved that alone.

'How many of us will actually make it back home?'

The general could not help but think this as he knew most of his men would die to those tireless icons of war. That was just the army, it was not counting the two Titan class machines that Alexander had fielded. Just Ravage alone would have been enough to make him feel terror, but Trypticon was a different type of machine.

Three miles tall, a walking fortress with weapons covered him from head to toe and they were currently locked onto his base camp. The General instantly moved to prepare for the shelling that would be occurring.

Demonic Power flowed to his vocal cords which he used to magnify his voice.


His army of 25 legions in drilled fashion instantly worked together to form a siege shield. Each Devil moved their Demonic Power to form a multilayered shield of Demonic Power. The general had used this move multiple times and knew that it could endure a great amount of punishment.

Though at this very moment, he did not know if it was going to be enough. On the loyalist side, all of them were looking on at the kind of things Alexander had been cooking up in secret. Grayfia did not know much about Trypticon just that he existed as Alexander was tight-lipped about him.

Now that she knew what he was she was glad that Alexander was working with them. She would have to convince the Satans to help Alexander in his war againt the Shinto gods as he still planned to take Japan for himself.

If this was the kind of thing he could make, why would they not make sure he stayed on thier side?

'So this is the kind of thing Alexander can use when given time? It is a good thing he is on our side.'

She looked up at Alexander who sat on his large throne. His 8 long black tails stretched out and stabbed into the ground like pillars body-like pillars. As for his sword, he had stabbed it into the ground in front of his throne armrest.

She looked up at Trypticon and then at Ravage which was the former USS Missouri. She watched as both Titans leaned forward as their cannons lit up. Before she saw it coming the entire battlefield was filled with a Dark Purple glow from Trypticon. Two massive 20-ton shells formed from Dark Energon were fired moving toward the enemy camp.

As for Ravage, he fired two smaller 5-ton shells, but that kind of weight still carried some power. Everyone was silent the moment both fired as the sound that erupted afterward took all of their speech.

Even Ingrid who was with Alexander was forced to stare into the distance as even she did not expect this. As for Alexander's perfect creations, Ferrus, Lena, and Isabel, they did not do so much flinch. They just watched as the Siege Shield was impacted by Trypticon's shells in an instant.

The shells themselves pierced through the shield and hit the ground before erupting in a massive explosion of Dark Energon. The entire camp was covered in a purple glow, but this was just the start as Ravage's shells hit afterward.

Anyone in the range of the explosions was atomized while those who were unlucky to be wounded were as good as dead. Dark Energon corruption began to spread through the camp, the devils, the air, and the ground poisoning the very ground.

The General was out of range which saved him from a grizzly fate. He looked toward where the 4 shells hit which vaporized a large chunk of his camp. He spread out his senses and what he felt horrified him.

"6,000 dead in just the first wave. We lost half a legion in that assault."

He was beyond horrified as many of those were Devils, not humans. Even a Low-Class Devil Soldier still had some strength and just machines took them out. Alexander looked up at his titans.

"Second Volly. Use Od shells. Alternate between Dark Energon and Od."

"Yes, Lord Canis."

Both Titans answered his call which caused their cannons to glow blood red. The General saw this and felt this would be even worse. The General could barely react as the massive icons of war fired once more.

Not even 5 seconds later, all 4 shells hit his camp which once again slaughtered just as many as before. His army was falling into disarray as this time, Trypticon and Ravage were no longer stopping.

They fired without end every 5 seconds which caused Purple and Red explosions to erupt back to back. While this went on Alexander's tails began to pull in Dense Mana from the very ground.

'Begin feeding. Do not let this chance slip.'

The Berserker Armor and the Dark Star Saber instantly began to draw in the vast quantity of Devil souls that were now free for the taking. Grayfia turned her head as she saw the souls enter the armor and sword of Alexander.

She shivered as she hear the screams and begging of the dead devils as they were devoured. The souls were broken apart into Soul Energy and Demonic Power. The Soul Energy was consumed by them while the Demonic Power was converted into Od and Dark Energon.

At the same time, they sent a portion over to Alexander who was currently assimilating a dense stream of Soul Energy, Od, Dark Energon, and Magic. Grayfia flew up and stood on Alexander's large hand.

"Do you need more souls?"

Alexander nodded, not stopping what he was doing.

"Yes, this will evolve both the Berserker Armor and the Dark Star Saber. Not to mention I will be able to finally grow my 9th tail."

She nodded as she looked forward at the camp which kept on getting shelled. Though at this point casualties were reduced as the Devils were scattering a bit. Though more died to the corrupting and poisonous miasma that filled the air it was evening out.

Alexander grinned under his helmet as he watched the devastation his creations were unleashing.

The enemy General grits his teeth and gave his orders.


His orders caused the Devils to begin to move forward. The Devils took to the sky and began to do as he said. Some focused on defense while another portion began to form Siege Spells. Power Spells that required many to pull them off to try to take out the Titans that were slaughtering them.

Seeing this made Alexander look up at the massive swarm of Devils flying toward him.

"Cease shelling. Trypticon, switch to Long Distance beam and explosive weapons. Ravage, push forward. Go, engage the enemy my army."

Trypticon's cannons disassembled and were drawn back into his back. His chest and hip sections opened up to reveal massive missiles while massive laser cannons formed all over his chest.

As for Ravage, the smaller titan began to advance as the spearhead for Alexander's army. His Heldrakes began to take to the sky while taking care to not fly higher than Trypticon's weapon ports. Though they were not alone as the Mega Baneblades, Baneblades, and Mandators formed jet ports on their backs.

All of them took off even the giant Mega Baneblades could fly now to engage the enemy up close. As for Ravage, the giant Titan began to full-on sprint forward. His form shifted a bit and he turned into a form better suited for running.

Seeing that made the enemy general want to order the retreat. He thought his army had air superiority, turns out he was wrong. Now the real offensive was beginning. Grayfia spread her 3 pairs of wings and looked over to Alexander.

"I am going."

He nodded from his glowing purple and red throne.

"Go, Lena, Ferrus, engage. Isabel, you stay at my side and guard me. Ingrid, just watch for now. Ragnarok, you know what to do.

Ragnarok, snarled as he walked forward. Instantly he began to shift returning to his true form. He quickly grew larger until he stood a height of 22 meters in height. He howled to the sky and turned into a black lightning bolt and charged toward the flying army of Devils. Meanwhile, Lena roared to the sky and flew into the sky at top speed.

Ferrus grabbed his massive war hammer and followed behind his sister. With all of them pushing forward this left Alexander, Trypticon, Isabel, and Ingrid stayed behind. Trypticon not long after opened fire unleashing missiles, gyro jet cannons, promethium planters, and purple and red lasers causing massive casualties to the traitors.

All the while that happened, Ingrid spread her wings and flew up to stand on Alexander's armrest.

"How much progress have you made so far?"

"I have already consumed 98,000 souls. By the end of this day, I will consume each and every one of them."

Her 4 tails wagged behind her as she looked forward.

"Then I should be out there helping. I can't just sit here."

Alexander heard the Berserker Armor and Dark Stat Saber answer in his mind.

" Also, you can relax. At the moment I have more than enough energy for the moment."

She saw how each time the Berserker Armor and the Dark Star Saber were glowing brighter and brighter making Alexander's army move with even more ferocity. As the Energy that fueled them came from both of them, the stronger both gears got the stronger the army would get. They knew what their master intended and they planned to help him evolve into an adult.

Until he had 9 tails he would forever be a juvenile in the eyes of 9 tailed wolves. He instinctively knew this as it was in his blood. However, things would change the moment he gained that final tail.

He would unlock his Divinity at long last which would make him a top player in this world. He could feel it already, both of his soul-bound gears were gaining power. Each time they took in a soul they sent a portion of that energy back to Alexander.

Now he just had to wait for his army to do their job. Trypticon stopped firing once both armies met in the air. In the sky, his Heldrakes began their assault. They moved faster than most Devils could see and just their wings sliced them apart.

Everywhere they flew was a death trap as when their breath weapons unleashed flaming liquid Dark Energon and Od. They also flew much faster than the Devils could react to making them hard to hit.

In the sky, a Devil from the Sallos clan held a large spear in his hands. Under his helmet, he had a terrified look on his face as he only joined this battle because he felt he could earn some merits to rise in his clan. He did not ever intend to face real danger as he looked down on the Satan Faction army.

'This can't be happening. This is not real.'

His standing still caused him to be locked on by a Mega Baneblade. The large machine held two purple Dark Energon axes covered in Od runes. Seeing the machine's wolf head locked on him made him grit his teeth in rage.


He charged toward the Baneblade which flew toward him. Ramaeus activated his clan ability, Absolute Zero. His clan specialized in Ice magic which he used to freeze the very air where the Mega Baneblade was in the sky.

He planned to smash it to pieces once it froze, but to his horror, the machine did not stop. It raised it's axes in the sky and sliced down toward him. He stabbed out with his spear clashing with the massive axe.

His spear was a treasure from his family, but in this clash, it snapped.


That was the last word he thought as he was sliced in half from head to crotch. His soul was instantly drawn toward Alexander and just like the rest no matter how much he screamed and begged he was devoured by the Dark Star Saber.