Invasion of Sallos and Answers.

Once his Sublimation had been completed, he felt entirely different than before. His 9 tails writhe and coiled behind him as the tidal wave of Divine Energy began to flow through his body. It was almost like his very body was changing atom by atom as his body was rebuilt by Divine Energy to contain its power.

His Mana Pathways were changed as Divine Energy flowed through them reinforcing them with its own energy. This flowed energy like a river of blessing flowed through his entire body reworking.

Once that step had been finished, the next step came. Now that his body had evolved, then came the next step. His very soul was no longer good enough for his new divine body. So, the next logical step was to change his soul into a Divine Soul.

Alexander felt the overwhelming feeling of having Divinity flow into his soul. Feeling this, the Berserker Armor and the Dark Star Saber flooded his soul with their energy. Those three energies and lots of mana flowed into the center of his soul and gathered into a single dot.

This nucleus of Divine Energy, Mana, Od, and Dark Energon then began to draw Alexander's soul into itself. Alexander took a knee as he endured the pain of having his soul evolve.

He felt his soul itself rip in half to reveal his new Divine Soul underneath. But just because it was Divine, did not mean it looked divine. His soul was just a dark multicolored flame which caused Alexander to feel like nothing was the same anymore.

Once this step was complete, Alexander felt his new Divine Soul link up to his Divine Body and his three soul-bonded companions. The Berserker Armor, the Dark Star Saber, and most importantly, Ragnarok.

His Soul Bonded artifacts under the new Divine Soul they were linked to changed their classification. They had already evolved, but this new change was not an evolution, but a change of being. With Alexander now being a new god, they also changed into his Symbols of power.

Alexander felt the changes stop so he stood at his full height of 35 meters and spread out his massive bladed wings. He held Ingrid in his free palm as he levitated off the ground making everyone watch him.

"My army, receive your share. Your god has ascended."

Each of his machines rose to its feet as it felt the connection to Alexander's Symbols of power which supplied their lifeblood. The Dark Energon and Od in their bodies evolved causing them all to evolve.

Their living metal bodies began to grow larger as the runes spread through their bodies. Dark Energon in its newly evolved state caused their bodies to turn more savage as if they were Demons. Even Trypticon and Ravage were not spared which caused all who observed them to feel apprehension.

What if Alexander turned on them? This thought began to flow through some of the Devils and Fallen, but Azazel just hoped Alexander still was himself. Meanwhile, Falbium was stuck thinking of the monster he just created.

No, he just created a god, this had not happened in such a long time that it was before his time. In this one battle, Alexander had ascended to godhood. This was not normal as it was far too fast. Alexander was not the first to use this method to grow stronger but rarely did they ascend to godhood.

'Was he always part god or something?'

He observed the evolution of the machines, but his focus was actually on Alexander's champions. This happened at mass and even to Ingrid, Isabel, Ferrus, Lena, all their siblings, and anyone who had received Alexander's blood. They felt their blood go through a revolution, but not as distinct as Alexander's.

Grayfia did not take his blood, but her armor did which made her feel the armor actually bind itself to her soul like a Sacred Gear. This was disorientating, but when the feeling disappeared she looked at Alexander in shock.

"A god? How did he become a god?"

Alexander flew into the distance and met up with Falbium, Azazel, Grayfia, and Baraqiel. He landed on the ground and focus on his armor. It was like a beast was wearing another one as armor, but they just thought his form changed.

He placed down Ingrid who was still getting over the changes that just happened. His helmet like some slime uncovered his black wolf face showing he still looked the same. Only that his purple and red fur had expanded.

"I will explain later, but for now, I say we push forward. Our army is still at full strength and I just ascended. We can keep going and make a bulwark for the rest of this war."

They all wanted answers, but he was right. Falbium felt he might have made a mistake, but as long as Alexander did not betray them, they would have a god on their side.

"I hope you give us an answer after this, but I agree. We should use this opportunity and win to push into the Sallos domain. As our army is at full strength and your machines just got an upgrade, we will definitely have the full advantage.

Let's get moving."

Alexander nodded his head as Trypticon walked up behind him.

" Trypticon, do it."

"Yes, my lord."

They all watched as Trypticon's massive body began to transform into something else. His limbs changed shape and his very head was retracted into his body. He folded himself in ways as his mechanical parts moved around and in just a minute Trypticon took his alternative form.

Massive black warship which had just as many weapons as Trypticon did in his main form. If not more as in this state he could unleash them without worry. Alexander pointed at Trypticon with a grin that showed his fangs.


As for Ravage, he was going to stay on the ground as they would move fast, but steadily. From the air, Trypticon could devastate them, but Ravage would engage any in his way with his own super weapons as he had also evolved.

"I present the Nemesis warship. Inside I shall give a detailed explanation on what just occurred. Deal?"

Azazel's eyes were shining as he looked at the Warship.

"Yeah, whatever. Just let me examine that?"

Alexander did not think that was a good idea.

"You know that is just Trypticon right?"

Azazel shrugged.

"You and I worked together to make his runes, so I know him well. He will be fine and I promise to just look."

Alexander shrugged.

"Fine, see if you can't give him some advice to improve. He is still sentient, right Trypticon?"

The massive warship hovered over the ground before lowering a ramp.


The booming voice responded which made everyone anxious to enter. Though, Alexander's army began to walk into the ship. The Heldrakes flew up and hung from the bottom like bats while the rest of the tank-based machines were stored away for the moment.

Alexander placed his sword on his back, but he willed his armor to form back into its original form. Meaning his living metal suit could still just look like regular metal which was useful.

Alexander whistled which caused Lena, Ferrus, Isabel, Ragnarok, and even Ingrid to gather around him. Ragnarok proudly lifted his long tails in the air which made Alexander count them. When Alexander grew his 9th tail, so did Ragnarok as they were always in sync.

They had not done it yet in battle, but they could always fuse together for an increase in power.

"Well done Ragnarok."

The wolf felt proud of his majestic adult tails. Though he too changed from a mere familiar into an Apostle of Alexander. Anyone who had received Alexander's blood could be called his apostles as he could feel them all.

Even little Shina who was on Earth was running around confused about why her hand was covered in a gauntlet. Kaldadormi who was looking after her at the moment was in shock at what she was feeling. She was an Adult Bronze Dragon, but even she could feel the aura of Ddraig from Shina.

Alexander felt he needed to have a talk with Ddraig now that he was awake, but it could come later. He watched as the entire army of Devils and Fallen entered Trypticon's Nemesis form. Once they were in, Trypticon allowed them free roam as he could always kill everything inside as they were in his body.

Alexander's group and his allies met up with Captain's Deck which Trypticon made right this moment. Here they could look out through the metal that Trypticon had made see-through.

There was a throne big enough for Alexander's current size and a large table with enough chairs for the rest of his allies. They all took their seats Alexander who stayed in his true form sat down on his throne.

He grabbed his sword from his back and rested the giant blade on his lap. Ragnarok who also stayed in his true form sat down next to him while everyone took their seats. Though Isabel, Ingrid, Lena, and Ferrus sat around Alexander just in case.

Once everyone was sitting Alexander looked down and spoke.

"Alright, questions. Ask them and your answers you shall get."

Falbium broke the silence and the question he asked could be offensive, but he asked anyway.

"What are you and where did you come from?"

Alexander wanted to laugh at the question, but he didn't. Instead, he was going to explain what his genetic memories told him.

"I said it before and I will say it again, I am a 9-tailed wolf. See."

His 9 long tails stuck in the air before they settled back down.

"As for where I came from now that is a different story. For anyone asking, I am not from this world. I was sent here by the first 9 tailed wolves because it is a trial of our race. Every time a 9 tailed wolf reaches adolescence, we are sent out to a world and we are supposed to survive and grow stronger.

You can do what you want to the world, be its savior, its Demon Lord, or whatever. When I reached here, I was just 13 years old, meaning I am only 19. Even for my race reaching adulthood this soon is quite rare."

Azazel was curious.


Alexander nodded.

"In our race, you could be 1,000 years old, but if you only have 8 tails you are still seen as a teenager yet to become an adult. Only by becoming complete and awakening our true power do we become adults."

Falbium was curious about something.

"What about your divinity? What is up with that?"

Alexander now wanted to lie a bit.

"The ancestor of our race is a powerful wolf god. Those who are part of his lineage can awaken traces or all of their divinity as long as they are talented enough. As for me, I am a genius."

Grayfia now asked a serious question.

"What do you plan to do to our world?"

Alexander shrugged.

"Your world is nice and I rather see it live. Though I still plan to stake my claim to this world as I like it. It is why I am helping you. I want to help you Devils and Fallen advance as I have friends among you."

Baraqiel wanted to know one thing.

"If you are not the only one of your race, does that mean there are more of you out there?"

Alexander nodded.

"Oh for sure. We are rather uncommon as while we do suffer from fertility issues, it is not as bad as Devils or Dragons. Trust me, it will still take a while before a child can be conceived, but we are better off then dragons. Meaning, we have rather high numbers.

Though the number of our race that still has enough Divine Blood to awaken it is rare. And I am one of the closest to our god, as he is my grandfather."

Everyone in the room was shocked as they looked at him. Azazel started to think about it.

"No wonder you became a god, you just needed to awaken."

Alexander nodded.

"Ask me more questions on the way. Trypticon, advance."

"At once."


In Calinda's Realm, the real Fenrir broke out laughing as he saw Calinda fall to her knees.

"Does he think of me as his mom?"

Fenrir laughed.

"Guess you will give up on him."

Calinda began to pant as her tails wagged.

"If he wants that, I don't mind."

Fenrir's made a 'are you serious face', before ignoring his daughter. As for Alexander, he answered a few more questions, but most of what he said was what actually happened to adolescent 9 tailed wolves.

Just not him, but they did not need to know the truth about him. For now, it was more important to focus on the current war.