Major Offensive 3/3

Not long after Alexander's army moved forward, back at the loyalist camp Azazel shook his head.

"Come on, don't let that bastard leave us out of the fight."

Falbium nodded.


He boosted his voice and ordered his 10 legions. They were a small part of his own personal army, but he felt he made the right call to make a small force to fight alongside Alexander. Baraqiel boosted his own voice as he drew his sword.

"All Fallen Angels, prepare for battle. We will follow behind Alexander's mechanical force. Hold on to your defensive badges. If you drop them you will die."

The 20 Legions of mixed Fallen and Devils rose to the sky and began to move forward. Unlike the traitor Legion they did not have to worry about something like Trypticon who was on their side. As such, they chased after Alexander's army in the sky facing a much larger force.

Despite that, it did not seem they were at a disadvantage. If anything the longer the fight went on the stronger and more ferocious they got. Their connection to the Dark Star Saber and the Berserker Armor was the reason.

The stronger both Soul Bounded Weapons got, the stronger the army was getting. In the sky, Grayfia charged forward with two ice swords in her hands. Ice Magic erupted around her as she slaughtered any Devils that came her way.

At her side, Ferrus in full Power Armor charged forward as he raised his war hammer over his head.


In a massive downward swing that carried the ferocity of his species, he unleashed a massive wave of disintegrating wave of Od and Dark Energon. As for his sister, she had charged head-first into the heart of the army.

Her sword and axe swung in all directions as she brought death to the enemies of her master.


They each had a different title for Alexander, but in his head, they were all correct. As long as they said it with loyalty, they could call him any title that they felt suited him. Lena suddenly dodged a spear that had aimed for her helmet.

She turned and saw that the enemy General the strong Devil in the army had decided to take her on while she was alone.


Lena snarled under her helmet as she flew toward him at full speed.


The General used his Bloodline Ability Absolute Zero to a greater mastery than Ramaeus Sallos. He could probably face Grayfia herself who was currently pushing deeper and deeper into his crumbling army.

Most of the Devils were swarming around Ravage who they assaulted with Siege Spells constantly. He endured all that and returned fire with just as much ferocity. He leaned back and from his back erupted thick purple and red lasers that vaporized any Devils they touched.

They even curved to avoid hitting any allies which showed just how much control he had. Though, the battle was about to get even more unfair when Falbium, Baraqiel and Azazel joined in with their army.

Though when they passed Alexander they noticed what he was doing. Azazel just grinned.

"You better stay on our side after you finish what you are doing."

"Azazel, I am not a traitor. You just help me this once and I will owe you one. You two Falbium. Help me this once and I will owe you."

Falbium was conflicted as so many Devil souls were being devoured, but he swallowed his complaints.

"Just this once. Though, tell me you can distinguish our souls from the enemy?"

Alexander nodded.

"Yes, you have nothing to worry about. I shall gather let your souls pass on if that is what you wish."

Falbium nodded.

"Thank you."

With that done the army and their 3 leaders moved forward to back up Alexander's troops. As for Alexander, he sat back and just closed his eyes to as he was getting more and more energy. Already he felt each of his cells filling with energy, his bone marrow was being refined and from the depths of his soul, a new small, but overwhelming energy emerged.

'Divinity. I can feel it. The power flowing through me.'

Both his Cursed Gears worked overtime to devour all the souls of the traitors faster. Back in the battle, Lena and the Enemey General clashed hundreds of times. She was still in her human form, but her axe and sword clashed over and over with his spear.

Dark Energon, Od, and Magic were flowing through her body as her 5 tails drew in more magic from the air. She roared like a wolf as she swung her sword down which made the General raise the shaft of his spear to block.

Lena stopped her swing mid-air and yelled out.


The General did not know what she meant, but on his blind side he was struck by a massive purple lightning bolt. He roared in pain as he teleported away only to see his arm was gone.

He looked at the lightning bolt which materialized into Ragnarok's giant body. The wolf tossed the arm into his mouth before he turned to Lena. With his head, he motioned for her to leave which she did without questioning.

The one-armed Sallos general held his spear with his left arm staring at Ragnarok in defiance.

"Beast, you may have taken my arm, but I will make you pay an eye for it."

He roared and charged toward Ragnarok, which the wolf returned. Lightning crackled around the wolf as he ran through the air toward the General. With a roar that was heard throughout the sky, Ragnarok opened his jaws wide as the General charged right in.

Like in the Legend of Fenrir devouring Odin, Ragnarok swallowed the General whole. The General stabbed up with his spear intending to kill Ragnarok from within, but his spear did not so much prick the roof of Ragnarok's mouth.

The wolf opened his jaws wide and with more force than was needed crushed the devil. Ragnarok swallowed the pulp, but he made sure to spit out the soul. The soul in question was drawn toward Alexander and was ripped in half to feed both Armor and Sword.

With the loss of their General along with reinforcements by the Satan Faction, the battle was more than lost. It was a complete defeat, but even so, Alexander was not willing to let them go. He needed their souls and feeling his emotions, Ragnarok took it upon himself.

He would show the army how it was done. He howled to the sky causing nature to answer his call. Massive thunderclouds formed overhead and they were under his control. This day he would earn his name, he promised himself and his master. He roared causing tens of thousands of lightning bolts to pulverize the traitors.

Each one snaked like it was alive taking many with them, and just that would have robbed the will of any to resist. However, the wolf turned into lightning and rushed into the giant clouds in the sky. He fused with them which turned him into a massive mile-long wolf made of lightning.

He roared and burst toward the running traitors. Any he passed were vaporized, but even worse was when he arrived in the midst of the army. From his body erupted giant lightning bolts that massacred any remaining traitors.

The Satan Faction who had only entered the battle a few minutes ago were left frozen when they watched Ragnarok return to normal. He was panting, but from the look on his face, he felt pure pride.

He looked back toward his master and friend Alexander who now was frozen stiff. The Berserker Armor and the Dark Star Saber absorbed each soul that Ragnarok harvested for him which was more than enough energy for their evolutions.

'25 legions of 12,000. 300,000 Devil souls all for this moment.'

A tidal wave of Soul Energy, Dark Energon, Od, and Magic flowed through his body at that moment. Ingrid who was with him suddenly felt odd as his presence disappeared. Alexander at that moment felt like his entire body was on fire, but in a good way.

His cells became black holes that devoured all of the energy in his body and the air. His soul used the Soul Energy to empower itself while both his armor and sword began to evolve and change form. With their evolution, Alexander felt his soul and his body becoming evolve.

His evolution carried them while their evolution carried him. Alexander slowly rose to his feet feeling slightly dazed. His black armor began to change shape as it began to look less like metal and more like flesh.

The armor sprouted two massive bladed wing-like growths, spikes emerged from the shoulders, black fur, and metal-like feathers covered the wings. The helmet began to turn into an actual beast-like face as the living metal actually came to life.


He felt it link up with his own body like a symbiotic living armor that had become an even more perfect armor. And that was not the end as his sword was also changing form.

The Crystal-like Dark Star Saber began to darken as rune-like lines flowed through it. Spikes grew out from the blade on the sides which linked back with the evolved Berserker Armor. When all three of them lined up in a perfect circuit this meant they were finally in sync.

(Image here)

Both then gave their full support to Alexander who roared to the sky as from his back finally emerged his final and 9th tail. The moment he acquired his 9th tail, the dam broke and the Sublimation began.

He felt every part of him change, become purified, better than before. From the depths of his very being, he felt a tidal wave of divine energy flow through him.

'Divinity is finally mine.'

He roared to the sky as a massive burst of Divine power erupted from his body. Ragnarok, The Dark Star Saber, the Berserker Armor, any that had Alexander's blood and Marrrow, and each of his machines felt the ascension of their god.

Trypticon, Ravage, Isabel, Ferrus, Lena, Ingrid, and all of his army took a knee. They bowed toward him as he began to grow larger. Usually, each tail just let him grow 3 meters more, but this was different. A Sublimation was so rare that any who went through it was special.

From 24 meters, he grew a grand total of 11 meters until he reached 35 meters in height. Alexander's 9 tails coiled behind him as he roared to the sky announcing himself to the Underworld. Alexander Canis had become a god and he was here to stay.


As for the goddess who gave Alexander her very own blood, she currently watched him with a warm smile on her face. All around her many different types of wolves from elemental, cursed, draconic, daemonic, and even celestial wolves sat around her.

"You did it. You finally unlocked your divinity, and so soon as well. I knew you were special Alexander." '

Her own 9-tailed wagged a little fasted behind her as she looked at Alexander's form. It was the total opposite of her own which was silver as he was black with purple and red streaks.

She began to pant a little as she observed his werewolf form a little. She had not taken a mate just yet and then she found someone like Alexander. Suddenly a deep booming voice sounded through her realm.


She snapped out of her thoughts as she looked behind her. A Massive wolf bigger than a planet was enchained with glowing rune-covered chains. Seeing the wolf made her heart hurt. He had been enchained for so many eons she had lost count.

Despite her taking him into her realm she still could not free him no matter how much she tried.

"Sorry father."

Fenrir growled but softened his tone.

"Do not apologize daughter. Though I can see why you gave him your very own blood. Maybe he will be the one to free me and take you for himself. If he survives what is to come that is."

Calinda smiled as she looked at Alexander.

"He will. I know he will."

Fenrir closed his eyes as the sword that kept his mouth open caused his blood to flow like lava through Calinda's realm. This was one reason she and her realm had gotten so strong. He was using this blasted sword that kept him in pain to his advantage.

'Get stronger boy and free me.'